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  • 正版 图说中国 荆孝敏 五洲传播出版社 9787508511481 书籍
    • 作者: 荆孝敏著 | 荆孝敏编 | 荆孝敏译 | 荆孝敏绘
    • 出版社: 五洲传播出版社
    • 出版时间:2007-10-01
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    • 作者: 荆孝敏著| 荆孝敏编| 荆孝敏译| 荆孝敏绘
    • 出版社:五洲传播出版社
    • 出版时间:2007-10-01
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 字数:0
    • 页数:200
    • 开本:16开
    • ISBN:9787508511481
    • 版权提供:五洲传播出版社
    • 作者:荆孝敏
    • 著:荆孝敏
    • 装帧:平装
    • 印次:1
    • 定价:158.00
    • ISBN:9787508511481
    • 出版社:五洲传播出版社
    • 开本:16开
    • 印刷时间:暂无
    • 语种:暂无
    • 出版时间:2007-10-01
    • 页数:200
    • 外部编号:3046229
    • 版次:1
    • 成品尺寸:暂无

    The National Flag of the Peoples Republic of China
    The National Emblem of the Peoples Republic of China
    National Anthem of the Peoples Republic of China
    Beijing, Capital of the Peoples Republic of China
    Organizational Structure of the National Congress of CPC
    Organizational Structure of the NPC
    Organizational Structure of the State Council
    Chairman of the NPC Standing Committee
    CPPCC National Committee and Leaders
    Proportion of Deputies to the 10th NPC
    Composition of the 10th CPPCC
    Laws Adopted by the 10th NPC and Its Standing Committee
    Motions Received and Handled by the CPPCC
    Basic Situation of the Eight Democratic Parties
    Map of Administrative Divisions in China

    Chinas Geographic Location in the World
    Size Comparison Between China and Other Countries and Regions
    Map of the Peoples Republic of China
    Map of Chinas Geography
    Sketch Map of China In Terms of Land Types
    Sketch Map of China In Terms of Temperature Zone
    Sketch Map of Major Mountains in China
    Average Temperature in January and July
    Sketch Map of Annual PrecipLtation in China

    Map of Major River Systems in China
    Sketch Map of Water Resources in China
    Sketch Map of Forest Resources in China
    Change in Chinas Cultivated Lands
    Forest Area
    Sketch Map of Oil Resources and Oilfields in China
    Sketch Map of Coal Mines in China
    Basic Reserves of Some Mineral Ores
    Marine Economic Sector Maintains Healthy Growth
    Area of Wetlands Ranks First in Asia
    Land Use in 2006

    A Brief Chinese Chronology
    Ancient Chinese Coins
    Sketch Map on Silk Road

    Scientific Development and Harmonious Society
    Key Figures on Chinas Economic Development in 2006
    Chinas Economy Shall Rise at an Annual Average Rate of About 8% During the 1 lth Five-Year Plan (2006-2010)
    Remarkable Growth of Comprehensive National Might Resulting From Fast Economic Growth
    Remarkable Progress Made in Readjusting the Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Industnes
    Steady Development of Industrial Production
    Sustained Fast Growth of Investment in Fixed Assets
    Higher Contribution of Cities to Chinas GDP
    Coal Production in the Forefront of the World
    China Remains Number One Steel Producer in the World
    Natural Gas Production Keeps Increasing
    China Grows Into a Power In Terms of Oil Production
    Output of Major Petrochemical Products Rank Among First in China
    Energy Production and Consumption
    Ten Regions Which Consume the Most Power
    Oil Production and Consumption
    Automobile Industry Develops Apace
    China Remains Third Largest Shipbuilder in the World
    Agricultural Tax Abolished to Benefit Farmers
    Per-Capita Share of Major Agricultural Crops
    Grain Production Guarantees Basic Balance Between Supply and Demand
    Production of Fruit and Vegetables Grows at a High Rate
    Scope of Chain Restaurants Expands Rapidly
    Economic Might of State-Class Economic and Technological Development Areas
    Private Businesses Grow in Number
    New Progress Made in Westem Region Development
    Remarkable Progress Made to Reiuvenate the Old Industrial
    Bases in Northeast China
    Economic Development of 10 Provinces and Municipalities in
    East China in 2006
    Economic Development of Six Provinces in Central China in 2006
    Project to Divert Water From South to North China
    Project to Divert Gas From West to East China
    Project to Transmit Power From West to East China
    Latest Statistics of the China Banking Regulatory Commission
    Capital Market Makes Remarkable Progress
    Ranking of Banks in Chinese Mainland
    RMB Exchange Rate Tops 752 After the Exchange Rate Reform
    Stock Market Expands in Scope
    Companies Listed in China Reach 1434
    Balance of Foreign Debts Reaches US$322988 Billion
    Tax Revenues Approach 3800 Billion Yuan
    Tax Revenues and Income on Individual Tax
    Rates of Chinas Individual Income Taxes
    Increase in Both Financial Revenues and Expenditures

