PART A 1. The Role of Government 2 2. The Nature of Public Policy 13 3. The Role of Law 29 4. Instruments of Government 53 5. Governance and the Law 66 6. A New Administrative Culture 90 7. Policies for Sustained and Inclusive Growth 109 8. A New Development Strategy for 2030 120 PART B 1. Bureaucrats: Image and Reality 140 2. The Importance of Public Financial Management 145 3. The Four Traditional Public HRM Systems 151 4. Behavioural Insights and Public Policy 159 5. Building A Quality Justice System 163 6. Embracing Innovation in Government: Global Trends 168 7. The Use of Open Data for Anti-Corruption 177 8. Two Emergent Systems: Privatization and Partnerships 182 9. Strengthening the Rule of Law 186 10. Promote Sustainable Development 190 PART C Difficult Sentences(100) 196