正版 大庆精神(英文) 刘晓华 外文出版社 9787119133096 书籍
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Birthplace of the Daqing Spirit Heilongjiang: A Land of Plenty??/ 3 Daqing: A City of Heroes??/ 5 Opportunities for the Daqing Spirit: Time, Place, and Conditions Ex ternal Environment – Harsh International Situation??/ 15 Int ernal Factors – Critical Challenges at Home??/ 19 Practical Foundation – Oil Campaign??/ 22 Spiritual Pillar – The Spirit of the Chinese Nation ??/ 27 Patriotism: Winning Honors for the Nation The Threat of “Oil Poverty in China”??/ 40 Strategic Policy: Ushering in the Oil Campaign??/ 46 Shortage of Oil: A Critical Problem in China??/ 59 Setting-out Ceremony of Ten Thousand People??/ 67 Shaking Off the Label of Oil Poverty??/ 77 Being Hardworking and Enterprising: Independence and Self-reliance Development of Big Oilfield on Our Own??/ 88 Wh en Conditions Are Available, Go Ahead; If Not Available, Create Them and Go Ahead??/ 93 The Fight Against the Famine??/ 99 Co llection of the Timber in Deep Mountains??/ 105 Six Valuable Assets of Daqing Oil Campaign??/ 108 New Narratives in Overseas Expansion??/ 127 Spi rit of Innovation for a New Journey??/ 131 A Scientific and Down-to-Earth Approach: Three Values and Four Musts Three Values and Four Musts??/ 148 Independent Construction of the Oilfield??/ 154 20 Documents and 72 Data Points??/ 156 Quality Over Quantity??/ 162 Th e Work Done That Withstands the Test of Time??/ 163 A Challenge in Limitations of Technology??/ 168 Self-discipline with Four the Sames??/ 172 From Worker to Inventor ??/ 177 Selflessness and Dedication: Keeping the Country’s Overall Interest in Mind Sacrificing Family for the Country??/ 184 Shedding Tears for Oil??/ 186 Selfless Dedication of the Oilmen??/ 189 An Ox of a Cobbler??/ 198 Dedication to the Oilfield??/ 201 Daqing Spirit: Its Contemporary Value A Resource for Stronger Cultural Confidence ??/ 212 A Historic Basis of the CPC’s Governance ??/ 215 A Source for Building a Cultural Home Shared by People??/ 219
Liu Xiaohua is the dean of the School of Marxism and master tutor at Changzhou University, deputy secretary-general of Jiangsu Marxism Research Association, and guest professor of Daqing Spirit Research Base in Heilongjiang Province. Her research interests include education in political philosophy and the revolutionary culture. She has several influential academic achievements related to the Daqing Spirit. She has obtained research grants from two programs approved by the National Social Science Fund of China and ten programs approved by provincial Social Science Fund. She has published five academic monographs and 50 journal articles. Her book titled Ten lectures on Iron Man Spirit has been included in the publishing plan of College Moral Achievement Library by the Department of Ideological and Political Work of the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China.
This book focuses on the rich implications of the Daqing Spirit and its historical background which nurtured Iron Man Wang Jinxi. From the historical perspectives of the ideals, personalities, work attitude, emotions, philosophical wisdom, social influence, and unstinting and magnanimous contributions of several generations of Daqing oilmen, this book presents readers with a raft of touching stories and examples of the inexhaustible driving force for China’s development. These stories also embody the noble character and high morale of the Chinese working class, as well as the patriotism, entrepreneurship, practicality, and dedication of the Chinese Communists.
"The Daqing Oilfield has been one of the greatest achievements in Chinese history. It has given birth to the Daqing Spirit and the Iron Man Spirit, an integral part of the Chinese National Spirit. "