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Knowing Diaoyu Dao
The Values of Diaovu Dao
Territorial Sovereignty and Maritime Rights and Interests
Natural Resources
Security and Strategic Values
Political Values
Why Does Diaoyu Dao Belong to China?
Diaoyu Dao was First Discovered, Named and Exploited by China
Diaoyu Dao Had Long Been under Chinas Jurisdiction
Chinese and Foreign Maps Show that Diaoyu Dao Belongs to China
How Did Japan Grab
Diaoyu Dao from China?
Japans Long-term Covert Moves to Seize Diaoyu Dao
Japans Secret Incorporation of Diaoyu Dao into Its Territory
Diaoyu Dao was Ceded to Japan together with the Taiwan Island
Transfer of Real Property Right after Japans Occupation of Diaoyu Dao
Japan Should Return
Diaoyu Dao to China After WWll
Stipulations in Cairo Declaration: All the Territories Japan has Stolen from the Chinese Shall be Restored to China
Potsdam Proclamation:
Limiting Japanese Sovereignty
Japans Surrender Documents Admitting its International Obligations
Root of the Trouble:
U.S.s “Administration”
Diaoyu Dao Never Belongs to the Ryukyu Islands
The United States Illegally Included
Diaoyu Dao under Its “Trusteeship” of the Ryukyu Archipelago
The United States and Japan Conducted Backroom
Deals Concerning the “Power of Administration” over Diaoyu Dao
Changes of the U.S. Positions
Acquiescence in Shelving Differences
China and Japan Regarded the Overall Situation of Reestablishing Diplomatic Relations and Agreed to “Shelve This Issue for the Time Being and Wait for Other Opportunities to Discuss It”
The Acquiescence in Shelving Differences Formed during the Diplomatic Normalization of the Sino-Japanese Relations
Chinas Proposal of Shelving Differences and Seeking Joint Development
Japans Control of Right-wingers Demonstrates that It Acknowledges That There is A Territorial Dispute over the Diaoyu Dao
Who Is Changing the Status o?
The So-called “Power of Administration”
Officially Supported Civil Activities
Strictly “Coordinated Control” of Military Police
Thorough Military Deployment of Island Retaking
Chinas Efforts to Uphold
Its Sovereignty over Diaoyu Dao
Forceful Countermeasures of Chinese Government.
Unremitting Endeavors of Chinas Civil Activists
Chinas Steadfast Resolve to Defend Its Sovereignty
Epilogue: Facing History Squarely
an Bidng the Future
疏震娅、张海文主编的《(英文版 )》主要内容包括认识、的价值、 为什么属于中国、日本如何窃取、二战后 理应归还中国、美国“托管”埋下祸根、“搁置 争议”的默契共识、谁在“改变现状”以及中国维护 主权的努力九个方面。通过对这些问题的阐述 ,力图地介绍问题,以期说明属 于中国的历史事实和法理依据,批判日本的无理主张 和非法挑衅,向社会大众揭示事实,以正视听。
及其附属岛屿是中国领土不可分割的一部分。无论从历史还是法理的角度来看,都是中国的固有领土,中国对其拥有无可争辩的主权。日本在1895年利用甲午战争窃取是非法的、无效的。第二次世界大战后,根据《开罗宣言》和《波茨坦公告》等法律文件,回归中国。美国在20世纪50年代擅自将纳入其“托管”范围,后在70年代以归还“托管”领土为名与日本私相授受,都没有也不能改变属于中国的事实。 疏震娅、张海文、魏怡主编的《(英文版)》一书全面详实、有理有据地说明了固有领土,揭示了日本企图侵国的非法行径,可以帮社会更客观地认识的问题,向社会大众揭示归属的。书稿内容,对读者认识和了解问题,具有大的帮。