- 商品参数
- 作者:
- 出版社:图书其它
- 出版时间:2021-8-24
- ISBN:9785357284914
- 版权提供:图书其它
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da-fanny(又名Fanny Dallé-Asté)出生于巴黎,曾在Duperré应用艺术学校学习。她在法国Montreuil-sous-bois生活和工作,为儿童书籍和广告画插图。
Polar bears, penguins, Arctic foxes, seals, and many more polar animals withstand the extreme weather conditions in the Arctic Circle and Antarctica. Turn the wheel so penguins can dive into the water, pull the tab to see water spouting out from the blowhole of a whale, and open the big flaps to discover what the creatures look like in summer, the shortest season in the polar regions. A terrific addition to the Ultimate SpotlightTM collection!
About the Author
After writing for children's newspapers for many years, Sandra Laboucarie left Paris to return to Toulouse, where she now writes books for children.
Born in Paris, da-fanny (also known as Fanny Dallé-Asté) studied at the Duperré School of Applied Arts. She lives and works in Montreuil-sous-bois, France, where she illustrates children's books and advertisements.
Publisher:Twirl (19 Aug. 2021)
Dimensions:18.54 x 1.78 x 26.67 cm