- 商品参数
- 作者:
- 出版社:图书其它
- 页数:32页
- 开本:22
- 装帧:平装
- ISBN:9780968975733
- 版权提供:图书其它
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- 出版社: Picture Corgi
- 平装: 32页
- 语种: 英语
- 条形码: 9780552559652
- 商品尺寸: 22 x 0.5 x 22 cm
在这本亲切温柔的书中,布朗灵巧而娴熟地讲述了两个迥然不同的个体之间的友谊。在本书的开头,《Willy the Wimp》和
《Willy the Champ》中出现的Willy的朋友米莉奇妙地不见了,Willy很孤独,没有朋友。在公园里,Willy可以说非常巧合地偶遇了身材魁梧的大猩猩Hugh,两个人很快成为朋友。Hugh轻易地吓跑了找Willy麻烦的“大鼻子”,而当Hugh被一只蜘蛛吓了一跳时,Willy用自己的关心报答了Hugh
"Anthony Browne is one of the most talented artists working in children's books today and it's always exciting to see a new book by him. It is even more exciting when the book in question is about the marvellous character Willy" (Parents Magazine)
"No one who knows Anthony Browne's work will be surprised to learn that the illustrations are quite wonderful" (Daily Telegraph)
"Anthony Browne's stunning and masterful drawings, combined with a bizarre sense of humour, make Willy's exploits increasingly compulsive" (Daily Mail)
"Hurrah! we all say. Willy is back to delight us" (Books for Keeps)
"Browne is one of those acclaimed picture book authors who never disappoints" (Sunday Tribune)
ANTHONY BROWNE is the acclaimed author and illustrator of such prize-winning bestsellers as GORILLA (winner of the Kate Greenaway Medal and the Kurt Maschler Award), WILLY THE WIMP and ZOO (winner of the Kate Greenaway Medal). Anthony Browne's first picture book for Doubleday was published last year to great acclaim. VOICES IN THE PARK won the 1998 Kurt Maschler Award and was shortlisted for the Kate Greenaway Medal. Anthony was also the winner of the 2000 Hans Christan Andersen Award for Illustration.