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  • 跟美国学生同步练阅读(1-8) (加)韦恩·埃弗里特 著 文教 文轩网
  • 新华书店正版
    • 作者: (加)韦恩·埃弗里特著
    • 出版社: 天津人民出版社
    • 出版时间:2024-05-01 00:00:00
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    • 作者: (加)韦恩·埃弗里特著
    • 出版社:天津人民出版社
    • 出版时间:2024-05-01 00:00:00
    • 版次:1
    • 开本:其他
    • 装帧:平装
    • ISBN:9787201124209
    • 国别/地区:中国
    • 版权提供:天津人民出版社


    作  者:(加)韦恩·埃弗里特 著
    定  价:266
    出 版 社:天津人民出版社
    页  数:
    装  帧:平装

    北美教师依据现行美国中小学教学大纲“共同核心标准”(Common Core State Standards) 编写而成,采用全英文方式编写,为出国留学早准备。《跟美国学生同步练阅读:Smart Reading》是继《美国语文》《英国语文》等经典教材之后,专门为国内准备留学的中小学生定制的全英文学习辅导读本。对其他英语学习者,亦可适用。同时本书提供配套英文朗读音频和电子书答案(仅供参考)免费下载,下载方式详见图书封底微博链接。


       经过近两年的筹划与实施,这套依据现行美国中小学教学大纲"共同核心标准"(Common Core State Standards) 而编写的英语阅读训练读本终于问世了!《跟美国学生同步练阅读:Smart Reading》这套书是继《美国语文》《英国语文》等经典教材之后,专门为国内准备留学的中小学生定制的全英文学习辅导读本。对其他英语学习者,亦可适用。

    《跟美国学生同步练阅读:Smart Reading》按年级分册,全套书共8册,从教学标准与英语难度来讲,接近对应现行美国小学1~8 年级。这套新读本,将为中国学生评估自己的语言能力与知识水平提供一个较好的参照标准,为他们将来出国续读全面打好基础。

    每一分册均为65 课,其中包括52 篇阅读文章和13 课复习训练。适合学生制定一周一课的学习计划。考虑到记忆的遗忘规律,null



       Grade 1

    Lesson 1 The New Bicycle

    Lesson 2 The Greedy Dog

    Lesson 3 Look at the Sky

    Lesson 4 Our Chores

    Lesson 5 Review (Lessons 1- 4)

    Lesson 6 The Giant Turnip

    Lesson 7 My First Trip to the Dentist

    Lesson 8 A Day with Grandpa

    Lesson 9 The Sun and the Wind

    Lesson 10 Review (Lessons 6-9)

    Lesson 11 Snow Day

    Lesson 12 The King of the Jungle

    Lesson 13 Starry Night

    Lesson 14 My Wobbly Tooth

    Lesson 15 Review (Lessons 11-14)

    Lesson 16 Over the Ocean Blue

    Lesson 17 A Visit to a Petting Farm

    Lesson 18 The Storybook Club

    Lesson 19 Perogies

    Lesson 20 Review (Lessons 16 -19)


    Grade 2

    Lesson 1 The Tomatina

    Lesson 2 Let's Save Water

    Lesson 3 Tooth Tales

    Lesson 4 Kelly's Broken Wrist

    Lesson 5 Review (Lessons 1- 4)

    Lesson 6 My Special Hobby

    Lesson 7 Brother Moon and Sister Sun

    Lesson 8 Smores

    Lesson 9 Why the Sea is Salty

    Lesson 10 Review (Lessons 6-9)

    Lesson 11 The Fox and the Stork

    Lesson 12 Johnny Appleseed

    Lesson 13 Who Invented the Sandwich?

    Lesson 14 Playing Catch

    Lesson 15 Review (Lessons 11-14)

    Lesson 16 Going to the Movies

    Lesson 17 Dave and Grant Love Kayaking

    Lesson 18 The Clean Park

    Lesson 19 Going to the Library

    Lesson 20 Review (Lessons 16 -19)


    Grade 3

    Lesson 1 The Goat-Our Best Friend

    Lesson 2 The Narwhal-A Real-Life Unicorn

    Lesson 3 The Sugar Shack

    Lesson 4 Shooting Stars

    Lesson 5 Review (Lessons 1-4)

    Lesson 6 My Brother Loves to Dance

    Lesson 7 The Story of Honey

    Lesson 8 Marsupials

    Lesson 9 Peppers

    Lesson 10 Review (Lessons 6-9)

    Lesson 11 What Are Things Made of?

    Lesson 12 A Gaggle of Geese?

