SECTION 1 交朋友用得到的英语 1-1 Making Introductions用英语介绍自己和他人 1.Introducing Yourself介绍自己 2.Introducing Others介绍他人 1-2 Meeti ng People认识新朋友 1.Striking Up a Conversation开始聊天 2.Setting Up a Friend撮合朋友 1-3 Celebrities and Fashions用英语讨论偶像与时尚 1.Chatting with a Classmate与同学聊偶像 2.A Music Mix-Up音乐交流 1-4 Exploring New Hobbies发掘新爱好 1.what’s You r Hobby?你的爱好是什么? 2.Giving a New Hobby a Try尝试新爱好 1-5 Offering Praise赞美的艺术 1.First.Date Chitchat次约 2.A Conversation Between Friends朋友间的交谈 1-6 Valentine’s Day with Friends与朋友一起过情人节 1.A Fun Idea for Valentine’s Day情人节的妙点子 2.A Casual Celebration随兴的庆祝 SECTION 2 社场用得到的英语 2-1 Giving Thanks用英语表达感谢 1.A Job Well Done表现 2.That’s What Friends Are for友情万岁 2-2 Apo l og izi n g用英语道歉 1.A Coffee Mishap咖啡厅风波 2.Nap Time午睡时间 - Wishing Others Happiness用英语献上祝福 1.Best Wishes All Around互相祝福 2.Good Luck Wishes祝你好运 2-4 Showing Sympathy用英语表达安慰与支持 1.An Open Ear仔细聆听 2.Sharing Some Grief互相安慰 2-5 Agreeing with People用英语表示赞同 1.Great Minds Think Alike英雄所见略同 2.1 Can’t Agree with You More我再同意不过了 2-6 Refusing People用英语拒绝别人 1.Thanks,but No Thanks不了,谢谢 2.t oesn’t Pay to Be Late迟到没好处 2-7 Offering Encouragement鼓励别人 1.Staying Positive保持积极 2.Looking on the Bright Side往好处想 SECTION 3 日常生活用得到的英语 3-1 May l Ask Who Is Calling?请问您是哪位? 1.Phoning Friends给朋友打电话 2.A Wrong Number打错电话 3-2 Seeing a Doctor看医生 1.A Case of the Flu流感病例 2.Time to Get a General Medical Exam做全身健康检查 3-3 At the Su permarket超市采购 1.Stocking Up备货 2.Big Savi ngs at the Checkout省钱达人 3-4 Renting an Apartment租房英语 1.Taking a Look看房子 2.Dealing with Problems处理问题 3-5 Saving Electricity and Water省水省电大作战 1.Wh0 Turned the Lights O仟?谁把电灯关了? 2.Keeping Your Shower Short缩短冲澡时间 3-6 Talking About TV Programs谈论电视节目 1.Deciding What to Watch决定收看的节目 2.Internet Tv网络电视 3-7 Taking a Vacation一个人的旅行 1.O仟on His Own选择自旅行 2.Back from His Travels分享旅行经历 SECTION 4 学校用得到的英语 4-1 Getting a Part.Time lob谈兼职 1.The Part.Time lob Debate辩论做兼职的必要 2.A Part.Time Disaster兼职灾难 4-2 Ioining a Club参加社团 1.An OId Friend老朋友 2.A New Member新成员 4-3 Taking Time Off请 1.Missing a Test缺席 2.An Extended Absence延长休 4-4 A Time to Get Organized时间管理好处多 1.Falling Behind进度落后 2.Getting Ahead事情有进展 4-5 Reaching for Your Dreams实现梦想 1.The First Step踏出步 2.On the Right Track方向正确 SECTION 5 工作用得到的英语 5-1 Career Planning and Advice职业规划和建议 1.A Lead to Follow就业线索 2.A Career Dilemma职业难题 5-2 Planning Your Future规划未来 1.Planning Ahead提前规划 2.The Right Career的职业 5-3 Job I nterviewing工作面试 1.Preparing for an Interview为面试做准备 2.Meeting with a Prospective Employer面试 5-4 Talking on the Telephone电话英语 1.Customer Service客服电话 2.A Business Call商务电话 5-5 Taking Time O仟from Work工作请 1.Requesting Personal Leave请事 2.An Absence from Work上班缺勤