正版 外国语言、文学、文化研究与翻译赏析 马玲,邓兵主编 云南
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Literary Studies
A Textual Analysis of the Psychological Development of the Nameless Narr*or iJames Welch's Winter ithe Blood
The Interdependence of Femininity and Masculinity iSong of Solomon
James as aEvil Portrait Painter: Evil iHenry James's The Portrait of a Lady
Robert Browning and the Philosophy of Imperfe*ion—— With textual analysis of The Last Ride Together and Adrea del Sarto
AAnalysis of W. B. Ye*s' The Celtic Twilight From AEcocritical Pe*pe*ive
Une ecriture spontanee et poetique—— L'A*nt de Marguerite Duras
L'ambiguite et la clart6 dans Les Liaisons dangereuses
Linguistics and Transl*ioStudies
Henry James's Grandly Vague and Abstra* Periodic Style as a Cre*ive Adapt*ioof Both JohMilton's and Samuel Johnson's Periodic Styles
Lecal Differences iChinese Transl*ions of Auguries of Innocence: A Cultural Pe*pe*ive
Traduetioterminologique—— A l'exemple du Marbre
L'a*e de langage du desaccord dans le francais oral contemporain—— Une analyse bas6e sur les donnees du corpus oral
Studies oLanguage Teaching
Role of Reading Aloud iBig D*a Aid English Learning Environment
Chinese Style VS AmericaStyle—— Research about Curriculum Desigi1 -2 - 1 Program * Troy Unive*ity
Zum Eins*z yoBildem zur Schulung der interkuhurelleKompetenz im DaF-Unterricht
Culture and N*ional Conditions
Reconceptualizing culture: A study of online hotel reviews
《外国语言、文学、文化研究与翻译赏析》 收录了云南大学外国语学院教 撰写的25篇论文,涵盖了英语、日语、法语、德语、越南语、缅甸语、泰语等7个语种,涉及语言学、外语教学、翻译学、外国文学、外国文化等多个领域。论文集体现了语种和内容的多样性,体现了各个语种教 在各领域用外语进行科研的成果。