Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 About the Coue 1.2 About Professional Program 1.3 About Manufacturing 1.3.1 What is Manufacturing? 1.3.2 Di Chapter 1Introduction1.1About the Cue.2Abourfesional Program1.3About Manufacturing1.3.1What is Manufacturing?1.3.2Dialogue:Visiting an Automatic Factry.4Reading Materials1.4.1About Department of Mechanical Engineering at MIT1.4.2History of S.M.Wu Manufacturing Research Center1.4.3Role of EngineerChapter 2Literature Reading of Technical English for MechanicalEngineering2.1Importance of Reading Technical Literature2.2About Scientific Journals and Technical Pape.Skills for Reading Pape..1Basic Steps..2Doing a Literature Survey2.4About Patent2.5Reading Materials2.5.1Investigation of Dry Machining with Embedded Heat PipeCooling by Finite Element Analysis and Experiments(Part 1 ~ Part 2)2.5.2Tool Wear and Chip Formation During Hard Turning withSelf-propelled Rotary Tools(Part l~Part 3)2.5.3Rules for The Implementation of The PatenLwf ThePeoples Republic of China(Article 18 to 22)Chapter 3English to Chinese Technical Tralation for MechanicalEngineering3.1Basic Requirements of Technical Tralation3.1.1The Characteristics of Professional English Literature3.1.2Requirements of Professional Literature Tralation3.2Basic Process for Technical Tralation3.3Common Tralation Skills3.3.1Conveion of Word Class3.3.2Addition and Reduction of Words3.3.3Affirmative-negative Expression in Tralation3.3.4Division and Combination3.3.5Tralation of Passive Voice3.3.6Tralation of Attributive Clause3.3.7Tralation of Double Negative3.4Tralation of Long Sentences3.5Fast Mastering English Vocabulary by Comparison3.6Reading Material3.6.1Machinability3.6.2Shaft Design3.6.3Application of Adaptive Control(AC) or CNC MachineChapter 4Chinese to English Technical Tralation for MechanicalEngineering4.1Difference of Structure and Collocation in Chinese andEnglish4.2Improving the Skill of Chinese- English Tralation in Scienceand Technology4.3Reading Materials4.3.1About Bosch Products4.3.2Sheet- Metal Forming Processes4.3.3Estimating The Costs of Custom Components4.3.4DCMotorChapter 5Applying for a Job in an International Corporation5.1Recruiting Process5.2Job Advertisement5.2.1A Job Advertisement from ABC Corporation5.2.2Job Advertisement for a Product Design and DevelomnEgineer5..HR Policy From Shenyang Machine Tools Co.,Ltd5.2.4Job Advertisement for Experienced Peo of Sieme5.3Cover Letter5.4Resume5.4.1Introduction to Resume5.4.2Resume Tips for Enginee5.5Job Interview5.5.1Introduction5.5.2Common estio and Awe 5.5.3Interview ExampleChapter 6Specificatio and Manuals of Imported MachineryEquipments6.1Introduction6.2Brochure of Moore Nanotech 350FG6.3Stylistic Characteristic of English Itruction Manuals forMachinery Equipment6.4Airfel Radiator6.5HCX320A NC Low Speed Wire-cut EDM6.6Maintenance for a CNC Machine ToolChapter 7On-site Communication and Interpretation7.1Introduction7.2Technical Communication7.2.1Introduction to Technical Communication7.2.2100 Sentences or On-site Communication7..Dialogue:Guide to Visit a Factory7.3Dialogue:Technical Itruction of Using Multimeter7.4Technical TralationChapter 8About Foreign Drawings8.1Introduction to Technical Drawing8.2Methods of Reading Foreign Mechanical Blueprints8.2.1Key Terms on Foreign Drawing8.2.2Example of Title Block8..Example of Traformation From The Fit-angle to TheThird-angle8.3Reading and Discussion8.3.1ASME_Y14.5M-19948.3.2Turning and LatheChapter 9Title and Abstract Writing9.1Title Writing9.2Abstract Writing9.3Reading Materials9.3.1A Robust Isign Approach to Determination of Tolerancesof Mechanical Products9.3.2High-speed Machining o Cast Iron and Alloy Steels forDie and Mamffacturing9.3.3An Overview of Power Electronics in Electric Vehicles9.3.4A Tool Planning Approach Coidering Cycle Time Cotraintsand Demand UncertaintyChapter 10Attending Professional Ehtion and Conference10.1Professional Ehti0.1.1Introduction to Four Largest Manufacturing Shws0.1.2AtCIMT10.2Academic Conference10.2.1Introduction10.2.2Opening Remarks on Simulated Conference10..TIPS for Academic Speech10.3Useful Sentences for Professional SpeechAppendix IReference Tralation of Reading MaterialsAppendix IITerms of College CampusAppendix IIITerms of Mechanical EngineeringAppendix IVTerms of Automatic ControlAppendix VHydraulic TramissionAppendix VIEnterprise PromotionAppendix VIIMathematic Symbols and ExpressioAppendix VIIIFinal Examination Sample参考文献