快乐汉语教师用书第二版第3册 希伯来语版
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1. 针对新版HSK、YCT和《国际汉语教学通用课程大纲》的要求,《快乐汉语》(第二版)适当补充了学习内容,增加了词汇量,完善了语音学习的阶梯型设计,丰富了练习册中题目的容量和类型,为海内外青少年汉语学习者提供了充足的汉语学习资源。完成三册的学习后,学生已经达到HSK三级的水平。
2. 为了更好地帮助学习者了解和掌握基本的中国文化知识,具备一定的跨文化交际能力,第二版学生用书中新增了中国文化专题页,将中华传统文化的精髓、当代中国的发展与海外青少年的兴趣进行了完美结合。
3. 增设“学习目标”,以帮助教师和学生更好地掌握本课的主要学习内容和学习重点,帮助学习者增长汉语知识,激发学习动力,提高运用汉语进行交际的能力。
4. 启用时尚的版式设计和插图绘制风格,增加实景照片,加强了亲和力,更贴近当代生活,更具有时代气息,更符合青少年的兴趣。
Since being published in 2003 by the People’s Education Press, Kuaile Hanyu has been widely used by language students as well as by language instructors. In 2014, with the assistance of the Hanban (Confucius Institute Headquarters), People’s Education Press has produced the second edition of theKuaile Hanyu series to keep up with the changing times.
1. In accordance with updated requirements from the HSK Outline, Youth Chinese Test (YCT) Outline and the UK GCSE, the second edition of Kuaile Hanyu contains enriched content and increased vocabulary requirements. This new edition also has adopted “step-by-step” principles for the Chinese phonetic system and has improved the workbook by increasing the number and quality of exercises. After completing Kuaile Hanyu Book 3, students will be prepared to pass HSK Level 3.
2. The new edition adds a “Chinese Culture” section. This new section achieves a good balance by covering both the essences of traditional Chinese culture as well as the developments of contemporary China, while also taking into consideration the interests of young students. Students will not only understand the basics of Chinese culture, but will also acquire the ability to communicate across cultures.
3. The second edition sets “Learning Objectives” to help teachers and students grasp lesson content and key points more clearly. These learning objectives are designed to expand students’ knowledge, increase their motivation, and improve their ability to communicate in Chinese.
4. The new edition features an updated layout design and illustration style. Photos of realistic scenes have been added to keep the series modern and up-to-date while taking into consideration the interests of teenagers.
We sincerely hope that more young people will find Kuaile Hanyu an appealing textbook series and come to share in the joy and success of learning Chinese!