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  • 光电子学与光子学——原理与实践(第2版) (英)卡萨普S.O.Kasap 著 S. O. Kasap(卡萨普) 译
  • 新华书店正版
    • 作者: (英)卡萨普S.O.Kasap著 | | S. O. Kasap(卡萨普)译
    • 出版社: 电子工业出版社
    • 出版时间:2019-01-01 00:00:00
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    • 作者: (英)卡萨普S.O.Kasap著| S. O. Kasap(卡萨普)译
    • 出版社:电子工业出版社
    • 出版时间:2019-01-01 00:00:00
    • 版次:2
    • 印次:1
    • 印刷时间:2019-01-01
    • 字数:1132千字
    • 页数:544
    • 开本:16开
    • 装帧:平装
    • ISBN:9787121173677
    • 国别/地区:中国
    • 版权提供:电子工业出版社


    作  者:(英)卡萨普S.O.Kasap 著 S. O. Kasap(卡萨普) 译
    定  价:99
    出 版 社:电子工业出版社
    页  数:544
    装  帧:平装







       Chapter 1Wave Nature of Light光的波动性

    1.1Light Waves in a Homogeneous Medium均匀介质中光的波动性

    A. Plane Electromagnetic Wave

    B. Maxwell’s Wave Equation and Diverging Waves

    Example 1.1.1A diverging laser beam

    1.2Refractive Index and Dispersion折射率和色散

    Example 1.2.1Sellmeier equation and diamond

    Example 1.2.2Cauchy equation and diamond

    1.3Group Velocity and Group Index群速度和群折射率

    Example 1.3.1Group velocity

    Example 1.3.2Group velocity and index

    Example 1.3.3Group and phase velocities

    1.4Magnetic Field, Irradiance, and Poynting Vector磁场、辐照度和坡印廷矢量

    Example 1.4.1Electric and magnetic fields in light

    Example 1.4.2Power and irradiance of a Gaussian beam

    1.5Snell’s Law and Total Internal Reflection (TIR)


    Example 1.5.1Beam displacement

    1.6Fresnel’s Equations菲涅耳方程

    A. Amplitude Reflection and Transmission Coefficients (r and t)

    B. Intensity, Reflectance, and Transmittance

    C. Goos-Hnchen Shift and Optical Tunneling

    Example 1.6.1Reflection of light from aless dense medium (internal reflection)

    Example 1.6.2Reflection at normal incidence, and internal and external reflection

    Example 1.6.3Reflection and transmission at the Brewster angle

    1.7Antireflection Coatings and Dielectric Mirrors增透膜和介质镜

    A. Antireflection Coatings on Photodetectors and Solar Cells

    Example 1.7.1Antireflection coating on a photodetector

    B. Dielectric Mirrors and Bragg Reflectors

    Example 1.7.2Dielectric mirror

    1.8Absorption of Light and Complex Refractive Index光的吸收和复折射率

    Example 1.8.1Complex refractive index of InP

    Example 1.8.2Reflectance of CdTe around resonance absorption

    1.9Temporal and Spatial Coherence时间相干性和空间相干性

    Example 1.9.1Coherence length of LED light

    1.10Superposition and Interference of Waves波的叠加和干涉

    1.11Multiple Interference and Optical Resonators多波干涉和光学谐振腔

    Example 1.11.1Resonator modes and spectral width of a semiconductor Fabry?Perot cavity

