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  • 完美英语之随心说 刘毅 编 文教 文轩网
  • 新华书店正版
    • 作者: 刘毅著
    • 出版社: 外文出版社
    • 出版时间:2024-08-01 00:00:00
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    • 作者: 刘毅著
    • 出版社:外文出版社
    • 出版时间:2024-08-01 00:00:00
    • 版次:1
    • 页数:416
    • 开本:32开
    • 装帧:平装
    • ISBN:9787119139616
    • 国别/地区:中国
    • 版权提供:外文出版社


    作  者:刘毅 编
    定  价:52
    出 版 社:外文出版社
    页  数:416
    装  帧:平装





    "刘毅,中国台湾英语教学 届泰斗,20世纪70年代创立了台湾第一家专业出版英语学习书籍的出版社——台湾学习出版有限公司。刘毅老师一直秉持严谨的治学态度,求实的专业精神,所出版的英语学习书籍畅销海内外,造福了莘莘学子及社会人士。刘毅老师的经典之作《刘毅英语语法宝典》和《英文字根字典》成为中国人学习英语的推荐工具书。他和他的团队研发出的“一口气英语”系列最适合东方人的语言学习方式,使英语学习变成一件快乐的事,进而解决哑巴英语的问题,目前已被多家培训机构列为常规教材。"


