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  • 计算机文化(英文版 第20版)/(美)琼.詹姆里奇.帕森斯
  • 新华书店正版
    • 作者: [美]琼·詹姆里奇·帕森斯(June Jamrich Parsons)著
    • 出版社: 机械工业出版社
    • 出版时间:2019-08-01 00:00:00
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    • 作者: [美]琼·詹姆里奇·帕森斯(June Jamrich Parsons)著
    • 出版社:机械工业出版社
    • 出版时间:2019-08-01 00:00:00
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 印刷时间:2019-08-01
    • 字数:370
    • 页数:0
    • 开本:16开
    • 装帧:平装
    • ISBN:9787111633099
    • 国别/地区:中国
    • 版权提供:机械工业出版社

    计算机文化(英文版 第20版)/(美)琼.詹姆里奇.帕森斯

    作  者:[美]琼·詹姆里奇·帕森斯(June Jamrich Parsons) 著
    定  价:119
    出 版 社:机械工业出版社
    页  数:0
    装  帧:简装




    琼?詹姆里奇?帕森斯(June Jamrich Parsons) Parsons博士拥有20多年的大学任教经历,并于1995年获得ICCP认证。她于1992年开始编写并创建教育软件,目前是Veative VR Labs的内容总监,以及MediaTechnics公司的作者兼执行战略家。她于2017年获得Franklin Silverman终身成就奖,以表彰她在创作方面的很好成就以及对其他作家的支持和服务。她还是《Practical Computer Literacy》《Practical PC》《Practical Microsoft Office》《Practical Open Source Office》等书的联合作者,并曾获得很好教材奖。


    ContentsModule 11 dIGITAL CONTENT2 dIGITAL BASICS3 Data Representation Basics5 Representing Numbers6 Representing Text9 Bits and Bytes10 CompressionModule 214 dIGITAL dEVICES16 SECTION A: dEVICE BASICS17 Computers19 Circuits and Chips21 Components23 Maintenance26 SECTION B: dEVICE OPTIONS27 Enterprise Computers28 Personal Computers30 Niche Devices31 Choosing a Digital Device36 SECTION C: PrOCESSOrS ANd mEmOrY37 Microprocessors39 How Processors Work42 Performance45 Random Access Memory46 Read-only Memory48 SECTION d: STOrAGE49 Storage Basics51 Magnetic Storage Technology53 Optical Storage Technology54 Solid State Storage Technology55 Cloud Storage57 Backup61 SECTION E: INPuT ANd OuTPuT62 Add-on Gadgets63 Expansion Ports66 Bluetooth67 Device Drivers68 Display Devices72 Printers74 Things76 Autonomous VehiclesModule 378 NETwOrKS80 SECTION A: NETwOrK BASICS81 Communication Systems82 Communication Channels86 Network Topology88 Network Nodes90 Communication Protocols92 SECTION B: ThE INTErNET93 Background95 Internet Infrastructure96 Packets99 Internet Addresses102 Domain Names106 SECTION C: INTErNET ACCESS107 Connection Basics112 Cable Internet Service113 Telephone Network Internet Service115 Satellite Internet Service116 Mobile Broadband Service118 Wi-Fi Hotspots120 SECTION d: LOCAL ArEA NETwOrKS121 LAN Basics123 Ethernet125 Wi-Fi127 Set Up Your Own Network131 Network Monitoring132 IoT Networks134 SECTION E: FILE ShArING135 File Sharing Basics136 Accessing LAN Files139 Sharing Your Files142 Internet-based Sharing144 TorrentsModule 4146 ThE wEB148 SECTION A: wEB BASICS149 Web Overview150 Evolution152 Web Sites153 Hypertext Links155 URLs160 SECTION B: BrOwSErS161 Browser Basics164 Customization168 Browser Cache172 SECTION C: hTmL173 HTML Basics175 HTML Editing Tools178 CSS180 Dynamic Web Pages182 Site Creation184 SECTION d: hTTP185 HTTP Basics187 Cookies190 HTTPS192 SECTION E: SEArCh ENGINES193 Search Engine Basics198 Formulating Searches201 Search Privacy202 Using Web-based Source MaterialModule 5204 SOCIAL mEdIA206 SECTION A: SOCIAL NETwOrKING207 The Social Media Mix210 Social Networking Evolution211 Social Networking Basics213 Geosocial Networking215 Social Network Analytics218 SECTION B: CONTENT COmmuNITIES219 