偏微分方程 第2卷 第二版 英文版 泰勒 世界图书出版 Partial Differential Equations I
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产品展示 | 悦悦图书 ● yueyuebook |悦淘好书·读乐众乐 |
基本信息 | 悦悦图书 ● yueyuebook |悦淘好书·读乐众乐 |
商品名称: | 偏微分方程 第2卷 |
作 者: | 泰勒 |
定 价: | 99.00 |
重 量: | |
ISBN 号: | 9787510068140 |
出 版 社: | SJ图书出版公司 |
开 本: | 24 |
页 数: | 614 |
字 数: | |
装 帧: | |
出版时间/版次: | 2014-1-1 |
印刷时间/印次: | 2014-1-1 |
编辑推荐 | 悦悦图书 ● yueyuebook |悦淘好书·读乐众乐 |
内容介绍 | 悦悦图书 ● yueyuebook |悦淘好书·读乐众乐 |
This work is intended to provide a course of study of some of the major aspects of PDE. It is addressed to readers with a background in the basic introductory graduate mathematics courses in American universities: elementary real and complex analysis, differential geometry, and measure theory. |
作者介绍 | 悦悦图书 ● yueyuebook |悦淘好书·读乐众乐 |
目录 | 悦悦图书 ● yueyuebook |悦淘好书·读乐众乐 |
Contents of Volumes I and III Preface 7 Pseudo differential Operators 1 The Fourier integral representation and symbol classes 2 Schwartz kernels of pseudo differential operators 3 Adjoints and products 4 Elliptic operators and parametrices 5 L2 estimates 6 Garding's inequality 7 Hyperbolic evolution equations. 8 Egorov's theorem 9 Microlocal regularity 10 Operators on manifolds 11 The method of layer potentials 12 Parametrix for regular elliptic boundary problems 13 Parametrix for the heat equation 14 The Wey l calculus 15 Operators of harmonic oscillator type Reference 8 Spectral Theory 1 The spectral theorem 2 Self-adjoint differential operators 3 Heat asymptotics and eigenvalue asymptotics 4 The Laplace operator on Sn 5 The Laplace operator on hyperbolic space 6 The harmonic oscillator 7 The quantum Coulomb problem 8 The Laplace operator on cones References 9 Scattering by Obstacles 1 The scattering problem 2 Eigenfunction expansions 3 The scattering operator 4 Connections with the wave equatio 5 Wave operators 6 Translation representations and the Lax-Phillips semigroup Z( t) 7 Integral equations and scattering poles 8 Trace formulas; the scattering phase 9 Scattering by a sphere 10 Inverse problems l 11 Inverse problems II 12 Scattering by rough obstacles A Lidskii's trace theorem References 10 Dirac Operators and Index Theory 1 Operators of Dirac type 2 Clifford algebras 3 Spinors 4 Weitzenbock formulas 5 Index of Dirac operators 6 Proof of the local index formula 7 The Chern-Gauss-Bonnet theorem 8 Spinc manifolds 9 The Riemann-Roch theorem 10 Direct attack in 2-D 11 Index of operators of harmonic oscillator type References 11 Brownian Motion and Potential Theory 1 Brownian motion and Wiener measure 2 The Feynman-Kac formula 3 The Dirichlet problem and diffusion on domains with boundary 4 Martingales, stopping times, and the strong Markov property 5 First exit time and the Poisson integral 6 Newtonian capacity 7 Stochastic integrals 8 Stochastic integrals, II 9 Stochastic differential equations 10 Application to equations of diffusio A The Trotter product formula References …… |
在线试读部分章节 | 悦悦图书 ● yueyuebook |悦淘好书·读乐众乐 |