朱红英,女,1965年5月生。1987年,浙江师范大学外国语学院英语专业毕业。1990—1992年,原杭州大学外语系进修英语专业研究生课程。1995—1996年,由国家教委公派赴新西兰惠灵顿维多利亚大学学习,主修“英语作为二外教学”,获Cetnficate of Proficiency inEnglish和Diploma in the Teaching ofEnglish as a Second Language研究生学历证书。现任浙江金融职业学院外语教学部副教授、副主任。近年来在《教育与职业》《扬州大学学报》《宁波工程学院学报》等刊物发表外语教学研究论文10余篇,主持浙江省高校重点教材建设、外语教指委英语类专业教学改革、浙江省外文学会等课题6项,主编教材4部。研究方向主要为外语教育、语言学、职业外语、教育国际化等。
Chapter 1 A Brief Introduction to EFL Teaching and Learning 1. An Overview of Methodology in Teaching EFL 2. The Situation of EFL Teaching and Learning in China 3. Suggestions on EFL Teaching Methods in China 4. The Teacher's Roles in EFL Teaching 5. A Better Setting for Language Teaching 6. Conclusion Chapter 2 Cooperative Learning in the Classroom 1. Definitions and Characteristics of Cooperative Learning 2. Basic Elements of Cooperative Learning 3. Key Features of Cooperative Learning 4. Typical Forms of Cooperative Activities 5. Issues to Be Considered in Cooperative Learning 6. Approaches of Cooperative Learning in Practice 7. Problems and Suggestions in Heterogeneous Cooperative Learning 8. Conclusion Chapter 3 Learning from Group Work 1. The Definition of Group Work 2. Advantages of Group Work 3. Typical Types of Group Work Activities 4. Stages of Implementing Group Work in Class 5. Strategies for Facilitating Participation in Group Work 6. The Teacher's Roles in Group Work 7. Suggestions for Making Effective Group Work 8. Conclusion Chapter 4 Fostering Learner Autonomy In Teaching Practice 1. Definitions and Characteristics of Learner Autonomy 2. Disadvantages of Chinese Traditional Educational System 3. Reasons for Learners to Be Autonomous in China 4. Suggestions for Fostering Learner Autonomy 5. Conclusion Chapter 5 Affective Teaching in Language Acquisition 1. Introduction 2. An Overview of Affective Teaching 3. Types of Affective Factors 4. The Teacher's Roles in Affective Teaching 5. Strategies of Implementing Affective Teaching in English Class 6. Effects of Affective Teaching and Learning 7. Basic Characteristics of Affective Teaching 8. Conclusion Chapter 6 Strategies for Teaching Listening 1. The Nature of Listening Comprehension 2. Listening Strategies for Listening Comprehension 3. Stages of Helping Students Develop Listening Strategies 4. Suggestions for Improving Listening Proficiency 5. Remarks on Listening 6. Conclusion Chapter 7 Word-attack Skills in Reading 1. The Vocabulary Problem for EFL Learners 2. Inferring Words from Context 3. Using Word Part Clues for Word Meanings 4. Recognizing Signal Words 5. Increasing Word Power 6. Learning to Ignore Difficult Words 7. Conclusion Chapter 8 The Influence of Age in Foreign Language Learning 1. Introduction 2. Critical Period Hypothesis 3. Factors Affecting Different Age Groups 4. Suggestions for Teaching Different Age Groups 5. Conclusion