    1.12Diffraction Principles衍射原理

    A. Fraunhofer Diffraction

    Example 1.12.1Resolving power of imaging systems

    B. Diffraction Grating

    Example 1.12.2A reflection grating

    Additional Topics选学专题


    1.14Thin Film Optics: Multiple Reflections in Thin Films 薄膜光学——薄膜中光波的多次反射

    Example 1.14.1Thin film optics

    1.15Multiple Reflections in Plates and Incoherent Waves


    1.16Scattering of Light光的散射

    1.17Photonic Crystals光子晶体

    Questions and Problems习题

    Chapter 2Dielectric Waveguides and Optical Fibers


    2.1Symmetric Planar Dielectric Slab Waveguide对称平面介质平板波导

    A. Waveguide Condition

    B. Single and Multimode Waveguides

    C. TE and TM Modes

    Example 2.1.1Waveguide modes

    Example 2.1.2V-number and the number of modes

    Example 2.1.3Mode field width, 2wo

    2.2Modal and Waveguide Dispersion in Planar Waveguides


    A. Waveguide Dispersion Diagram and Group Velocity

    B. Intermodal Dispersion

    C. Intramodal Dispersion

    2.3Step-Index Optical Fiber阶跃折射率分布光纤

    A. Principles and Allowed Modes

    Example 2.3.1A multimode fiber

    Example 2.3.2A single-mode fiber

    B. Mode Field Diameter

    Example 2.3.3Mode field diameter

    C. Propagation Constant and Group Velocity

    Example 2.3.4Group velocity and delay

    D. Modal Dispersion in Multimode Step-Index Fibers

    Example 2.3.5A multimode fiber and dispersion

    2.4Numerical Aperture数值孔径

    Example 2.4.1A multimode fiber and total acceptance angle

    Example 2.4.2A single-mode fiber

    2.5Dispersion In Single-Mode Fibers单模光纤中的色散

    A. Material Dispersion

    B. Waveguide Dispersion

    C. Chromatic Dispersion

    D. Profile and Polarization Dispersion Effects

    Example 2.5.1Material dispersion

    Example 2.5.2Material, waveguide, and chromatic dispersion

    Example 2.5.3Chromatic dispersion at different wavelengths

    Example 2.5.4Waveguide dispersion

    2.6Dispersion Modified Fibers and Compensation


    A. Dispersion Modified Fibers

    B. Dispersion Compensation

    Example 2.6.1Dispersion compensation

    2.7Bit Rate, Dispersion, and Electrical and Optical Bandwidth

    比特率、 色散及电学和光学带宽

    A. Bit Rate and Dispersion

    B. Optical and Electrical Bandwidth

    Example 2.7.1Bit rate and dispersion for a single-mode fiber

    2.8The Graded Index (GRIN) Optical Fiber渐变折射率光纤

    A. Basic Properties of GRIN Fibers

    B. Telecommunications

    Example 2.8.1Dispersion in a graded index fiber and bit rate

    Example 2.8.2Dispersion in a graded index fiber and bit rate

    2.9Attenuation in Optical Fibers光纤的衰减损耗

    A. Attenuation Coefficient and Optical Power Levels

    Example 2.9.1Attenuation along an optical fiber

    B. Intrinsic Attenuation in Optical Fibers

    C. Intrinsic Attenuation Equations

    Example 2.9.2Rayleigh scattering equations

    D. Bending losses

    Example 2.9.3Bending loss for SMF

    2.10Fiber Manufacture光纤的制造

    A. Fiber Drawing

    B. Outside Vapor Deposition

    Example 2.10.1Fiber drawing

    Additional Topics选学专题

    2.11Wavelength Division Multiplexing: WDM波分复用

    2.12Nonlinear Effects in Optical Fibers and DWDM


    2.13Bragg Fibers布拉格光纤

    2.14Photonic Crystal Fibers―Holey Fibers光子晶体光纤——多孔光纤

    2.15Fiber Bragg Gratings and Sensors光纤布拉格光栅和传感器

    Example 2.15.1Fiber Bragg grating at 1550 nm

    Questions and Problems习题

    Chapter 3Semiconductor Science and Light-Emitting Diodes


    3.1Review of Semiconductor Concepts and Energy Bands


    A. Energy Band Diagrams, Density of States, Fermi?Dirac Function and Metals

    B. Energy Band Diagrams of Semiconductors

    3.2Semiconductor Statistics半导体的统计分布

    3.3Extrinsic Semiconductors非本征半导体

    A. n-Type and p-Type Semiconductors

    B. Compensation Doping

    C. Nondegenerate and Degenerate Semiconductors

    D. Energy Band Diagrams in an Applied Field

    Example 3.3.1Fermi levels in semiconductors

    Example 3.3.2Conductivity of n-Si

    3.4Direct and Indirect Bandgap Semiconductors: E?k Diagrams

    直接带隙和间接带隙半导体: E?k能带图

    3.5pn Junction Principlespn结原理

    A. Open Circuit

    B. Forward Bias and the Shockley Diode Equation

