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  • 正版 电气自动化专业英语 黄星,王晓平 人民邮电出版社 978711537
  • 新华书店旗下自营,正版全新
    • 作者: 黄星,王晓平著 | 黄星,王晓平编 | 黄星,王晓平译 | 黄星,王晓平绘
    • 出版社: 人民邮电出版社
    • 出版时间:2015-01-01
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    • 作者: 黄星,王晓平著| 黄星,王晓平编| 黄星,王晓平译| 黄星,王晓平绘
    • 出版社:人民邮电出版社
    • 出版时间:2015-01-01
    • 版次:2版1次
    • 印次:1
    • 印刷时间:2015-01-01
    • 字数:411
    • 页数:256
    • 开本:16开
    • ISBN:9787115372000
    • 版权提供:人民邮电出版社
    • 作者:黄星,王晓平
    • 著:黄星,王晓平
    • 装帧:平装
    • 印次:1
    • 定价:39.80
    • ISBN:9787115372000
    • 出版社:人民邮电出版社
    • 开本:16开
    • 印刷时间:2015-01-01
    • 语种:暂无
    • 出版时间:2015-01-01
    • 页数:256
    • 外部编号:8391095
    • 版次:2版1次
    • 成品尺寸:暂无

    Unit 1 Introduction to Electronic
    Components 1
    PartⅠ Technical and Practical Reading 1
    Reading A Electronic
    Components (Ⅰ) 1
    Notes 3
    New Words 3
    Phrases and Expressions 4
    Reading B Electronic
    Components (Ⅱ) 6
    New Words 7
    Phrases and Expressions 8
    PartⅡ Glance at the Structure of the
    Electronic Components 9
    PartⅢ Put into Use 10
    Section A Test Your Skill 10
    Section B Have a Try 12
    PartⅣ Broaden Your Horizon—
    Practical Activity 14
    Part V Listening and Speaking —
    Unit 2 Introduction to Basic Electronic
    Circuits 16
    PartⅠ Technical and Practical Reading 16
    Reading A Electronic Circuits (Ⅰ) 16
    Notes 18
    New Words 18
    Phrases and Expressions 19
    Reading B Electronic Circuits(Ⅱ) 21
    New Words 23
    Phrases and Expressions 24
    PartⅡ Glance at the Structure of the Circuit
    PartⅢ Put into Use 27
    Section A Test Your Skill 27
    Section B Have a Try 29
    PartⅣ Broaden Your Horizon—Practical
    Activity 30
    Part V Listening and Speaking —
    Unit 3 Introduction to Digital
    Electronics 33
    PartⅠ Technical and Practical Reading 33
    Reading A Digital Electronics (Ⅰ) 33
    Notes 35
    New Words 35
    Phrases and Expressions 36
    Reading B Digital Electronics (Ⅱ)
    New Words 40
    Phrases and Expressions 40
    PartⅡ Glance at the Structure of
    the Integrated Circuit 41
    PartⅢ Put into Use 42
    Section A Test Your Skill 42
    Section B Have a Try 44
    PartⅣ Broaden Your Horizon—
    Practical Activity 46
    Part V Listening and Speaking —
    Unit 4 Introduction to Analog
    Electronics 49
    PartⅠ Technical and Practical Reading 49
    Reading A Analog Electronics (Ⅰ) 49
    Notes 52
    New Words 52
    Phrases and Expressions 53
    Reading B Analog Electronics (Ⅱ) 55
    New Words 57
    Phrases and Expressions 58
    PartⅡ Glance at the Structure of the
    Electronic Component 59
    PartⅢ Put into Use 61
    Section A Test Your Skill 61
    Section B Have a Try 62
    PartⅣ Broaden Your Horizon—
    Practical Activity 64
    Part V Listening and Speaking —
    Unit 5 Introduction to Sensors 66
    PartⅠ Technical and Practical Reading 66
    Reading A Basic Sensors 66
    Notes 68
    New Words 68
    Phrases and Expressions 70
    Reading B Application of Sensors 71
    New Words 74
    Phrases and Expressions 75
    PartⅡ Glance at the Structure of the Sensor
    PartⅢ Put into Use 77
    Section A Test Your Skill 77
    Section B Have a Try 79
    PartⅣ Broaden Your Horizon—
    Practical Activity 80
    Part V Listening and Speaking —
    Unit 6 Application of Electromotor 82
    PartⅠ Technical and Practical Reading 82
    Reading A What Is Alternating
    Current (AC) 82
    Notes 84
    New Words 84
    Phrases and Expressions 85
    Reading B DC Motor 86
    New Words 89
    Phrases and Expressions 89
    PartⅡ Glance at the Structure of the
    Motor 91
    PartⅢ Put into Use 92