    Results of the 5th National Census in 2000 Data Fastly Collected to Show Population Distribution
    Changes in Chinas Population in 2006
    Composition of Chinese Population at the End of 2006
    Chinas Population Hits 13 Billion
    Global Population Reaches 65 Billion
    Chinese Population to See the Summit Figure in 2030
    Chinese Population Gets Older
    Growth Rate of Chinas Population Keeps Falling
    Population Growth Slows Down Pace
    Scope of Families Shrinks
    Enhanced Minimum Standard of Living Guaranteed for Urban and Rural Areas
    Basic Situation of Work on the Handicapped
    More Workers Enjoy Medicare System and More Unemployed People Are Covered by Unemployment Insurance
    Employment and Social Securities
    More People Are Employed
    Strengthened Social Security Work in the Urban Areas
    Faster Construction of Disease Prevention and Control System
    Hospitalized Expenses Average 4000 Yuan Per Capita
    Remarkable Progress Made in Preventing and Treating Local
    Ten Major Killers for Urban and Rural Residents and Composition
    Legally Reported Deaths Resulting From Contagious Diseases
    Medicare System Keeps Improving
    More People Voluntarily Donate Blood
    Achievements in International Sports Competitions
    China Makes Remarkable Progress in International Sports Games
    Educational Level of Chinese Women Keeps Improving
    Women Receive Better Education
    Women Participate in More Government Affairs
    Women Guaranteed for Right to Participate in Government Affairs
    Close to 90% of Child-Bearing Women Give Births in Hospitals
    Work Strengthened for Healthcare of Women and Children
    China Issues Country Report on the Child Development in China, 2003-2004
    Distribution of National Autonomous Reginons in China
    Distribution of Ethnic Groups in China
    Religious Activities Venues in China

    Top 10 Scientific and Technological Progress in China in 2006
    Top 10 Scientific and Technological Progress in World in 2006
    Proportion of Funds for Scientific Research in GDP Increases Further
    Number of Scientists and Technical Personnel
    Constantly Expanding Intemational Govemment Cooperation in
    Science and Technology
    Number of Patent Applications Handled Tops the World
    Number of Patent Applications Handled and Authorized Increases
    CPPCC National Committee and Leaders
    Proportion of Deputies to the 10th NPC
    Composition of the 10th CPPCC
    Laws Adopted by the 10th NPC and Its Standing Committee
    Motions Received and Handled by the CPPCC
    Basic Situation of the Eight Democratic Parties
    Map of Administrative Divisions in China
    Chinas Geographic Location in the World
    Size Comparison Between China and Other Countries and Regions
    Map of the Peoples Republic of China
    Map of Chinas Geography
    Sketch Map of China In Terms of Land Types
    Sketch Map of China In Terms of Temperature Zones
    Sketch Map of Major Mountains in China
    Average Temperature in January and July
    Sketch Map of Annual Precipitation in China
    Map of Major River Systems in China
    Sketch Map of Water Resources in China
    Sketch Map of Forest Resources in China
    Change in Chinas Cultivated Lands
    Forest Area
    Sketch Map of Oil Resources and Oilfields in China
    Sketch Map of Coal Mines in China
    Basic Reserves of Some Mineral Ores
    Marine Economic Sector Maintains Healthy Growth
    Area of Wetlands Ranks First in Asia
    Land Use in 2006




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