- 商品参数
- 作者:
- 出版社:图书其它
- ISBN:9781784871963
- 版权提供:图书其它
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书名:Life and Fate (Vintage Classic Russians Series)
作者:Vasily Grossman
出版社名称:Vintage Classics
商品尺寸:15.5 x 5.1 x 21.6 cm
The great Russian 20th-century novel from the Sunday Times bestselling author of Stalingrad.
Life and Fate is an epic tale of a country told through the fate of a single family, the Shaposhnikovs. As the battle of Stalingrad looms, Grossman's characters must work out their destinies in a world torn by ideological tyranny and war.
Completed in 1960 and then confiscated by the KGB, this sweeping panorama of Soviet Society remained unpublished until it was smuggled into the West in 1980, where it was hailed as a masterpiece.
The Vintage Classics Russians Series - sumptuous editions of the greatest books to come out of Russia during the most tumultuous period in its history.
Vasily Grossmanwas born in 1905. In 1941, he became a war reporter for the Red Army newspaper Red Star and came to be regarded as a legendary war hero. Life and Fate, his masterpiece, was considered a threat to the totalitarian regime, and Grossman was told that there was no chance of the novel being published for another 200 years. Grossman died in 1964.