共赢新时代:高水平开放的中国与世界(英文 平装)
作 者:迟福林 著 侯晟 译
定 价:80
出 版 社:外文出版社
页 数:141
装 帧:平装
Chi Fulin is a researcher, doctoral supervisor, and member of the 11th and 12th national committees of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. His leadership roles of several Chinese think-tanks include president of the China Institute for Reform and Development, vice president of the China Society of Economic Reform, and vice president of the China Society of Administrative Reformnull
Chapter One Openness and Opportunity: A Win-Win for China and the World
China's High Level of Openness Is Cru to Globalization
China's High-Level Opening Up Brings Opportunities for the World
Promoting an Open World Economy
China and the World: Inside the Dynamics of a Changing Relationship
A New Global Economic Governance System and theRestructuring of Global Industrial Chain
China's New Economy Fuels an Open World Economy: How to Address Thorny Problems in Governance?
Chapter Two The Sharing Economy and Dual Circulation: China's NewDevelopment Paradigm
The Strategic Vision of the New Development Paradigm
Building a More Open Dual-Circulation Paradigm
China's Dual Circulation and High-Level Opening Up
Dual Circulation Against the Backdrop of High-Level Opening Up
The New Characteristics of the Dual Circulation Development Paradigm
Chapter Three Rising to the Challenges: Reshaping Multilateral Institutions and International Order
Responding to Common Challenges with Multilateral Cooperation
From Great Power Competition to Great Power Cooperation: Strengthening a Rule-Based International Order
Responding to the Challenge of Unilateralism withMultilateralism
Restructuring the WTO's Framework of Rules
Sharing Some Insight on Recovery to Support Global Rebound
China's Economy in an Era of Multilateralism
Chapter Four Development and Innovation: A New System for a Higher Level of Open Economy
A High Level of Opening Up to the Outside World and New Responsibilities of the Finan Sector
The Three Institutional Pillars for China's High-Level Opening Up: Factor Markets, Dynamic Enterprises and Humanistic Property Rights
Promoting a Win-Win Economic and Trade Order for a New Era: Starting from BRI Digital Economy and Cross-Border E-Commerce Rules
Formulating Rules of Finan Openness to Accommodate a High-Level Opening Up
Achieving High-Level Economic Development and Innovation
Chapter Five Strategy and Evolution: A High-Level Soist Market Economy
Promoting a High-Quality Market System with More Resilience and Openness
Promoting Institutional Openness Through Governance Reform
Institutional Openness to Further Market-Oriented Reform in theService Sector
How China's Opening Up Has Evolved: A Case Study of Four Decades of Opening Up in the Shenzhen Spe Economic Zone