    C. Minority Carrier Charge Stored in Forward Bias

    D. Recombination Current and the Total Current

    3.6pn Junction Reverse Currentpn结的反向电流

    3.7pn Junction Dynamic Resistance and Capacitancespn结动态电阻和电容

    A. Depletion Layer Capacitance

    B. Dynamic Resistance and Diffusion Capacitance for Small Signals

    3.8Recombination Lifetime复合寿命

    A. Direct Recombination

    B. Indirect Recombination

    Example 3.8.1A direct bandgap pn junction

    3.9pn Junction Band Diagrampn结的能带图

    A. Open Circuit

    B. Forward and Reverse Bias

    Example 3.9.1The built-in voltage from the band diagram


    3.11Light-Emitting Diodes: Principles发光二极管基本原理

    A. Homojunction LEDs

    B. Heterostructure High Intensity LEDs

    C. Output Spectrum

    Example 3.11.1LED spectral linewidth

    Example 3.11.2LED spectral width

    Example 3.11.3Dependence of the emission peak and linewidth on temperature

    3.12Quantum Well High Intensity LEDs量子阱高亮度LED

    Example 3.12.1Energy levels in the quantum well

    3.13LED Materials and StructuresLED材料和结构

    A. LED Materials

    B. LED Structures

    Example 3.13.1Light extraction from a bare LED chip

    3.14LED Efficiencies and Luminous FluxLED的效率和光通量

    Example 3.14.1LED efficiencies

    Example 3.14.2LED brightness

    3.15Basic LED CharacteristicsLED的基本特性

    3.16LEDs for Optical Fiber Communications光纤通信应用的LED

    3.17Phosphors and White LEDs荧光粉和白光LED

    Additional Topics选学专题

    3.18LED ElectronicsLED电子技术

    Questions and Problems习题

    Chapter 4Stimulated Emission Devices: Optical Amplifiers and Lasers


    4.1Stimulated Emission, Photon Amplification, and Lasers

    受激辐射、 光子放大和激光器

    A. Stimulated Emission and Population Inversion

    B. Photon Amplification and Laser Principles

    C. Four-Level Laser System

    4.2Stimulated Emission Rate and Emission Cross-Section


    A. Stimulated Emission and Einstein Coefficients

    Example 4.2.1Minimum pumping power for three-level laser systems

    B. Emission and Absorption Cross-Sections

    Example 4.2.2Gain coefficient in a Nd3+-doped glass fiber

    4.3Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifiers掺铒光纤放大器

    A. Principle of Operation and Amplifier Configurations

    B. EDFA Characteristics, Efficiency, and Gain Saturation

    Example 4.3.1An erbium-doped fiber amplifier

    C. Gain-Flattened EDFAs and Noise Figure

    4.4Gas Lasers: The He-Ne Laser气体激光器:He-Ne激光器

    Example 4.4.1Efficiency of the He-Ne laser

    4.5The Output Spectrum of a Gas Laser气体激光器的输出光谱

    Example 4.5.1Doppler broadened linewidth

    4.6Laser Oscillations: Threshold Gain Coefficient and Gain Bandwidth


    A. Optical Gain Coefficient g

    B. Threshold Gain Coefficient gth and Output Power

    Example 4.6.1Threshold population inversion for the He-Ne laser

    C. Output Power and Photon Lifetime in the Cavity

    Example 4.6.2Output power and photon cavity lifetime τph

    D. Optical Cavity, Phase Condition, Laser Modes

    4.7Broadening of the Optical Gain Curve and Linewidth


    4.8Pulsed Lasers: Q-Switching and Mode Locking


    A. Q-Switching

    B. Mode Locking

    4.9Principle of the Laser Diode半导体激光器原理

    4.10Heterostructure Laser Diodes异质结半导体激光器

    Example 4.10.1Modes in a semiconductor laser and the optical cavity length

    4.11Quantum Well Devices量子阱器件

    Example 4.11.1A GaAs quantum well

    4.12Elementary Laser Diode Characteristics激光二极管的基本特性

    Example 4.12.1Laser output wavelength variation with temperature

    Example 4.12.2Laser diode efficiencies for a sky-blue LD

    Example 4.12.3Laser diode efficiencies

    4.13Steady State Semiconductor Rate Equations: The Laser Diode Equation


    A. Laser Diode Equation

    B. Optical Gain Curve, Threshold, and Transparency Conditions

    Example 4.13.1Threshold current and optical output power from a

    Fabry?Perot heterostructure laser diode

    4.14Single Frequency Semiconductor Lasers单频半导体激光器

    A. Distributed Bragg Reflector LDs

    B. Distributed Feedback LDs

    C. External Cavity LDs

    Example 4.14.1DFB LD wavelength

    4.15Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers垂直腔面发射激光器

