中国帝王陵寝概说 General Information 帝王陵寝的起源与发展 Origin and Evolution 帝王陵寝的选址布局 Locations and Layouts 历代帝王陵 Emperor Mausoleums of Different Dynasties 黄帝陵 The Mausoleum of Huangdi 商王陵 The Mausoleum of Shang Rulers 秦始皇陵 The Mausoleum of Qishihuang,the First Emperor 西汉茂陵 The Mao Mausoleum of the Western Han Dynasty 西汉中山靖王陵 The Mausoleum of Jing, Prince Zhongshan of the Western Han Dynasty 蜀汉惠陵 The Hui Mausoleum of the State of Shu 北魏永固陵 The Yonggu Mausoleum of the Northern Wei Dynasty 隋炀帝陵 The Mausoleum of Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty 唐昭陵 The Zhao Mausoleum of the Tang Dynasty 唐乾陵 The Qian Mausoleum of the Tang Dynasty 藏王陵 The Mausoleums of the Tibetan Rulers 南唐二陵 The Two Mausoleums of the Southern Tang 北宋皇陵 The Mausoleums of the Northern Song Emperors 西夏王陵 The Mausoleums of the Xixia Rulers 金朝皇陵 The Mausoleums of the Jin Rulers 明孝陵 The Xiao Mausoleum of the Ming Dynasty 明十三陵 The Ming Tombs 清初三陵 The Three Mausoleums of the Early Qing Dynasty 清东陵 The East Mausoleums of the Qing Dynasty 清西陵 The West Mausoleums of the Qing Dynasty