正版 地下水流数值模拟--有限差分法(普通高等教育十二五规划双语
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Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Brief of Groundwater
1.1.1 Importance of Groundwater
1.1.2 Groundwater Resources Management
1.2 Process of Groundwater Modeling
Chapter 2 Mathematical Model of Groundwater Flow
2.1 Basic Concepts
2.2 Basic Law
2.2.1 Law of Energy Conservation
2.2.2 Law of Mass Conservation
2.3 Basic Equation of Groundwater Flow
2.3.1 Basic Equation for Steady Incompressible Flow
2.3.2 Basic Equation for Non-steady Compressible Flow
2.4 Boundary Conditions
2.4.1 Boundary Conditions
2.4.2 Initial Conditions
2.5 Mathematical Model
Chapter 3 Numerical Method—Finite - Difference Method
3.1 Main Ideas and Solving Steps
3.1.1 Main Ideas of Finite - Difference Method
3.1.2 Steps of Solving Groundwater Flow Problem by Difference Method
3.2 Finite Difference Formulae
3.2.1 Finite Difference Approximation
3.2.2 Convergence and Stability
3.3 Steady Flow in Confined Aquifers
3.3.1 1-D Steady Flow
3.3.2 2-D Steady Flow
3.4 Transient Flow in Confined Aquifers
3.4.1 1-D Transient Flow
3.4.2 2-D Transient Flow
3.5 Transient Flow in Unconfined Aquifers
Chapter 4 Introduction and Tutorial of Visual MODFLOW
4.1 Introduction of Visual MODFLOW
4.1.1 Brief Introduction of Visual MODFLOW
4.1.2 About the Interface
4.1.3 Main Menu Screen
4.1.4 Screen Layout
4.2 Instructions of Example Model
4.3 Creating and Defining a Flow Model
4.3.1 Generating a New Model
4.3.2 Refining the Model Grid """
4.3.3 Adding Wells
4.3.4 Assigning Model Properties
4.3.5 Assigning Model Boundary Condition
4.3.6 Assigning Particles
4.4 Running Visual MODFLOW
4.4.1 Run Options for Flow Simulations
4.4.2 Engines to Run
4.5 Output Visualization
4.5.1 Head and Contouring Options
4.5.2 Velocity Vectors and Contouring Options
4.5.3 Pathlines and Pathline Options
Chapter 5 Numerical Simulation of Impervious Wall Construction of Xizhang Basin Groundwater Reservoir in Taiyuan
5.1 Model Objectives
5.2 Overviews of the Xizhang Basin
5.2.1 Regional Geography
5.2.2 Regional Geological and Hydrogeological Conditions
5.2.3 Social and Economic Situation
5.3 Conditions for the Construction of Underground Reservoir
5.4 Groundwater Flow Model for Xizhang Basin
5.4.1 Hydrogeological Conceptual Model
5.4.2 Establishment Groundwater Model
5.4.3 Identification and Calibration of the Model
5.5 Influences of Impervious Wall on Groundwater Flow
5.5.1 Input Data for Wall Boundary
5.5.2 Simulation Impervious Wall by Wall Boundary
5.5.3 Correction of Impervious Wall Parameters
5.5.4 Effects of Impervious Wall Construction on the Simulation of Groundwater Flow
Chapter 6 Application of MODPATH to Classify Protection Area in Tumen
6.1 Model Objectives
6.2 Overviews of Water Source Situation in Tumen
6.2.1 Geography
6.2.2 Regional Geological and Hydrogeological Conditions
6.3 Groundwater Flow Model for Tumen Water Source Area
6.3.1 Hydrogeological Conceptual Model
6.3.2 Mathematical Model for the Groundwater Flow
6.3.3 Model Validation
6.4 Delineation of Water Source Protection Zones by MODPATH
6.4.1 Numerical Simulation Method
6.4.2 Procedure of Protection Zones Delineation
6.4.3 Results of Protection Zones Delineation
郑秀清、陈军锋、刘萍编著的这本《地下水流数方面的值模拟--有限差分法》是一本“地下水流数值模拟”英语教材。全书共分6章,内容包括:MathematicalModelofGroundwaterFlow;NumericalMethod—Finite-DifferenceMethod;IntroductionandTutorialofVisualMODFLOW;NumericalSimulationofImperviousWallConstructionofXizhang BasinGroundwaterReservoirinTaiyuan;ApplicationofMODPATHtoClassifyProtectionAreainTumen等。