Evolution221 Media Content Communities223 Intellectual Property225 Creative Commons228 SECTION C: BLOGS ANd mOrE229 Blogs232 Microblogs234 Wikis238 SECTION d: ONLINE COmmuNICATION239 Communication Matrix240 Email245 Online Chat246 Voice and Video over IP248 SECTION E: SOCIAL mEdIA VALuES249 Identity251 Reputation254 PrivacyModule 6258 SOFTwArE260 SECTION A: SOFTwArE BASICS261 Essentials264 Distribution266 Software Licenses271 Fake and Pirated Software272 SECTION B: OPErATING SYSTEmS273 Operating System Basics277 Microsoft Windows280 macOS282 iOS283 Android284 Chrome OS285 Linux286 Virtual Machines287 SECTION C: APPS ANd APPLICATIONS288 Web Apps290 Mobile Apps291 Local Applications295 Uninstalling Software296 SECTION d: PrOduCTIVITY SOFTwArE297 Office Suite Basics298 Word Processing301 Spreadsheets305 Databases307 Presentations308 SECTION E: FILE mANAGEmENT uTILITIES309 File Basics312 File Management Tools317 Application-based File Management318 Physical File StorageModule 7320 dIgITAl seCurITy322 seCTIOn A: BAsIC seCurITy323 Encryption324 Authentication328 Passwords332 Password Managers334 seCTIOn B: mAlwAre335 Malware Threats336 Computer Viruses338 Computer Worms339 Trojans340 Antivirus Software346 seCTIOn C: OnlIne InTrusIOns347 Intrusion Threats351 Zero-day Attacks352 Netstat353 Firewalls356 seCTIOn d: InTerCepTIOn357 Interception Basics358 Evil Twins359 Address Spoofing360 Digital Certificate Hacks362 IMSI Catchers364 seCTIOn e: sOCIAl engIneerIng365 Social Engineering Basics367 Spam371 Phishing372 Pharming374 Rogue Antivirus375 PUAsModule 8376 INFOrmATION SYSTEmS378 SECTION A: INFOrmATION SYSTEm BASICS379 Enterprise Basics383 Transaction Processing Systems385 Management Information Systems386 Decision Support Systems388 Expert Systems390 SECTION B: ENTErPrISE APPLICATIONS391 Ecommerce394 Supply Chain Management396 Customer Relationship Management398 Enterprise Resource Planning400 SECTION C: SYSTEmS ANALYSIS401 System Development Life Cycles402 Planning Phase407 Analysis Phase408 Documentation Tools412 SECTION d: dESIGN ANd ImPLEmENTATION413 Design Phase416 Evaluation and Selection417 Application Specifications419 Implementation Phase421 Documentation and Training422 Conversion and Cutover423 Maintenance Phase426 SECTION E: SYSTEm SECurITY427 Systems at Risk428 Data Centers430 Disaster Recovery Planning431 Data Breaches433 Security MeasuresModule 9436 dATABASES438 SECTION A: dATABASE BASICS439 Operational and Analytical Databases444 Database Models452 SECTION B: dATABASE TOOLS453 Database Tool Basics454 Dedicated Applications456 Word Processor Data Tools458 Spreadsheet data tools459 Database Management Systems464 SECTION C: dATABASE dESIGN465 Defining Fields469 Data Types470 Normalization472 Sorting and Indexing474 Designing the interface476 Designing report templates478 SECTION d: SQL479 SQL Basics481 Adding Records482 Searching for Information485 Updating Fields486 Joining Tables488 SECTION E: BIG dATA489 Big Data Basics492 Big Data Analytics494 NoSQLModule 10500 PrOGrAmmING502 SECTION A: PrOGrAm dEVELOPmENT503 Programming Basics505 Program Planning508 Writing Programs512 Program Testing and Documentation516 SECTION B: PrOGrAmmING TOOLS517 Language Evolution521 Compilers and Interpreters523 