Preface Preface for Modern Thermodynamics-A new statement of the second law, (Chin. Ed.) 2015 Chapter 1Theoretical Foundation of Thermodynamics 1.1Thermodynamics and Its Applicable Range 1.2Two Fundamental Characteristics of Energy 1.3Fundamental Concepts of Thermodynamics 1.3.1System and Surroundings 1.3.2Equilibrium State and Nonequilibrium State 1.3.3State Variables or State Functions 1.3.4State Equation 1.3.5Reversible, Irreversible and Quasistatic Processes 1.3.6Spontaneous and Nonspontaneous Processes 1.4Fundamental Laws of Thermodynamics 1.4.1The Zeroth Law and Local Equilibrium Approach 1.4.2The First Law of Thermodynamics 1.4.3Carnot Theorem 1.4.4Absolute Temperature 1.4.5The Second Law of Thermodynamics 1.4.6Physical Meanings of Entropy Increase 1.5A New Statement of the Second Law of Thermodnamics References Chapter 2Classical Thermodynamics of Spontaneous Process in Simple Systems 2.1Equilibrium Thermodynamics (Thermodynamics of Reversible Processes) 2.2Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics (Thermodynamics of IrreversibleProcesses) 2.3Criterion of Equilibrium 2.4Calculation of Entropy Change 2.5Relationship between Gibbs Free Energy and T or p 2.6Calculation of Global Entropy Increase 2.7Equilibrium Phase Diagram References Chapter 3Coupling Model of Low Pressure Diamond Synthesis: A Breakthrough in Thermodynamics 3.1High Pressure Diamond Synthesis 3.2Activated Low Pressure Diamond Synthesis 3.3Kinetic Model of Selective Etching of SAH 3.4Coupling Model of Low Pressure Diamond Synthesis 3.5Mechanism of Thermodynamic Coupling 3.6A New Field of Nondissipative Thermodynamics References Chapter 4Nondissipative Thermodynamics of ModernThermodynamics 4.1Nonequilibrium Phase Diagram 4.2Thermodynamic Data of Activated Graphite 4.2.1Gibbs Free Energy Method 4.2.2Equilibrium Constant Method 4.3Calculation of Nonequilibrium Phase Diagram 4.4T-XNonequilibrium Phase Diagrams of C-H System 4.5T-p-XNonequilibrium Phase Diagrams of C-H and C-O System 4.6Gas Composition Nonequilibrium Phase Diagram of C-H System 4.7Nonequilibrium Phase Diagrams of C-H-O System 4.8Confirmation of Nonequilibrium Phase Diagrams References Chapter 5Dissipative Thermodynamics of Modern Thermodynamics 5.1Calculation for Low Pressure Diamond in Dissipative Thermodynamics 5.2Gem-quality Carat-size Low Pressure Diamonds 5.3Modern Thermodynamics for High Speed CVD Diamond Growth 5.4Chemiosmotic Theory of ATP Biosynthesis 5.5Chemical Oscillation, Cyclic Reaction and Spiral Reaction 5.6Thermodiffusion 5.7Bernard Pattern 5.8Development of Some Related Disciplines 5.8.1Evolution of Celestial Body 5.8.2Biological Evolution 5.8.3Importance of Liberal Education References Chapter 6Continuum Mechanics and Kinetics Are Outside Thermodynamics 6.1Thermodynamics Is a Rigorous Fundamental Discipline 6.2Onsager Reciprocal Relations Belong to Continuum Mechanics 6.3The Core of Dissipative Structures is not Thermodynamics 6.4Prigogine's Made Confusion between AG and AG o 6.5Low Pressure Diamond Synthesis-Touchstone of Modern Thermodynamics 6.6Equality of the Second Law "Missed" by Onsager and Prigogine 6.71873 Rayleigh's "Principle of the Least Dissipation of Energy" 6.8Kinetic Derivation of Onsager Reciprocal Relations 6.9Prigogine's "General Formulae of Entropy Production" 6.9.1Due to Heat Flow 6.9.2Due to Heat Conduction and Mass Transport 6.9.3"General Formulae of Entropy Production" 6.10Essential Characteristics of Thermodynamics Discipline References Appendix 1A Small System of ATP Biosynthesis A1.1Mitchell's Chemiosmotic Theory A1.2Extended Carnot Theorem A1.3Complete Classification of Thermodynamics A1.4A Small System of Low-Pressure Diamond Growth Appendix 2Nonequilibrium Phase Diagrams in Modern Thermodynamics A2.1Equilibrium Phase Diagram of Carbon A2.2Nonequilibrium Phase Diagram of LP Diamond Synthesis A2.3What is "Nonequilibrium Phase Equilibria"? A2.4Our Thermodynamics Coupling Model A2.5Complete Classification of Thermodynamics A2.6Extended Carnot Theorem Appendix 3A New Statement of the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics A3.1Clausius and Kelvin Statement in Textbooks A3.2A "new" Clausius Statement Has Been Found A3.3"Compensation" = "Thermodynamic Coupling" A3.4Extended Carnot Theorem. A3.5Complete Classification of Thermodynamics A3.6ANew Statement of the 2nd Law