    4.16Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers半导体光放大器

    Additional Topics选学专题

    4.17Superluminescent and Resonant Cavity Leds: SLD and Rcled


    4.18Direct Modulation of Laser Diodes激光器直接调制


    Questions and Problems习题

    Chapter 5Photodetectors and Image Sensors


    5.1Principle of the pn Junction Photodiodepn结光电二极管原理

    A. Basic Principles

    B. Energy Band Diagrams and Photodetection Modes

    C. Current-Voltage Convention and Modes of Operation

    5.2Shockley?Ramo Theorem and External Photocurrent


    5.3Absorption Coefficient and Photodetector Materials


    5.4Quantum Efficiency and Responsivity量子效率和响应度

    Example 5.4.1Quantum efficiency and responsivity

    Example 5.4.2Maximum quantum efficiency

    5.5The pin Photodiodepin光电二极管

    Example 5.5.1Operation and speed of a pin photodiode

    Example 5.5.2Photocarrier diffusion in a pin photodiode

    Example 5.5.3Responsivity of a pin photodiode

    Example 5.5.4Steady state photocurrent in the pin photodiode

    5.6Avalanche Photodiode雪崩光电二极管

    A. Principles and Device Structures

    Example 5.6.1InGaAs APD responsivity

    Example 5.6.2Silicon APD

    B. Impact Ionization and Avalanche Multiplication

    Example 5.6.3Avalanche multiplication in Si APDs

    5.7Heterojunction Photodiodes异质结光电二极管

    A. Separate Absorption and Multiplication APD

    B. Superlattice APDs

    5.8Schottky Junction Photodetector肖特基结光电探测器


    5.10Photoconductive Detectors and Photoconductive Gain


    5.11Basic Photodiode Circuits基本光电二极管电路

    5.12Noise in Photodetectors光电探测器的噪声

    A. The pn Junction and pin Photodiodes

    Example 5.12.1NEP of a Si pin photodiode

    Example 5.12.2Noise of an ideal photodetector

    Example 5.12.3SNR of a receiver

    B. Avalanche Noise in the APD

    Example 5.12.4Noise in an APD

    5.13Image Sensors图像传感器

    A. Basic Principles

    B. Active Matrix Array and CMOS Image Sensors

    C. Charge-Coupled Devices

    Additional Topics选学专题

    5.14Photovoltaic Devices: Solar Cells光伏器件:太阳能电池

    A. Basic Principles

    B. Operating Current and Voltage and Fill Factor

    C. Equivalent Circuit of a Solar Cell

    D. Solar Cell Structures and Efficiencies

    Example 5.14.1Solar cell driving a load

    Example 5.14.2Open circuit voltage and short circuit current

    Questions and Problems习题

    Chapter 6Polarization and Modulation of Light光的偏振与调制


    A. State of Polarization

    Example 6.1.1Elliptical and circular polarization

    B. Malus’s Law

    6.2Light Propagation in an Anisotropic Medium: Birefringence


    A. Optical Anisotropy

    B. Uniaxial Crystals and Fresnel’s Optical Indicatrix

    C. Birefringence of Calcite

    D. Dichroism

    6.3Birefringent Optical Devices双折射光学器件

    A. Retarding Plates

    Example 6.3.1Quartz-half wave plate

    Example 6.3.2Circular polarization from linear polarization

    B. Soleil?Babinet Compensator

    C. Birefringent Prisms

    6.4Optical Activity and Circular Birefringence旋光效应和圆双折射

    6.5Liquid Crystal Displays液晶显示器

    6.6Electro-Optic Effects电光效应

    A. Definitions

    B. Pockels Effect

    Example 6.6.1Pockels Cell Modulator

    C. Kerr Effect

    Example 6.6.2Kerr Effect Modulator

    6.7Integrated Optical Modulators集成光调制器

    A. Phase and Polarization Modulation

    B. Mach?Zehnder Modulator

    C. Coupled Waveguide Modulators

    Example 6.7.1Modulated Directional Coupler

    6.8Acousto-Optic Modulator声光调制器

    A. Photoelastic Effect and Principles

    B. Acousto-Optic Modulators

    Example 6.8.1AO Modulator

    6.9Faraday Rotation and Optical Isolators法拉第旋光效应和光隔离器

    Example 6.9.1Faraday rotation

    6.10Nonlinear Optics and Second Harmonic Generation


    Additional Topics选学专题

    6.11Jones Vectors琼斯矢量

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    Appendix AGaussian Distribution高斯分布

    Appendix BSolid Angles立体角

    Appendix CBasic Radiometry and Photometry基本辐射度和光度学

    Appendix DUseful Mathematical Formulae重要的数学公式

    Appendix ENotation and Abbreviations部分定义与基本公式





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