第一章 上肢 第一节 上肢概况 图1-1 全身骨骼前面观 Anterior aspect of the skeleton 图1-2 全身骨骼后面观 Posterior aspect of the skeleton 图1-3 全身骨骼侧面观 Lateral aspect of the skeleton 图1-4 锁骨 Clavicle 图1-5 肩胛骨 Scapula 图1-6 肱骨 Humerus 图1-7 尺、桡骨 Ulna and radius 图1-8 手骨 Bones of the hand 图1-9 上肢浅静脉 Superfi veins of the upper limb 图1-10 上肢肌浅层 Superfi muscles of the upper limb 图1-11 上肢肌深层 Deep muscles of the upper limb 图1-12 上肢神经血管立体观 Stereoscopic aspect of the upper limb nerves and blood vessels 图1-13 上肢神经血管 Nerves and blood vessels of the upper limb 笫二节 肩关节手术应用解剖 图1-14 肩关节前侧手术入路切口(一) Surgical incision of the anterior approach to shoulder joint(1) 图1-15 肩关节前侧手术入路切口(二) Surgical incision of the anterior approach to shoulder joint(2) 图1-16 肩关节前侧手术入路切口(三) Surgical incision of the anterior approach to shoulder joint(3) 图1-17 肩关节后侧手术入路切口(一) Surgical incision of the posterior approach to shoulder joint(1) 图1-18 肩关节后侧手术入路切口(二) Surgical incision of the posterior approach to shoulder joint(2) 图1-19 肩关节后侧手术入路切口(三) Surgical incision of the posterior approach to shoulder joint(3) 图1-20 锁骨下肌和锁骨下静脉(锁骨中段已切除) Subclavius and subclavian vei (The middle segment of clavicle was removedl 图1-21 胸锁关节 Stemoclavicular ioint 图1-22 胸锁关节、肩锁关节 Sternoclavicular ioint and acromioclavicular ioint 图1-23 肌皮神经与喙肱肌 Musculocutaneous neⅣe and coracobrachialis 图1-24 前锯肌、肩胛下肌 Serratus anterior and subscapularis 图1-25 肱二头肌长头腱与肩关节(前面观) Tendon of long head of biceps brachii and shoulder joint(Anterior aspect) 图1-26 腋窝前壁、下壁 Anterior and posterior walls of axillary fossa 图1-27 腋窝(前壁打开) Axillary fossa(its anterior wall was removed) 图1-28 腋窝内结构 Structures in axillary cavity 图1-29 腋鞘(一) Axillary sheath(1) 图1-30 腋鞘(二) Axillary sheath(2) 腋窝应用解剖学要点 图1-31 臂丛与正中神经 Brachial plexus and median nerve 图1-32 臂丛与尺神经 Brachial plexus and ulnar nerve 图1-33 臂丛与腋神经 Brachial plexus and axillary nerve 图1-34 臂丛与桡神经 Brachial plexus and radial nerve 图1-35 肩胛上神经 Suprascapular nerve 图1-36 臂丛后束、内侧束 Posterior medial cords of the brachial plexus 图1-37 腋神经与肱骨外科颈 Axillary nerve and surgical neck of the humerus 图1-38 三边孔、四边孔(后面观) Posterior aspect of the trilateral foramen and guadrlateral foramen 图1-39 冈下肌、小圆肌 Infraspinatus and teres minor 图1-40 冈上肌(前面观) Anterior aspect of the supraspinatus 图1-41 喙肩弓上面观 Superior aspect of the coracoacromial arch 图1-42 肩胛下肌 Subscapularis 图1-43 肩带肌后面观 Posterior aspect of the muscles of the pectoral girdle 图1-44 肩关节肌腱袖 Myotendinous cuff 图1-45 肩关节 Shoulder joint 图1-46 肩关节(囊前壁剖开) Shoulder joint(The anterior wall of the capsule was opened) 图1-47 肩关节正位X片 X-ray film of shoulder joint in anterior position 图1-48 肩胛骨和锁骨骨折X片 X-ray film of fracture of claviele and scaDula 图1-49 肩胛骨和锁骨骨折 3D-CT 3D-CT of fracture of clavicle and scaDula 图1-50 肩关节MRI:肩袖损伤 MRI of shoulder joint:Rotator cuff injury 图1-51 臂丛神经 MRI MRI of brachial plexus 图1-52 肩关节镜手术入路示意图(一) Schematic approach of the shoulder arthroscopy(1) 图1-53 肩关节镜手术入路示意图(二) Schematic approach of the shoulder arthroseopy(2) 图1-54 肩关节镜手术视野 Operative field of shoulder arthroscopy 第三节 臂中段手术应用解剖 图1-55 肱二头肌内、外侧沟 Lateral and medial bicipital sulcus 图1-56 喙肱肌和肱肌 Coracobrachialis and brachialis 图1-57 肱二头肌 Biceps brachii 图1-58 桡神经与肱骨肌管 Radial nerve and humeromusculalr tunnel 第四节 肘关节手术应用解剖 图1-59 肘关节内侧手术入路切口(一) Surgical incision of the medial approach to the elbow joint(1) 图1-60 肘关节内侧手术入路切口(二) Surgical incision of the medial approach to the elbow …… 第二章 下肢 中文索引 英文索引