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  • 正版 数据库系统概念 英文精编版 原书第7版 亚伯拉罕 西尔伯沙茨 经典原版教材 机械工业出版社店
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    • 作者: 亚伯拉罕·西尔伯沙茨(Abraham著
    • 出版社: 机械工业出版社
    • 出版时间:2021-10
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    • 作者: 亚伯拉罕·西尔伯沙茨(Abraham著
    • 出版社:机械工业出版社
    • 出版时间:2021-10
    • 开本:16开
    • ISBN:9786529707893
    • 版权提供:机械工业出版社



      数据库系统概念 (英文精编版·原书第7版)

    作     者:

      [美]亚伯拉罕·西尔伯沙茨(Abraham Silberschatz),[美]亨利·F. 科思(Henry F. Korth),[印]S. 苏达尔尚(S. Sudarshan)

    市 场 价:


    ISBN  号:


    页     数:


    出 版 社:





    Chapter 1 Introduction 1

    1.1 Database-System Applications1

    1.2 Purpose of Database Systems5

    1.3 View of Data8

    1.3.1 Data Models8

    1.3.2 Relational Data Model9

    1.3.3 Data Abstraction9

    1.3.4 Instances and Schemas12

    1.4 Database Languages 13

    1.4.1 Data-Definition Language 13

    1.4.2 The SQL Data-Definition Language 14

    1.4.3 Data-Manipulation Language 15

    1.4.4 The SQL Data-Manipulation  Language 16

    1.4.5 Database Access from Application  Programs 16

    1.5 Database Design 17

    1.6 Database Engine 18

    1.6.1 Storage Manager 19

    1.6.2 The Query Processor 20

    1.6.3 Transaction Management 20

    1.7 Database and Application Architecture 21

    1.8 Database Users and Administrators 23

    1.8.1 Database Users and User Interfaces 24

    1.8.2 Database Administrator 24

    1.9 History of Database Systems 25

    1.10 Summary 29

    Review Terms 30

    Practice Exercises 31

    Exercises 32

    Tools 33

    Further Reading 33

    Bibliography 33


    Chapter 2 Introduction to the Relational Model 37

    2.1 Structure of Relational Databases37

    2.2 Database Schema41

    2.3 Keys43

    2.4 Schema Diagrams46

    2.5 Relational Query Languages47

    2.6 Summary48

    Review Terms49

    Practice Exercises49


    Further Reading51


    Chapter 3 Introduction to SQL 53

    3.1 Overview of the SQL Query Language53

    3.2 SQL Data Definition54

    3.2.1 Basic Types55

    3.2.2 Basic Schema Definition 56

    3.3 Basic Structure of SQL Queries 59

    3.3.1 Queries on a Single Relation 59

    3.3.2 Queries on Multiple Relations 62

    3.4 Additional Basic Operations 67

    3.4.1 The Rename Operation 67

    3.4.2 String Operations 70

    3.4.3 Attribute Specification in the Select Clause 71

    3.4.4 Ordering the Display of Tuples 71

    3.4.5 Where-Clause Predicates 72

    3.5 Set Operations 73

    3.5.1 The Union Operation 74

    3.5.2 The Intersect Operation 75

    3.5.3 The Except Operation 76

    3.6 Null Values 77

    3.7 Aggregate Functions 79

    3.7.1 Basic Aggregation 79

    3.7.2 Aggregation with Grouping 80

    3.7.3 The Having Clause 83

    3.7.4 Aggregation with Null and Boolean Values 84

    3.8 Nested Subqueries 86

    3.8.1 Set Membership 86

    3.8.2 Set Comparison 87

    3.8.3 Test for Empty Relations 89

    3.8.4 Test for the Absence of Duplicate Tuples 91

    3.8.5 Subqueries in the From Clause 92

    3.8.6 The With Clause 93

    3.8.7 Scalar Subqueries 94

    3.8.8 Scalar Without a From Clause 95

    3.9 Modification of the Database 96

    3.9.1 Deletion 96

    3.9.2 Insertion 98

    3.9.3 Updates 99

    3.10 Summary 102

    Review Terms 103

    Practice Exercises 103

    Exercises 107

    Tools 111

    Further Reading 112

    Bibliography 112

    Chapter 4 Intermediate SQL 113

    4.1 Join Expressions113

    4.1.1 The Natural Join114

    4.1.2 Join Conditions118

    4.1.3 Outer Joins119

    4.1.4 Join Types and Conditions124

    4.2 Views125

    4.2.1 View Definition126

    4.2.2 Using Views in SQL Queries126

    4.2.3 Materialized Views128

    4.2.4 Update of a View128

    4.3 Transactions131

    4.4 Integrity Constraints133

