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  • 医学英语文献阅读(二)
    • 作者: | 李清华编
    • 出版社: 世界图书出版公司
    • 出版时间:2012-2-1
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  • 商品参数
    • 作者: 李清华编
    • 出版社:世界图书出版公司
    • 出版时间:2012-2-1
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 印刷时间:2012-2-1
    • 字数:340000
    • 页数:214
    • 开本:16开
    • 装帧:平装
    • ISBN:9787510047336
    • 版权提供:世界图书出版公司



    曹素贞主编的《医学英语文献阅读(2)》共12单元,每个单元包括Text A,Text B和Medical Vocabulary Workshop三部分。Text A以医学学术文献(EAP)为主,文章全部摘自医学类经典教材或权威杂志、网站,如}tarrison内科学,New England J0urnal of Medicine,the Lancet等,覆盖了医科目前最有代表性的各分支研究。Text B以医学职业/临床文献(EOP)为主,包括医疗实践中最常用的各类文书以及临床科研中最需要的标书申请和会议交流。Medical Vocabulary Workshop则是针对广大医科师生在医学英语教学中的*困难——医学专业词汇而编写,有目的地突出了其中构词的特点归类和发音以便于学习记忆。各单元的三部分后面都附有练习,包括阅读理解、讨论拓展、词汇运用、段落翻译等。为便于自学和查阅,精读的Text A课文都提供了详细的注释,书后附有词汇表、练习参考答案、以及其他补充拓展的辅助资料。泛读的Text B临床文书前也有简洁的语篇介绍和导读。本书适合于大学英语提高阶段的教学使用,可供医学专业高年级、七年制、八年制和硕士研究生等医科学生作为课程用书,也可供广大医学工作者在临床和教学中作为参考书使用。

    Unit 1 Medical Professionalism
      Text A  Hippocratic Oath, The Medical Ideal
      Text B  Informed Coent
      Medical Vocabulary Workshop  Diseases and Disorde
    Unit 2 Medical ]Education
      Text A  American Medical Education
      Text B  History and Physical
      Medical Vocabulary Workshop  Systems and Orga
    Unit 3 Basic Medicine
      Text A  Pain,Modulation and Management
      Text B  Medical Notes for Admission
      Medical Vocabulary Workshop  Major Orga
    Unit 4 Clinical Medicine
      Text A  Outpatient Management of Severe COPD
      Text B  Medical Notes for Discharge
      Medical Vocabulary Workshop  Itruments and Processes
    Unit 5 Clinical Surgery
      Text A  Robotic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass for Morbid Obesity.
      Text B  Operative Report
      Medical Vocabulary Workshop  Surgical Operatio
    Unit 6 Environmental Medicine
      Text A  Gender, Climate Change and Health
      Text B  SOAP Progress Report
      Medical Vocabulary Workshop  Chemical Elements
    Unit 7 Social Medicine
      Text A What is Social Medicine?
      Text B  Referral and Coultation
      Medical Vocabulary Workshop  Shapes and Forms
    Unit 8 Disaster Medicine.,..,
      Text A  Short-term and Medium-term Health Effects of 9/11
      Text B  Drug Description and Itruction
      Medical Vocabulary Workshop  Drugs
    Unit 9 Evidence,based Medicine
      Text A  Evidence-based Medicine or Marketing-based Medicine?
      Text B  The Cochrane Abstract And Summary
      Medical Vocabulary Workshop  Numbe
    Unit 10 Preventive Medicine
      Text A  Preventive Dental Care and Coueling for Infants and Young
      Text B  Grant Proposal Request
      Medical Vocabulary Workshop  Colou
    Unit 11 Nuing
      Text A  A Case Study of Peon-Centred Care Development
      Text B  Itruction for Autho
      Medical Vocabulary Workshop  Directio and Positio
    Unit 12 Medical Ethics
      Text A  Withholding Information from Patients When Less Is More
      Text B  Conference Announcement
      Medical Vocabulary Workshop  Plurals
    Appendix I Supplementary Samples in Clinical Documents
      Sample I) Informed Coent and Refusal for Blood Trafusion
      Sample II) Admission Note for COPD
    Appendix II Abbreviatio Commonly Used in Medical Record
    Appendix III Keys to Exercises
    Appendix IV Glossary
    AS compared with placebo,antibiotics decrease the relative risk of treatment failure by approximately 50%when used for COPD exacerbations.Subgroup analysis suggests that antibiotics are most effective when cough and sputum purulence are present.Most trials suggesting the efficacy of antibiotics have compared the use of older antibiotics with placebo.It iS uncertain whether newer classes of antibiotics,such as macrolides and fluoroquinolones.are more effective.Initial outpatient treatment with antibiotics should be based on considerations of cost.safety,and locaI patterns of antibiotic resistance among the bacterial species commonly isolated from sputum during exacerbations.
    If an exacerbation is associated with increased breathlessness,patients should be encouraged to increase their use of short-acting bronchodilators.Anticholinergic and β2-agonist bronchodilatorsappear to be equally effective,with little additive benefit from combined use.Areas of Uncertainty
    It remains unclear whether spirometry is routinely warranted to diagnose COPD in persons atrisk who are asymptomatic.Whereas the National Lung Health Education Program has advocatedwidespread spirometric testing in medical offices(including testing in persons at risk who do nothave respiratory symptoms)to identify cases of COPD,an evidence-based report sponsored by theAgency for Healthcare Research and Quality concluded that screening persons who are at risk but are asymptomatic would raise overall costs,falsely label many of those tested as having clinically significant disease,and only marginally improve clinical outcomes.In randomized trials,smoking-cessation rates were not increased among patients with early COPD who underwent spirometrictesting and were informed of abnormal results,as compared with patients who did not undergo testing.However,in a recent trial comparing two approaches to informing patients of spirometric results-assigning a"lung age"versus simply reporting the FEV1--the former approch was associated with higher cessation rates at 1 year,which suggests that spirometry may facilitate smoking cessation if the results are presented to patients in an appropriate manner.
    The role of disease-management programs for patients with COPD remains uncertain.Randomized.controlled trials of case management for COPD have shown promise in reducing hospitalization rates,but the evidence is insufficient to make specific recommendations.Pulmonary rehabilitation improves health status and exercise capability for selected patients,but national surveys indicate that few patients complete such programs.and it iS unclear how best to maintain the benefits achieved.

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