安东尼・温克勒(Anthony C. Winkler),美国加利福尼亚州立大学教授,主要从事大学英语词汇、修辞、语法、写作等方面的研究。同时,他也是一位文学作家,曾出版小说 The Lunatic, Coming Home to Teach等。
乔・瑞・麦斯雷尔(Jo Ray Metherell),美国格伦代尔社区学院( Glendale Community College)教师,长期从事英语语法、写作等课程教学,与安东尼・温克勒合作出版了近15部英语写作及修辞类图书。
1 Basic Information about the Research Paper
1a Hatred of the research paper
1b Definition of the research paper
1c Format of the research paper
1d Reasons for the research paper
1e The report paper and the thesis paper
1f Drafts of the research paper
1g Writing the research paper:Steps and schedule
2 Choosing a Topic
2a How to choose a topic
2b Topics to avoid
2b-1 Topics that are too big
2b-2 Topics based on a single source
2b-3 Topics that are too technical
2b-4 Topics that are trivial
2b-5 Topics that are too hot