作 者:(美)安东尼·温克勒(Anthony C.Winkler),(美)乔·瑞·麦斯雷尔(Jo Ray Metherell) 著
定 价:55
出 版 社:北京大学出版社
页 数:354
装 帧:平装
1 Basic Information about the Research Paper
1a Hatred of the research paper
1b Definition of the research paper
1c Format of the research paper
1d Reasons for the research paper
1e The report paper and the thesis paper
1f Drafts of the research paper
1g Writing the research paper:Steps and schedule
2Choosing a Topic
2a How to choose a topic
2b Topics to avoid
2b-1 Topics that are too big
2b-2 Topics based on a single source
2b-3 Topics that are too technical
2b-4 Topics that are trivial
2b-5 Topics that are too hot
2c Narrowing the topic
3The Library
3a Layout of the library
3a-1 The computer
3a-2 Online full-text databases
3a-3 Microform indexes
3a-4 Stacks
3a-5 Reserve room or shelf
3a-6 Main desk
3a-7 Reserve desk
3a-8 Audiovisual room
3a-9 Microform room
3a-10 Newspaper racks
3a-11 Computerroom
3a-12 Carrels
3b Organization of the library collections
3b-1 The Dewey Decimal System
3b-2 The Cutter-Sanborn Author Marks
3b-3 The Library of Congress Classification System
3b-4 Classification of periodicals
3b-5 Classification of nonbooks
4 Using the Computer in Your Research
4a Computers and the research paper
4b The Internet
4b-1 The World Wide Web
4c Online resources
4c-1 Databases
4c-2 Electronicjournals
4c-30nline public-access catalogs(OPACs)
4c-4 Blagsand socialnetworks
4d Researchirig with search engines
4d-1 Findingasearchengrne
4e Usenet,Listserv,telnet,and gopher
4f Evaluating Internet sources
4f-1 Where was the information found?
4f-2 Who wrote it?
4f-3 Who publishesit?
4f-4 What are the writer's sources?
4f-5 What tone does the writer use?
4f-6 What do the writer's contemporaries have to say?
4f-7 What is the writer's motive?
4f-8 What is the context of the writer's opinion?
5 Doing the Research
5a What information to look for
5a-1 Single-factinformation
5a-2 General information
5a-3 In-depth information
5b Where to look for information
5b-1 General indexes
5b-2 Specialized indexes
5b-3 Using interviews and surveys
5b-4 Corresponding by e-mail
5b-5 Attending lectures,concerts,or art exhibits
5c Assembling a working bibliography
5d Selecting your sources:Skimming
5d-1 Primary and secondary sources
5d-2 Evaluating sources
5e Note-taking
5e-1 Using the computer to take notes
5e-2 Using a copy machine to take notes
5e-3 Kinds of notes
a.The summary
b.The paraphrase
c.The quotation
d.The personal comment
5f Plagiarism and how to avoid it
6 The Thesis and the Outline
6a The thesis:Definition ana function
6a-1 Formulating the thesis
6a-2 Rules for wording the thesis
6a-3 Placing the thesis
6a-4 Choosing a title
6b The outline
6b-1 Visual conventions of the outline
6b-2 Equal ranking in outline entries
6b-3 Parallelism in outline entries
6b-4 Types of outlines
a.The toprc outline
b.The sentence outline
c The paragraph outline
d.Decimal outline notatfon
6c Choosing an outline form
7 Transforming the Notes into a Rough Draft
7a Preparing to write the rough draft:A checklist
7b Writer's block
7c Writing with a computer
7c-1 Overdoing it
7c-2 Using a spell-checker
7d Using your notes in the paper
7d-1 Summariesand paraphrases
7d-2 Direct and indirect quotations
7d -3 Usingbriefdirectquotations
7d-4 Using long quotations
7d-d Using quotations from poetry
7d-6 Using a quotation within another quotation
7d-7 Punctuating quotations
7d-8 Handling interpolations in quoted material
7d-9 Using the ellipsis
7d-10 Overusing quotations
7d-1 Personal commentary
7e How to use quotations to explore and discover
7f Writing with unity,coherence,and emphasis
7f-1 Unity
7f-2 Coherence
7f-3 Emphasis
7g Using the proper tense
7h Using graphics in your research paper
7i Writing the abstract
8 Revising Your Rough Draft
9 The MLA System of Documentation
10 The APA System of Documentation
11 The Traditional System of Documentation(CMS)
12 Sample Student Papers
A Mechanics
B General and Specialized References,an Annotated List