    Section A Test Your Skill 92
    Section B Have a Try 94
    PartⅣ Broaden Your Horizon—
    Practical Activity 95
    Part V Listening and Speaking —
    Unit 7 Introduction to Programmable Logic Controller 98
    PartⅠ Technical and Practical Reading 98
    Reading A Programmable Logic
    Controller (Ⅰ) 98
    Notes 100
    New Words 100
    Phrases and Expressions 101
    Reading B Programmable Logic
    Controller (Ⅱ) 103
    New Words 105
    Phrases and Expressions 105
    PartⅡ Glance at the Structure of
    the PLC 107
    PartⅢ Put into Use 108
    Section A Test Your Skill 108
    Section B Have a Try 110
    PartⅣ Broaden Your Horizon—
    Practical Activity 111
    Part V Listening and Speaking —
    Unit 8 Introduction to Automatic
    Control System 114
    PartⅠ Technical and Practical
    Reading 114
    Reading A Automatic Control
    System (Ⅰ) 114
    Notes 116
    New Words 116
    Phrases and Expressions 117
    Reading B Automatic Control
    System (Ⅱ) 118
    New Words 120
    Phrases and Expressions 120
    PartⅡ Glance at the Structure of the Timer Pin Connection 121
    PartⅢ Put into Use 123
    Section A Test Your Skill 123
    Section B Have a Try 124
    PartⅣ Broaden Your Horizon—
    Practical Activity 127
    Part V Listening and Speaking —
    Unit 9 Introduction to Basic
    Microcontroller 130
    PartⅠ Technical and Practical Reading 130
    Reading A The Microcontroller (Ⅰ) 130
    Notes 133
    New Words 134
    Phrases and Expressions 135
    Reading B The Micro-
    controller (Ⅱ) 136
    New Words 140
    Phrases and Expressions 141
    PartⅡ Glance at the Structure of the
    Microcontroller 142
    PartⅢ Put into Use 144
    Section A Test Your Skill 144
    Section B Have a Try 146
    PartⅣ Broaden Your Horizon—
    Practical Activity 148
    Part V Listening and Speaking —
    Unit 10 Introduction to Robots 151
    PartⅠ Technical and Practical Reading 151
    Reading A Basic Robots 151
    Notes 154
    New Words 154
    Phrases and Expressions 156
    Reading B Robotic Figures: Hands
    Design 157
    New Words 159
    Phrases and Expressions 160
    PartⅡ Glance at the Structure of the
    Robot 161
    PartⅢ Put into Use 163
    Section A Test Your Skill 163
    Section B Have a Try 165
    PartⅣ Broaden Your Horizon—
    Practical Activity 167
    Part V Listening and Speaking —
    Glossary 172
    Phrases and Expressions 188
    课文参考译文 198
    第一单元 电子元件简介 198
    课文A 电子元件(Ⅰ) 198
    课文B 电子元件(Ⅱ) 199
    铝电解质电容器说明书 200
    第二单元 基本电子电路简介 201
    课文A 电子电路(Ⅰ) 201
    课文B 电子电路(Ⅱ) 202
    多层(盲孔)印刷布线板 203
    第三单元 数字电子电路简介 204
    课文A 数字电子电路(Ⅰ) 204
    课文B 数字电子电路(Ⅱ) 205
    电阻器 206
    第四单元 模拟电子技术简介 206
    课文A 模拟电子技术(Ⅰ) 206
    课文B 模拟电子技术(Ⅱ) 209
    整流器和晶闸管 211
    第五单元 传感器简介 211
    课文A 传感器 211
    课文B 压力传感器的应用 213
    光电传感器 215
    第六单元 电机的应用 216
    课文A 什么是交流电(AC) 216
    课文B 直流电动机 217
    三相异步电机 220
    第七单元 可编程逻辑控制器简介 220
    课文A 可编程逻辑
    控制器(Ⅰ) 220
    课文B 可编程逻辑
    控制器(Ⅱ) 222
    可编程逻辑控制器:EH-150 223
    第八单元 自动控制系统简介 224
    课文A 自动控制系统(Ⅰ) 224
    课文B 自动控制系统(Ⅱ) 225
    M20全配置继电器 227
    第九单元 基本微控制器简介 228
    课文A 微控制器(Ⅰ) 228
    课文B 微控制器(Ⅱ) 231
    LPC2148 ARM7型32位微控制器
    教学板 234
    第十单元 机器人简介 235
    课文A 基本型机器人 235
    课文B 机器人的外形:手部
    设计 238
    FANUC S-900iB系列机器人 238
    参考文献 240


    第2版修订侧重: 1. 本教材突出学练结合,重在实践,满足企业对高职的要求; 2. 选材注重实用性、可用性和能用性,力求内容编写易学、好学、用得上; 3. 本教材以自动化、电气控制和电子信息等实练为核心,注重学生实际应用。 本教材继续遵循突出实际应用的原则。 本教材的**优势在于:继续保持选材的实用性和代表性,内容的可视性和直观性;图文并茂,内容鲜活,避免文字加文字,让学生一开始就领会到强大的视觉冲击。


      1. 本教材突出学练结合,重在实践,满足企业对高职的要求;
      2. 选材注重实用性、可用性和能用性,力求内容编写易学、好学、用得上;
      3. 本教材以自动化、电气控制和电子信息等实练为核心,注重学生实际应用。




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