Chapter 1 Brieflntroduction to Intercultural Communication 1.1 Culture as Intercultural Communication 1.1.1 Two Types of Culture 1.1.2 Five Dimensions of Culture 1.1.3 Characteristics of Culture 1.1.4 Definition of Intercultural Communication 1.2 Approaches to Intercultural Communication 1.2.1 Five Elements in Communication Process 1.2.2 Tips on How to Communicate Effectively
Chapter 2 Verbal and Nonverbal Communication 2.1 Introduction to Verbal Communication 2.1.1 Role of Language in Verbal Communication 2.1.2 Receptive and Productive Language Skills 2.1.3 Need for Using Bias-free Language 2.1.4 Types of Verbal Communication 2.2 Introduction to Nonverbal Communication 2.2.1 Definition of Nonverbal Communication 2.2.2 Major Types and Main Features of Nonverbal Communication 2.3 Major Functions of Nonverbal Communication 2.3.1 Nonverbal Communication Conveys Meaning 2.3.2 Nonverbal Communication Regulates Conversational Flow 2.3.3 Nonverbal Communication Affects Relationships 2.3.4 Nonverbal Communication Expresses Our Identities 2.4 Deception and Nonverbal Communication Competence 2.4.1 Concept and Misinterpretation of Deception 2.4.2 Deception Detecting Abilities and Bias 2.4.3 Misconception of Nonverbal Leakage 2.4.4 Typical Giveaway Signs of Deception 2.5 Getting Competent 2.5.1 Guidelines to Improve Nonverbal Competence 2.5.2 Applicable Advices in Specific Channels Complementary 1: Scripts of Julian Treasure's TED Lecture-How to Speak So that People Want to Listen Complementary 2: Scripts of Amy Cuddy's TED Lecture-Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are ……
Chapter 3 Communicative Competence and Intercultural Communication Competence Chapter 4 Stereotype and Prejudice Chapter 5 Chinese Culture Chapter 6 Western Culture Chapter 7 Globalization Chapter 8 So Identity Chapter 9 Global Citizenship