    Part 1
    Unit 1 Never Stop Progressing 不停进步
    Unit 2 Never Stop Learning 学不停歇
    Unit 3 Work Hard 努力工作
    Unit 4 Start Now 马上开始
    Unit 5 Live for Today 为今天而活
    Unit 6 Seize the Chance 把握机会
    Unit 7 Win! 成为赢家
    Unit 8 Rest 休息
    Unit 9 Fast or Slow, Never Quit 可急可缓,但不放弃
    Part 2
    Unit 1 Be Good Do Good 做好人做好事
    Unit 2 Give! 肯付出
    Unit 3 No One Is an Island 没有人是一座孤岛
    Unit 4 Life Goes On 生活要继续
    Unit 5 You Can Do It! 你能做到!
    Unit 6 Refuse to Lose 拒绝失败
    Unit 7 Don't Get Angry 不要生气
    Unit 8 Love Beats Anger 爱打败愤怒
    Unit 9 Live a Good Life 好好过日子
    Part 3
    Unit 1 Friends Brings Joy to Your Life 有朋友真幸福
    Unit 2 Value Your Friends 珍视好友
    Unit 3 Have Good Manners 有礼貌
    Unit 4 Smile! 笑吧!
    Unit 5 Fail in Order to Succeed 失败为前进之母
    Unit 6 To Err Is Human 人无完人
    Unit 7 Do It Now 现在就做
    Unit 8 Work Harder 更加努力
    Unit 9 Never Do Anything by Halves 不要半途而废
    Part 4
    Unit 1 Give Happiness 给人快乐
    Unit 2 Give Happily 高兴地给予
    Unit 3 Have a Full Heart 全心投入
    Unit 4 Don't Pretend 不要假装
    Unit 5 Go Beyond 超越巅峰
    Unit 6 Selfreliance 自力更生
    Unit 7 Keep Your Inner Child Alive 保持赤子之心
    Unit 8 Dress Well 穿着得体
    Unit 9 Don't Argue 不要争吵
    Part 5
    Unit 1 Do What You Love 做你所爱
    Unit 2 Accept the Challenge 接受挑战
    Unit 3 Be the Cream of the Crop 成为精英
    Unit 4 Be Quick to Compliment 称赞要快
    Unit 5 Forgive Fully 原谅
    Unit 6 Stick Together 团结一致
    Unit 7 Win Some, Lose Some 时赢时输
    Unit 8 Try New Things 尝试新事物
    Unit 9 Middle Groud 中庸之道
    Part 6
    Unit 1 Get Started 率先开始
    Unit 2 Move Ahead 向前进
    Unit 3 Dream Big Dreams 有远大梦想
    Unit 4 Keep at It 坚持不懈
    Unit 5 Success Is Not Final 成功不是结束
    Unit 6 Keep Calm 保持冷静
    Unit 7 Turn over a New Leaf 翻转人生
    Unit 8 Do Good Deeds 做好事
    Unit 9 Age Is Just a Number 年龄只是数字
    Part 7
    Unit 1 Think Freely 自由思考
    Unit 2 Think Positive 积极思考
    Unit 3 Think Clearly 要想清楚
    Unit 4 You Reap What You Sow 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆
    Unit 5 All Good Things Come to an End 天下无不散的筵席
    Unit 6 Aging Brings Wisdom 越老越有智慧
    Unit 7 Be Happy 常乐
    Unit 8 Be Hospitable 热情好客
    Unit 9 Find Your Calling 找到天职
    Part 8
    Unit 1 Be Good to Everyone 与人为善
    Unit 2 Go All the Way 坚持到底
    Unit 3 Be Happy and Helpful 乐于助人
    Unit 4 Relax 放松
    Unit 5 Itll Pass 事过境迁
    Unit 6 Anger Does You No Good 生气无益
    Unit 7 Smile and the Whole World Smiles with You 笑有感染力
    Unit 8 Life Is Short 人生苦短
    Unit 9 Make Things Simpler 简化事情
    Part 9
    Unit 1 Make the Most of Life 善用生命
    Unit 2 Make Life Worth Living 让生命有价值
    Unit 3 Go After What You Want 追求所想
    Unit 4 Live Your Best Life 精彩人生
    Unit 5 Good Health Is Priceless 健康无价
    Unit 6 Value Love 珍惜真爱
    Unit 7 Develop a Kind Heart 培育爱心
    Unit 8 A Kind Heart Is a Rich Heart 善良心 富足心
    Unit 9 Your Potential Is Unlimited 潜力无穷
    Part 10
    Unit 1 Value Blessings 知福
    Unit 2 Do As You Would Be Done By 己所欲施于人
    Unit 3 Don't Take Sides 不要站队
    Unit 4 Get Better 变得更好
    Unit 5 Make It Happen 使其成真
    Unit 6 There's No Miracle Drug 世无速药
    Unit 7 Set a Big Goal 立大目标
    Unit 8 Don't Complicate things 事要简化
    Unit 9 Turn off Your Phone! 关掉手机!
    Part 11
    Unit 1 Participate 要加入
    Unit 2 Keep Your Word 一言九鼎
    Unit 3 Believe in Yourself 相信自己
    Unit 4 Don't Take It to Heart 别放在心上
    Unit 5 Defeat Your Fears 克服恐惧
    Unit 6 Walk Proudly 昂首阔步
    Unit 7 Be Ambitious 有抱负
    Unit 8 Try Harder 格外努力
    Unit 9 Wait Patiently 耐心等待
    Part 12
    Unit 1 Change 要有所改变
    Unit 2 Challenge Yourself 挑战自己
    Unit 3 Work for It 努力争取
    Unit 4 Let It Go 随它吧
    Unit 5 Be Forgiving 宽宏大量
    Unit 6 You Only Live Once 人只能活一次
    Unit 7 Be Grateful 心存感激
    Unit 8 Thank You 谢谢你
    Unit 9 All My Thanks to You 非常感谢
    Part 13
    Unit 1 Don't Be Cheap 不要小气
    Unit 2 Be Courageous 要有勇气
    Unit 3 Nothing Is Impossible 一切皆有可能
    Unit 4 Keep Up with the Times 跟上时代
    Unit 5 Start! 开始!
    Unit 6 We All Lose Sometimes 无法次次胜
    Unit 7 Keep Cool 保持冷静
    Unit 8 Take It 接受它
    Unit 9 Today Is My Lucky Day 我今幸运
    Part 14
    Unit 1 Always Learn 持续学习
    Unit 2 Slow Down 放慢脚步
    Unit 3 Make Friends 交朋友
    Unit 4 Being Angry Is Punishing Yourself for Other's Mistakes 生气是用别人的错误惩罚自己
    Unit 5 What Is Happiness 何谓幸福
    Unit 6 Positive Mind 积极想法
    Unit 7 Pain Is Inevitable Suffering Is Optional 身体痛无可避,精神苦有选择
    Unit 8 Care about Others 关心他人
    Unit 9 More Love Less Hate 多爱少恨
    Part 15
    Unit 1 Grow 成长
    Unit 2 Invest in Yourself 投资自己
    Unit 3 Character Catches the Heart 品格可获人心
    Unit 4 Leave No Space for Stress 不留压力
    Unit 5 Be Kind or Be Right 情或理先
    Unit 6 Live in the Present 活在当下
    Unit 7 Make a Fresh Start 重新开始
    Unit 8 There Are Many Fish in the Sea 天涯何处无芳草
    Unit 9 Don't Overthink 别想太多




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