Foreword by Victor F. Weisskopf
Preface by the Editor
1. Basic Concept8 and the First Law
1. Thermodynamic variables
2. Concept of temperature
3. Quantity of heat
4. First law of thermodynamics
5. Thermodynamic changes of state
6. Mathematical formulation of the first law
7. Applications of the first law
2. The Second Law
8. Formulations of the second law
9. Quantitative predictions of the second law
10. Mathematical formulation of the second law
11. Axiomatic foundation of thermodynamics following Caratheodory
12. Free energy
13. Gibbs's function
14. Entropy of ideal gas mixtures
15. Gibbs's paradox
16. Remarks on the mixing laws
3. Equilibria
17. Van't Hoff's boxes
18. Gibbs's variational method
19. Applications (first variation)
20. Comments on the second variation
21. Thermoelectric problems
4. Nernst's Heat Theorem
22. Nernst's heat theorem
23. Unattainability of the absolute zero
5. Kinetic Theory of Gases
24. Calculation of the pressure
25. Velocity distribution
26. Mean free path and collisions
27. Transport phenomena (d >>l)
28. Transport phenomena (l >> d)
29. Virial concept
30. Applications
Appendix. Comments by the Editor