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  • [正版]英文原版 Too Big to Fail 大而不倒 强而不倒 英文版经济管理书籍 安德鲁罗斯索尔金 电影原著 英
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    • 作者: 无著
    • 出版社: 图书其它
    • 出版时间:2010
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    • 作者: 无著
    • 出版社:图书其它
    • 出版时间:2010
    • 页数:618
    • 开本:32开
    • ISBN:9786965990336
    • 版权提供:图书其它


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    书名:Too Big to Fail 大而不倒

    作者:Andrew Ross Sorkin安德鲁·罗斯·索尔金
    出版社名称:Penguin Books
    商品尺寸:13.9 x 3.5 x 21.3 cm

    对直接卷入金融危机的200多人长达500多个小时的采访,使得Too Big to Fail《大而不倒》成为了第1本详实地记录了金融危机这一极具悲剧色彩的当代历史事件的读本。



    2. 全球政要和首席执行官争相阅读的金融巨作和金融史诗;
    3. 一部金融界的《2012》,一部丹·布朗式的鸿篇巨制;
    4. 北京大学汇丰商学院院长海闻,陆金所董事长、兴业银行前行长李仁杰等联袂推荐;












    Named a Best Book of the Year by: The Economist, The Financial Times, Business Week, and 800-CEO-Read
    Winner of the Gerald Loeb Award for Best Business Book
    A brilliantly reported true-life thriller that goes behind the scenes of the financial crisis on Wall Street and in Washington, the basis for the HBO film
    “Comprehensive and chilling.”  — Time
    “... His action scenes are intimate and engaging.”  — The New Yorker
    “Sorkin’s prodigious reporting and lively writing put the reader in the room for some of the biggest-dollar conference calls in history. It’s an entertaining book, brisk book... Sorkin skillfully captures the raucous enthusiasm and riotous greed that fueled this rational irrationality.”  — The New York Times Book Review
    “Brings the drama alive with unusual inside access and compelling detail... A deeply researched account of the financial meltdown.”  — BusinessWeek
    “Meticulously researched... told brilliantly. Other blow-by-blow accounts are in the works. It is hard to imagine them being this riveting.”  — The Economist 

    Too Big to Fail《大而不倒》通过一幕幕生动的场景描述,向读者客观而详尽地展现了2008年金融危机发生之后美国主要监管机构和投行的众生相。在这部作品中,你可以看到雷曼是如何一步步地自断生路,监管机构是如何在“政治正确”的牵绊下做出选择,各大投行又是如何在人人自危的环境下力求自保。前所未有的访谈,不曾公开的华尔街决策内幕,揭示了美国经济萧条如何发展成全球金融危机,再现了从银行到政府再到整个美国身处金融危机第1现场的反应。
    In one of the most gripping financial narratives in decades, Andrew Ross Sorkin-a New York Times columnist and one of the country's most respected financial reporters-delivers the first definitive blow- by-blow account of the epochal economic crisis that brought the world to the brink. Through unprecedented access to the players involved, he re-creates all the drama and turmoil of these turbulent days, revealing never-before-disclosed details and recounting how, motivated as often by ego and greed as by fear and self-preservation, the most powerful men and women in finance and politics decided the fate of the world's economy.

    安德鲁·罗斯·索尔金,《纽约时报》记者及财经专栏作家,美国CNBC电视台Squawk Box节目的主持人。2001年创立了纽约时报的在线财经报道网站Dealbook。
    2004年,安德鲁·罗斯·索尔金获得美国财经新闻界荣誉杰洛德·罗布奖(Gerald Loeb Award),2005年和2006年他的新闻再次获得美国商业新闻奖和作家学会奖。
    Andrew Ross Sorkin is the award-winning chief mergers and acquisitions reporter for The New York Times, a columnist, and assistant editor of business and finance news. He is also the editor and founder of DealBook, an online daily financial report. He has won a Gerald Loeb Award, the highest honor in business journalism, and a Society of American Business Editors and Writers Award. In 2007, the World Economic Forum named him a Young Global Leader.

    Standing in the kitchen of his Park Avenue apartment, Jamie Dimon poured himself a cup of coffee, hoping it might ease his headache. He was recovering from a slight hangover, but his head really hurt for a different reason: He knew too much.
    It was just past 7:00 a.m. on the morning of Saturday, September 13, 2008. Dimon, the chief executive of JP Morgan Chase, the nation’s third largest bank, had spent part of the prior evening at an emergency, all-hands-on-deck meeting at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York with a dozen of his rival Wall Street CEOs. Their assignment was to come up with a plan to save Lehman Brothers, the nation’s fourth-largest investment bank—or risk the collateral damage that might ensue in the markets.
    To Dimon it was a terrifying predicament that caused his mind to spin as he rushed home afterward. He was already more than two hours late for a dinner party that his wife, Judy, was hosting. He was embarrassed by his delay because the dinner was for the parents of their daughter’s boyfriend, whom he was meeting for the fi rst time.
    “Honestly, I’m never this late,” he offered, hoping to elicit some sympathy.
    Trying to avoid saying more than he should, still he dropped some hints about what had happened at the meeting. “You know, I am not lying about how serious this situation is,” Dimon told his slightly alarmed guests as he mixed himself a martini. “You’re going to read about it tomorrow in the papers.”
    As he promised, Saturday’s papers prominently featured the dramatic news to which he had alluded. Leaning against the kitchen counter, Dimon opened the Wall Street Journal and read the headline of its lead story: “Lehman Races Clock; Crisis Spreads.”
    Dimon knew that Lehman Brothers might not make it through the weekend. JP Morgan had examined its books earlier that week as a potential lender and had been unimpressed. He also had decided to request some extra collateral from the firm out of fear it might fall. In the next twenty four hours, Dimon knew, Lehman would either be rescued or ruined.
    Knowing what he did, however, Dimon was concerned about more than just Lehman Brothers. He was aware that Merrill Lynch, another icon of Wall Street, was in trouble, too, and he had just asked his staff to make sure JP Morgan had enough collateral from that firm as well. And he was also acutely aware of new dangers developing at the global insurance giant American International Group (AIG) that so far had gone relatively unnoticed by the public—it was his firm’s client, and they were scrambling to raise additional capital to save it. By his estimation AIG had only about a week to find a solution, or it, too, could falter.
    Of the handful of principals involved in the dialogue about the enveloping crisis—the government included—Dimon was in an especially unusual position. He had the closest thing to perfect, real-time information. That “deal flow” enabled him to identify the fraying threads in the fabric of the financial system, even in the safety nets that others assumed would save the day.
    Dimon began contemplating a worst-case scenario, and at 7:30 a.m. he went into his home library and dialed into a conference call with two dozen members of his management team.


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