正版 抗战:中国与世界反法西斯战争 彭训厚著 五洲传播出版社 978
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Chapter Ⅰ By Opening the First Large Battlefield Against Fascism, China Raised
the Curtain on the International Anti-Fascist War.
Section 1 The Japanese imperialists aggressive ambition against China was long premeditated
Section 2 Japan was the first source of the Second World War
Section 3 The September 18th Incident was a prelude to the world anti-fascist war
Section 4 Chinas nationwide anti-Japanese resistance, beginning with the
July 7 Incident, opened up the Far Eastern theater as part of the worldwide anti-fascist war.
Chapter Ⅱ Chinas Sustained War against Japan Disrupted Germany, Japan and Italys Strategic
Plan While Providing Support and Cooperation to the European and Asian/Pacific War Against Fascism.
China Became the Easts Major Battleground in the Fight Against Japanese Fascism.
Section 1 Chinas anti-Japanese war disrupted the global strategy of Germany, Japan and Italy,
The war provided favorable conditions for the Allied forces to
inflict successive defeats on the enemy.
Section 2 Chinas anti-Japanese war forced Japan to relinquish its "north advance,"
the scheme to invade the Soviet Union; the war created favorable conditions for
the Soviet Union to avoid fighting on two fronts.
Section 3 Chinas sustained anti-Japanese war slowed the pace of Japans march south, thus exerting
a significant influence on the progress of the Pacific War.
Section 4 Chinas sustained anti-Japanese war and the sacrifices of the Chinese nation were
a precondition for the Allies policy of "Europe first, Asia Second,"
thus laving a solid foundation for total victory in the worldwide war against Fascism.
Section 5 China was, from the beginning to the end, the major
battlefield in the East in resisting Japanese Fascism.
Chapter Ⅲ Chinas Anti-Japanese Battlefront was a Significant Strategic Support, a Rear Base and
Military Intelligence Base for the Allied Forces in the Asia-Pacific Region,
Directly Assisting and Cooperating
with the Allied Forces in the Anti-Fascist Struggle
Section 1 China directly supported the Soviet Unions anti-fascist struggle
Section 2 The Chinese battlefront was an important strategic support for the
Allied forces in the Asia-Pacific region, and China sent troops to Burma to
fight the Japanese aggressors jointly with the Allied forces
Section 3 Chinas battlefront was an important rear base and military intelligence
base for the Allied forces in their fight against Japanese aggression in the Asia-Pacific region
Chapter Ⅳ The Whole Range of Unique Military Theory and Experience of Defeating a
Stronger Enemy Gained from Chinas Anti-Japanese War Greatly Enriched
the Theory of the World Anti-Fascist War
Section 1 Beating the Japanese strategy of "war of quick decision" with a protracted war
Section 2 Meeting Japans regular warfare with a guerrilla war
Chapter Ⅴ China Made Great Contributions to the Establishment of the Worlds
Anti-Fascist United Front, and Established Itself as a Major Country
Section 1 China made important contributions to smashing the "Far Eastern Munich Conspiracy"
Section 2 China actively proposed and promoted the setting up of
the international united front against fascism
Section 3 The unequal treaties imposed upon China by imperialist powers in the
19th century were basically rescinded
Section 4 China established itself as a major country.
Chapter Ⅵ Japans Surrender and Chinas Acceptance
Section 1 Japans surrender
Section 2 Japans surrender to China
Chapter Ⅶ Lessons and Apocalypses from Chinas Resistance Against Japan and WWII
Section 1 Judge the nature of a war correctly, distinguish primary contradiction
from secondary ones, form a most extensive united front against aggression
-- these are the key to the victory.
Section 2 Correct guidance and flexible strategies are necessary for the success
Section 3 "Peoples war" makes iron-clad insurance for success
Section 4 Strong comprehensive national strength is important
Section 5 By characteristics of future wars, strengthening the study of
military science and building up armed forces and conducting a timely
military reform are vital for success against invasion
Section 6 Opposition of hegemony, power politics and appeasement prevents regional
conflict progressing to all-out warfare