第1章 医疗保健设施前期咨询
Chapter Ⅰ Preliminary Consultation for Health Care Facilities
1.1 初步可行性研究 (项目建议书) 与选址
1.1 Preliminary feasibility study ( project proposal) and site selection
1.2 可行性研究
1.2 Feasibility study
1.3 医疗保健设施前期策划
1.3 Preliminary planning of health care facilities
1.4 设计任务书
1.4 Requirements specifications
1.5 设计咨询与设计监理
1.5 Design consultation and supervision
1.6 建设前期管理与法规审办
1.6 Pre-construction management and audit of regulation conformity
第2章 医疗保健设施设计管理
Chapter Ⅱ Design and Management of Health Care Facilities
2.1 医疗保健设施设计管理
2.1 Design and management of health care facilities
2.2 设计总承包项目管理
2.2 Management of EPC design project
2.3 建筑师负责制
2.3 Architect responsibility system
2.4 EPC 总承包项目设计管理
2.4 EPC general contract project design management
第3章 医疗工艺设计与咨询
Chapter Ⅲ Design for Medical Process and Consultation
3.1 医疗工艺设计内容
3.1 Design contents for medical process
3.2 医疗工艺设计方法
3.2 Method of design for medical process
3.3 医疗工艺设计咨询
3.3 Consultation on design for medical process
3.4 综合医院医疗工艺设计
3.4 Design for medical process of general hospital
3.5 平疫结合医疗工艺设计
3.5 Medical process design in combination of normal time andepidemic time
第4章 医疗保健设施通用设计
Chapter Ⅳ General Design of Health Care Facilities
4.1 通用设计规定
4.1 General design regulations
4.2 总体规划
4.2 Overall planning
4.3 建筑设计
4.3 Architectural design
4.4 建筑安全与风险控制
4.4 Building safety and risk control
4.5 绿色建筑
4.5 Green building
4.6 结构设计
4.6 Structure design
4.7 机电设计
4.7 Mechanical and electrical design
4.8 废弃物处理
4.8 Waste disposal
4.9 室内设计与标识系统
4.9 Interior design and identification system
4.10 医疗保健设施固定家具
4.10 Fixed furniture for health care facilities
4.11 景观设计与亮化
4.11 Landscape design and lighting
第5章 医疗保健设施分类设计
Chapter Ⅴ Classified Design of Health Care Facilities
5.1 分级诊疗设施分类
5.1 Classification of tiered diagnosis and treatment facilities
5.2 社区医疗与诊所
5.2 Community medicine and clinics
5.3 综合医院
5.3 General hospital
5.4 中医医院
5.4 Traditional Chinese medicine hospital
5.5 中西医结合医院
5.5 Hospital of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine
5.6 妇幼保健院
5.6 Maternity and childcare hospital
5.7 专科医院
5.7 Specialized hospital
5.8 其他卫生保健设施
5.8 Other health care facilities
5.9 疗养院
5.9 Sanatorium
5.10 应急医疗设施
5.10 Emergency medical facilities
第6章 医用专项工程设计
Chapter Ⅵ Medical Special Engineering Design
6.1 空气净化工程
6.1 Air purification engineering
6.2 电离辐射防护与电磁屏蔽
6.2 Ionizing radiation protection and electromagnetic shielding
6.3 核辐射防护与衰变处理
6.3 Nuclear radiation protection and decay treatment
6.4 医用气体系统
6.4 Medical gas system
6.5 自动物流
6.5 Automatic logistics
6.6 医院停车规划
6.6 Hospital parking planning
6.7 直升机停机坪
6.7 Helipad
第7章 建筑信息模型 BIM
Chapter Ⅶ BIM ( Building Information Modeling /Model)
7.1 工程设计 BIM
7.1 Engineering design BIM
7.2 项目管理与运维 BIM
7.2 Project management and operation & maintenance BIM
7.3 BIM 软件的选择
7.3 BIM software selection