正版 我的丈夫溥仪 李淑贤 忆述;王庆祥 撰写;倪娜 译 五洲传播出
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Preface // IVCHAPTER ONEMy Childhood // 001CHAPTER TWOSeeing Puyi for the First Time // 011CHAPTER THREEMy Courtship with the Last Emperor of China // 018CHAPTER FOURThe Setting of Our Love // 027CHAPTER FIVEThe Last Emperor’s Grand Nuptials // 040CHAPTER SIXThe First Week of Our Honeymoon // 054CHAPTER SEVENHopes of Having Children Vanish into Thin Air // 063CHAPTER EIGHTTeaching Puyi Domestic Chores and How to Live a Normal Life // 071CHAPTER NINEHangovers from the Previous Lifestyle of the Royal Family // 082CHAPTER TENMortals and Secularity // 088CHAPTER ELEVENPuyi – a Great Fan of Peking Opera // 093CHAPTER TWELVEAccompanying my Husband back to the Place where he Ascended theThrone as Emperor // 102CHAPTER THIRTEENVisiting Historical and Cultural Sites Together with Puyi // 110CHAPTER FOURTEENOur Sincere Love // 122CHAPTER FIFTEENThe Refusing of the Feudal Protocols // 135CHAPTER SIXTEENReunion with the former servants // 145CHAPTER SEVENTEENPuyi’s Contacts with People from all Circles of Society // 154CHAPTER EIGHTEENReceiving Foreign Guests with Puyi // 167CHAPTER NINETEENThe Publishing of the “Earth Shattering” Book // 173CHAPTER TWENTYThe Tour to Southeast China // 186CHAPTER TWENTY ONEThe Tour to Northwest China // 202CHAPTER TWENTY TWOBeing Attacked by Cancer // 213CHAPTER TWENTY THREE“Tricky” Situation that Happened in Puyi’s Ward // 219CHAPTER TWENTY FOURFriendship with Our Neighbour // 224CHAPTER TWENTY FIVEPerforming the Rights of a Citizen // 230CHAPTER TWENTY SIX“Hurricane” Blew Suddenly // 234CHAPTER TWENTY SEVENThe Puyi Who Dared to Speak Out the Truth // 244CHAPTER TWENTY EIGHTOur Venture in “Red August” // 259CHAPTER TWENTY NINEBitter Taste of Revenge // 269CHAPTER THIRTYBeing in Bondage to an Incurable Disease // 277CHAPTER THIRTY ONEPuyi’s Last Summer // 283CHAPTER THIRTY TWOI Watched Puyi Passing Away // 290CHAPTER THIRTY THREEPuyi’s Memorial Ceremony was held Thirteen Years Later // 300CHAPTER THIRTY FOURPublishing of My Memoir and the “Puyi Craze” // 311CHAPTER THIRTY FIVEThe Publishing of The Second Half of Puyi’s Life // 319CHAPTER THIRTY SIXApologies from Edward Behr // 325CHAPTER THIRTY SEVENDrawing a Satisfactory Conclusion to the History // 333Epilogue // 350
Ni Na,a senior translator,was bornin 1953 in Xi an and graduated inEnglish Literature at the PekingSecond Foreign Language Institutein 1978.Now,she is an advancedmember of China TranslatorsAssociatidn and a member of theChangchun Puyi study Association.Her interests include history,archaeology and anthropology andshe enjoys Chinese painting and calligraphy.She has written manyarticles for the China Daily about Chinese culture and places ofhistoric interest and scenic beauty in Xi an.