Foreword 前言
Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge and Skills of Drawing 制图基本知识与技能
1-1 Font exercises 字体练习
1-2 Dimensioning exercises 尺寸标注练习
1-3 Drawing exercises with drawing tools 绘图工具作图练习
1-4 Drawing exercises with Inventor software Inventor 软件作图练习
Chapter 2 Basis of Projection 投影基础
2-1 Match pictorial drawings with three views 记物寻图
2-2 Draw three views according to the cabinet axonometric projections 由斜二测图画三视图
2-3 Draw cabinet axonometric projections according to three views 由视图画斜二测图
2-4 Draw the third view according to the given two views 已知两视图补画第三视图
2-5 Choices 选择
2-6 Add missing details 补画所缺图线
Chapter 3 Projection of Points,Lines and Planes 点、直线、平面的投影
3-1 Projection of points 点的投影
3-2 Projection of lines 直线的投影
3-3 Projection of planes 平面的投影