    Lesson 13 Durian-King of Fruits

    Lesson 14 Forest Mammals

    Lesson 15 Review (Lessons 11-14)

    Lesson 16 One Great Wall

    Lesson 17 The Amazing Coconut

    Lesson 18 Angela and Samson

    Lesson 19 Sleep

    Lesson 20 Review (Lessons 16-19)


    Grade 4

    Lesson 1 The Fox and the Little Red Hen

    Lesson 2 Emma's Favourite Restaurant

    Lesson 3 Grace Darling

    Lesson 4 Damon and Pythias

    Lesson 5 Review (Lessons 1- 4)

    Lesson 6 The Merchant's Caravan

    Lesson 7 The Life Cycle of Butterflies

    Lesson 8 Conflict Resolution

    Lesson 9 About Soils

    Lesson 10 Review (Lessons 6-9)

    Lesson 11 The Strangest Animal on Earth

    Lesson 12 Madagascar

    Lesson 13 English-A Worldwide Language

    Lesson 14 Ogopogo-Canada's Lake Monster

    Lesson 15 Review (Lessons 11-14)

    Lesson 16 Cheese Rolling

    Lesson 17 The Longest Train Ride

    Lesson 18 A Mystery

    Lesson 19 Our Wonderful Rainforests

    Lesson 20 Review (Lessons 16-19)


    Grade 5

    Lesson 1 European Microstates

    Lesson 2 The Superfoods

    Lesson 3 The Inca

    Lesson 4 The Skeleton Coast

    Lesson 5 Review (Lessons 1- 4)

    Lesson 6 The Seven Wonders of the Modern World

    Lesson 7 Farewell, Kiribati

    Lesson 8 The Seven Natural Wonders of the World

    Lesson 9 Extreme Sports

    lesson 10 Review (Lessons 6-9)

    Lesson 11 Burger Time

    Lesson 12 Australia's Giant Toads

    Lesson 13 Rock On!

    Lesson 14 Moon Mystery

    Lesson 15 Review (Lessons 11-14)

    Lesson 16 Digging up History

    Lesson 17 The Search for Undersea Treasure

    Lesson 18 An Unlikely Friendship

    Lesson 19 River Dolphins

    Lesson 20 Review (Lessons 16-19)


    Grade 6

    Lesson 1 The Big Five of the Safari

    Lesson 2 Seven or Eight Summits?

    Lesson 3 Global Climate Change

    Lesson 4 Writing-The Greatest Invention

    Lesson 5 Review (Lessons 1- 4)

    Lesson 6 Bonsai

    Lesson 7 Night Flyers

    Lesson 8 An Exotic Dilemma

    Lesson 9 Moving Mountains

    Lesson 10 Review (Lessons 6-9)

    Lesson 11 Going Batty

    Lesson 12 Living Lights

    Lesson 13 Getting Up to Speed.

    Lesson 14 So, You Want to Be a Writer?

    Lesson 15 Review (Lessons 11-14)

    Lesson 16 A Dry, Hot Land

    Lesson 17 Looking Into the Eye.

    Lesson 18 The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World

    Lesson 19 All About Salt

    Lesson 20 Review (Lessons 16 -19)


    Grade 7

    Lesson 1 The Amazing Brain.

    Lesson 2 Lyophilization

    Lesson 3 The Truth About Vikings

    Lesson 4 The Impact of the Roman Arch

    Lesson 5 Who was Crazy Horse?

    Lesson 6 The Six Wives of Henry VIII

    Lesson 7 The Secret Annex

    Lesson 8 A Taste for Adventure

    Lesson 9 Joseph Campbell.

    Lesson 10 The Space Race

    Lesson 11 A Secret in Their Ears.

    Lesson 12 What is a Planet

    Lesson 13 The Decline of the Moose

    Lesson 14 To Buy or to Lease?

    Lesson 15 Why I Hate Facebook

    Lesson 16 Is Eating Grass Bad for My Dog?

    Lesson 17 Why not be a Teacher?

    Lesson 18 What's for Dinner

    Lesson 19 The Howler Monkey

    Lesson 20 American Sign Language


    Grade 8

    Lesson 1 Eternal Youth

    Lesson 2 Animals Have Feelings, Too!

    Lesson 3 Time to Go Outside!

    Lesson 4 Early Drug Testing

    Lesson 5 Cursive Writing

    Lesson 6 Education vs Experience

    Lesson 7 The Link Between Sleep and Health

    Lesson 8 The Evils of Smoking

    Lesson 9 Shifting Our Focus

    Lesson 10 The Truth About Divorce

    Lesson 11 An Unlikely Accident

    Lesson 12 Is it a Fairy?

    Lesson 13 Portsmouth Parade Fire

    Lesson 14 A Different Way of Travelling

    Lesson 15 The Polio Problem

    Lesson 16 Truth Behind Nature Documentaries

    Lesson 17 An African Staple

    Lesson 18 Disaster in New Orleans

    Lesson 19 The Secret Tomb

    Lesson 20 Possibilities for the Red Planet





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