List of Abbreviations List of Figures List of Tables Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Research Background 1.1.1 The Primacy of Spoken Discourse 1.1.2 The Study of Translatese 1.1.3 Interpretese as Spoken and Translated Discourse 1.1.4 The OralLiterate Continuum 1.2 Aims of the Study 1.3 Significance of the Study 1.4 Methodology and Data 1.4.1 Methodology 1.4.2 Data Selection 1.4.3 Data Preparation 1.4.4 Data Description 1.5 Structure of the Thesis 1.6 Terminology Chapter 2 Literature Review 2.1 The Study of Language as Discourse 2.2 The Study of Spoken Discourse 2.2.1 Reawakening to the Primacy of Spoken Discourse 2.2.2 Spoken Discourse vs.Written Discourse 2.2.3 Orality vs.Literacy 2.3 Genre and Register 2.4 CorpusBased Translation Studies 2.4.1 Impact of Corpus Linguistics 2.4.2 From "Equivalence" to "Norms" 2.4.3 Translatese and Translation Universals 2.4.4 The Study of Translatese in China 2.5 CorpusBased Interpreting Studies 2.5.1 Challenges of CorpusBased Interpreting Studies 2.5.2 Headways in CorpusBased Interpreting Studies 2.5.3 Shlesinger's Work on Interpretese 2.5.4 Study on lnterpretese in China 2.6 Evaluation of Previous Research 2.6.1 Inadequate Study of lnterpretese as Spoken Discourse 2.6.2 Weakness in the Study of Interpretese as Translated Discourse 2.6.3 Issues with ChineseEnglish Interpreting Corpus 2.6.4 Methodological Issues of Studying ChineseEnglish Interpretese Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework 3.1 G & RT as Conceptual Framework 3.1.1 Definition of Genre 3.1.2 Types and Functions of Genre 3.1.3 Differentiating Genre and Register 3.2 The MD Approach as Methodological Framework 3.2.1 The Dimensions 3.2.2 MD as a Macroscopic Approach 3.2.3 MD as a Microscopic Approach 3.2.4 MD as Quantitative and Qualitative Method Chapter 4 Interpretese as a Genre 4.1 Defining Interpretese 4.1.1 Interpreting vs.Translating 4.1.2 Interpretese Defined 4.1.3 Is lnterpretese a Genre? 4.2 Describing Interpretese as a Genre 4.2.1 Modality 4.2.2 Ontology 4.2.3 Registers 4.3 Interpretese on the OralLiterate Continuum 4.3.1 Zellermayer's Shifts on the Continuum 4.3.2 Shlesinger's Parameters of Orality 4.3.3 Biber's Dimensions of Orality 4.3.4 Measuring Orality : An Integrated Model 4.3.5 Modifying the Model for Chinese Chapter 5 An MD Analysis of lnterpretese 5.1 The Corpus 5.1.1 Strengths of the Current Corpus 5.1.2 Describing the Corpus 5.2 Selection of Linguistic Features 5.2.1 Dimension A: Involvedness 5.2.2 Dimension B : Constrainedness 5.2.3 Dimension C: ContextBoundedness 5.2.4 Dimension D : Abstractness 5.2.5 Dimension E: Prosody 5.3 Frequency Counts and Analysis 5.3.1 Dimension A 5.3.2 Dimension B 5.3.3 Dimension C 5.3.4 Dimension D 5.3.5 Dimension E 5.4 Gender as a Variable 5.4.1 Male Speakers vs.Female Speakers 5.4.2 Male Interpreters vs.Female Interpreters 5.5 Language Status as a Variable 5.5.1 English A Speakers vs.English B speakers 5.5.2 English A Interpreter vs.English B Interpreters 5.5.3 Chinese A Interpreters vs.Chinese B Interpreter 5.6 Factor Analysis 5.6.1 Why Factor Analysis? 5.6.2 Explaining Loadings 5.6.3 Identifying Factors 5.7 Interpreting the Data Chapter 6 On the OralLiterate Continuum: Panel Discussions vs.Other Registers 6.1 Panel Discussion as a Register 6.2 Panel Discussions vs.Other Registers 6.2.1 Along the Continuum of Involvedness 6.2.2 Along the Continuum of Constrainedness 6.2.3 Along the Continuum of ContextBoundedness 6.2.4 Along the Continuum of Abstractness 6.2.5 A Multidimensional Description of Registers Chapter 7 Conclusion 7.1 Findings from the Current Investigation 7.2 Significance and Implications 7.3 Limitations and Future Research References Appendices Appendix 1 A sample of EST Appendix 2 A sample of ETT Appendix 3 A sample of CST Appendix 4 A sample of CTT Acknowledgements