Paradigms and Languages526 Toolsets528 SECTION C: PrOCEdurAL PrOGrAmmING529 Algorithms532 Pseudocode and Flowcharts535 Flow Control541 Procedural Applications542 SECTION d: OBJECT-OrIENTEd PrOGrAmS543 Objects and Classes545 Inheritance546 Methods and Messages550 OO Program Structure552 OO applications554 SECTION E: dECLArATIVE PrOGrAmmING555 The Declarative Paradigm556 Prolog Facts560 Prolog Rules563 Interactive Input564 Declarative Logic565 Declarative ApplicationsContentsModule 11 dIGITAL CONTENT2 dIGITAL BASICS3 Data Representation Basics5 Representing Numbers6 Representing Text9 Bits and Bytes10 CompressionModule 214 dIGITAL dEVICES16 SECTION A: dEVICE BASICS17 Computers19 Circuits and Chips21 Components23 Maintenance26 SECTION B: dEVICE OPTIONS27 Enterprise Computers28 Personal Computers30 Niche Devices31 Choosing a Digital Device36 SECTION C: PrOCESSOrS ANd mEmOrY37 Microprocessors39 How Processors Work42 Performance45 Random Access Memory46 Read-only Memory48 SECTION d: STOrAGE49 Storage Basics51 Magnetic Storage Technology53 Optical Storage Technology54 Solid State Storage Technology55 Cloud Storage57 Backup61 SECTION E: INPuT ANd OuTPuT62 Add-on Gadgets63 Expansion Ports66 Bluetooth67 Device Drivers68 Display Devices72 Printers74 Things76 Autonomous VehiclesModule 378 NETwOrKS80 SECTION A: NETwOrK BASICS81 Communication Systems82 Communication Channels86 Network Topology88 Network Nodes90 Communication Protocols92 SECTION B: ThE INTErNET93 Background95 Internet Infrastructure96 Packets99 Internet Addresses102 Domain Names106 SECTION C: INTErNET ACCESS107 Connection Basics112 Cable Internet Service113 Telephone Network Internet Service115 Satellite Internet Service116 Mobile Broadband Service118 Wi-Fi Hotspots120 SECTION d: LOCAL ArEA NETwOrKS121 LAN Basics123 Ethernet125 Wi-Fi127 Set Up Your Own Network131 Network Monitoring132 IoT Networks134 SECTION E: FILE ShArING135 File Sharing Basics136 Accessing LAN Files139 Sharing Your Files142 Internet-based Sharing144 TorrentsModule 4146 ThE wEB148 SECTION A: wEB BASICS149 Web Overview150 Evolution152 Web Sites153 Hypertext Links155 URLs160 SECTION B: BrOwSErS161 Browser Basics164 Customization168 Browser Cache172 SECTION C: hTmL173 HTML Basics175 HTML Editing Tools178 CSS180 Dynamic Web Pages182 Site Creation184 SECTION d: hTTP185 HTTP Basics187 Cookies190 HTTPS192 SECTION E: SEArCh ENGINES193 Search Engine Basics198 Formulating Searches201 Search Privacy202 Using Web-based Source MaterialModule 5204 SOCIAL mEdIA206 SECTION A: SOCIAL NETwOrKING207 The Social Media Mix210 Social Networking Evolution211 Social Networking Basics213 Geosocial Networking215 Social Network Analytics218 SECTION B: CONTENT COmmuNITIES219 Evolution221 Media Content Communities223 Intellectual Property225 Creative Commons228 SECTION C: BLOGS ANd mOrE229 Blogs232 Microblogs234 Wikis238 SECTION d: ONLINE COmmuNICATION239 Communication Matrix240 Email245 Online Chat246 Voice and Video over IP248 SECTION E: SOCIAL mEdIA VALuES249 Identity251 Reputation254 PrivacyModule 6258 SOFTwArE260 SECTION A: SOFTwArE BASICS261 Essentials264 Distribution266 Software Licenses271 Fake and Pirated Software272 SECTION B: OPErATING SYSTEmS273 Operating System Basics277 Microsoft Windows280 