- 商品参数
- 作者:
- 出版社:DK
- 出版时间:2019
- 页数:以实物为准
- ISBN:9786115608507
- 版权提供:DK
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书名:RHS How to Create your Garden如何创建您的花园
作者:Adam Frost
商品尺寸:20.1 x 2.7 x 23.9 cm
"Creating a garden doesn't need to be complicated." This is the promise from Adam Frost, BBC Gardeners' World presenter and winner of multiple Chelsea Flower Show gold medals.Regardless of your experience or budget, with Adam's help and know-how you can design your dream garden, whether it's a small urban garden, a classic cottage garden, a suburban front garden, a low-maintenance space or a city roof terrace. His practical, no-nonsense approach strips away complex garden design concepts and focuses on your needs and preferred garden style to help you plan and build a garden that works for you.Starting right at the beginning, Adam takes you step by step through the whole process, inspiring you with simple garden design ideas to tackle a full garden makeover or a simple revamp of just one part of your garden, perhaps a tired herbaceous border, the patio, or a water feature.Learn how to design a garden that reflects your practical needs, lifestyle, budget, personality, soil, and climate.Build it yourself following the clear, uncomplicated step-by-step instructions that show you everything from laying turf to terraces, planting trees or building a raised bed or water feature. Enjoy it month by month with his simple checklist of what to do when to keep your garden in shape.RHS How to Create your Garden is about designing an outside space that is real, achievable, and right for you.