《欧美经贸报刊阅读与思考》适用于普通高等院校、高等职业学院、成人高等学校的商务英语专业大一、大二年级学生的必修课或专业选修课,也适用于这类学校非商务英语专业学生的任意选修课,同时也可作为爱好商务英语的在校大学生和公司商务人才的自学教材,或作为任何对靠前商务感兴趣的人员的阅读材料。每个单元的前两篇文章后有“Read to Search”“Read to Think”和“Read to Create”三大练习。其中,“Read to Search”主要训练学生搜集、整理资料,以培养学生自主学习的能力;“Read to Think”是根据文章主题设计的开放式讨论题,教师可根据课时安排课堂讨论,也可作为学生课外的口语/书面作业;“Read to Create”主要培养学生的写作能null
UNIT 1 BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Text Tom Cook's Apple: More Collaborative, More Profitable Further Reading Beyond the Stars, Elon Musk Aims for Mars Reading Practice Corporations Save More Than $700B Via Offshore Tax Havens UNIT 2 POLITICS AND BUSINESS Text America's Looming Debt Decision Further Reading From Icahn's Lips to Trump's Economic Policy Plan Reading Practice Infrastructure Investment's Missing Link UNIT 3 COMPETITION IN BUSINESS Text Samsung's Awful Smartphone Launch Is a Holiday Gift to Google Further Reading If Amazon Is Really Opening Brick-and-Mortar Grocery Stores, It's a Big Deal Reading Practice Hulu, Amazon Still Looking up at Netflix UNIT 4 ECONOMIC POLICIES Text Helicopter Money Is in the Air Further Reading For Oil Drillers, Obama Methane Rule Is Worse than Proposed Reading Practice Embattled Bankers Embrace Trump's Call for Deregulation: "Profit Is Not a Four-Letter Word" UNIT 5 MORALITY IN BUSINESS Text "It Goes Well Beyond Wells Fargo": Concerns Grow over Sales Tactics in Banking Industry Further Reading How a Scorned Industry of Lenders Plans to Keep the 400 Percent Loan Around Reading Practice Wall Street Making Big Bucks from Overdraft Fees——Again UNIT 6 GREAT AMBITION Text On the Cusp of an AI Revolution Further Reading Target Offers a Sneak Peek at How It Plans to Get You to Open Your Wallet Reading Practice Nanotechnology: How the "Science of Small Things" Is Solving Big Problems UNIT 7 MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS Text AT&T to Buy Time Warner for $85.4 Billion Further Reading Why Microsoft Wanted Linkedln Reading Practice These Are the 12 Biggest Mergers and Acquisitions of 2016 UNIT 8 UNCERTAIN FUTURE Text Will Electric Cars Turn the World Upside down? Further Reading The Internet: An Invisible Battleground Reading Practice Watch Earth Pulse with Earthquakes and Eruptions in This Stunning Visualization KEY TO THE EXERCRISES