macOS282 iOS283 Android284 Chrome OS285 Linux286 Virtual Machines287 SECTION C: APPS ANd APPLICATIONS288 Web Apps290 Mobile Apps291 Local Applications295 Uninstalling Software296 SECTION d: PrOduCTIVITY SOFTwArE297 Office Suite Basics298 Word Processing301 Spreadsheets305 Databases307 Presentations308 SECTION E: FILE mANAGEmENT uTILITIES309 File Basics312 File Management Tools317 Application-based File Management318 Physical File StorageModule 7320 dIgITAl seCurITy322 seCTIOn A: BAsIC seCurITy323 Encryption324 Authentication328 Passwords332 Password Managers334 seCTIOn B: mAlwAre335 Malware Threats336 Computer Viruses338 Computer Worms339 Trojans340 Antivirus Software346 seCTIOn C: OnlIne InTrusIOns347 Intrusion Threats351 Zero-day Attacks352 Netstat353 Firewalls356 seCTIOn d: InTerCepTIOn357 Interception Basics358 Evil Twins359 Address Spoofing360 Digital Certificate Hacks362 IMSI Catchers364 seCTIOn e: sOCIAl engIneerIng365 Social Engineering Basics367 Spam371 Phishing372 Pharming374 Rogue Antivirus375 PUAsModule 8376 INFOrmATION SYSTEmS378 SECTION A: INFOrmATION SYSTEm BASICS379 Enterprise Basics383 Transaction Processing Systems385 Management Information Systems386 Decision Support Systems388 Expert Systems390 SECTION B: ENTErPrISE APPLICATIONS391 Ecommerce394 Supply Chain Management396 Customer Relationship Management398 Enterprise Resource Planning400 SECTION C: SYSTEmS ANALYSIS401 System Development Life Cycles402 Planning Phase407 Analysis Phase408 Documentation Tools412 SECTION d: dESIGN ANd ImPLEmENTATION413 Design Phase416 Evaluation and Selection417 Application Specifications419 Implementation Phase421 Documentation and Training422 Conversion and Cutover423 Maintenance Phase426 SECTION E: SYSTEm SECurITY427 Systems at Risk428 Data Centers430 Disaster Recovery Planning431 Data Breaches433 Security MeasuresModule 9436 dATABASES438 SECTION A: dATABASE BASICS439 Operational and Analytical Databases444 Database Models452 SECTION B: dATABASE TOOLS453 Database Tool Basics454 Dedicated Applications456 Word Processor Data Tools458 Spreadsheet data tools459 Database Management Systems464 SECTION C: dATABASE dESIGN465 Defining Fields469 Data Types470 Normalization472 Sorting and Indexing474 Designing the interface476 Designing report templates478 SECTION d: SQL479 SQL Basics481 Adding Records482 Searching for Information485 Updating Fields486 Joining Tables488 SECTION E: BIG dATA489 Big Data Basics492 Big Data Analytics494 NoSQLModule 10500 PrOGrAmmING502 SECTION A: PrOGrAm dEVELOPmENT503 Programming Basics505 Program Planning508 Writing Programs512 Program Testing and Documentation516 SECTION B: PrOGrAmmING TOOLS517 Language Evolution521 Compilers and Interpreters523 Paradigms and Languages526 Toolsets528 SECTION C: PrOCEdurAL PrOGrAmmING529 Algorithms532 Pseudocode and Flowcharts535 Flow Control541 Procedural Applications542 SECTION d: OBJECT-OrIENTEd PrOGrAmS543 Objects and Classes545 Inheritance546 Methods and Messages550 OO Program Structure552 OO applications554 SECTION E: dECLArATIVE PrOGrAmmING555 The Declarative Paradigm556 Prolog Facts560 Prolog Rules563 Interactive Input564 Declarative Logic565 Declarative Applications




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