    4.4.1 Constraints on a Single Relation134

    4.4.2 Not Null Constraint134

    4.4.3 Unique Constraint135

    4.4.4 The Check Clause135

    4.4.5 Referential Integrity137

    4.4.6 Assigning Names to Constraints139

    4.4.7 Integrity Constraint Violation During a Transaction139

    4.4.8 Complex Check Conditions and  Assertions 140

    4.5 SQL Data Types and Schemas 141

    4.5.1 Date and Time Types in SQL 142

    4.5.2 Type Conversion and Formatting Functions 143

    4.5.3 Default Values 144

    4.5.4 Large-Object Types 144

    4.5.5 User-Defined Types 146

    4.5.6 Generating Unique Key Values 148

    4.5.7 Create Table Extensions 150

    4.5.8 Schemas, Catalogs, and Environments 150

    4.6 Index Definition in SQL 152

    4.7 Authorization 153

    4.7.1 Granting and Revoking of Privileges 154

    4.7.2 Roles 155

    4.7.3 Authorization on Views 157

    4.7.4 Authorizations on Schema 158

    4.7.5 Transfer of Privileges 158

    4.7.6 Revoking of Privileges 159

    4.7.7 Row-Level Authorization 161

    4.8 Summary 161

    Review Terms 163

    Practice Exercises 164

    Exercises 167

    Further Reading 168

    Bibliography 168

    Chapter 5 Advanced SQL 171

    5.1 Accessing SQL from a Programming Language171

    5.1.1 JDBC172

    5.1.2 Database Access from Python181

    5.1.3 ODBC182

    5.1.4 Embedded SQL185

    5.2 Functions and Procedures 186

    5.2.1 Declaring and Invoking SQL Functions and Procedures 187

    5.2.2 Language Constructs for Procedures and Functions 189

    5.2.3 External Language Routines 191

    5.3 Triggers 194

    5.3.1 Need for Triggers 194

    5.3.2 Triggers in SQL 195

    5.3.3 When Not to Use Triggers 198

    5.4 Recursive Queries 201

    5.4.1 Transitive Closure Using Iteration 202

    5.4.2 Recursion in SQL 204

    5.5 Advanced Aggregation Features 207

    5.5.1 Ranking 207

    5.5.2 Windowing 211

    5.5.3 Pivoting 214

    5.5.4 Rollup and Cube 215

    5.6 Summary 219

    Review Terms 219

    Practice Exercises 220

    Exercises 223

    Tools 225

    Further Reading 226

    Chapter 6 Formal-Relational Query Languages 227

    6.1 The Relational Algebra227

    6.1.1 The Select Operation228

    6.1.2 The Project Operation228

    6.1.3 Composition of Relational Operations229

    6.1.4 The Cartesian-Product Operation230

    6.1.5 The Join Operation 231

    6.1.6 Set Operations 232

    6.1.7 The Assignment Operation 234

    6.1.8 The Rename Operation 235

    6.1.9 Equivalent Queries 237

    6.2 The Tuple Relational Calculus 237

    6.2.1 Example Queries 237

    6.2.2 Formal Definition 241

    6.2.3 Safety of Expressions 242

    6.3 The Domain Relational Calculus 243

    6.3.1 Formal Definition 243

    6.3.2 Example Queries 244

    6.3.3 Safety of Expressions 245

    6.4 Expressive Power of Pure Relational Query Languages 246

    6.5 Summary 247

    Review Terms 247

    Practice Exercises 247

    Exercises 250

    Further Reading 252

    Bibliography 253


    Chapter 7 Database Design Using the E-R Model 257

    7.1 Overview of the Design Process257

    7.1.1 Design Phases257

    7.1.2 Design Alternatives259

    7.2 The Entity-Relationship Model260

    7.2.1 Entity Sets260

    7.2.2 Relationship Sets262

    7.3 Complex Attributes 265

    7.4 Mapping Cardinalities 268

    7.5 Primary Key 272

    7.5.1 Entity Sets 273

    7.5.2 Relationship Sets 273

    7.5.3 Weak Entity Sets 275

    7.6 Removing Redundant Attributes in Entity Sets 277

    7.7 Reducing E-R Diagrams to Relational Schemas 280

    7.7.1 Representation of Strong Entity Sets 281

    7.7.2 Representation of Strong Entity Sets with Complex Attributes 281

    7.7.3 Representation of Weak Entity Sets 283

    7.7.4 Representation of Relationship Sets 284

    7.7.5 Redundancy of Schemas 285

    7.7.6 Combination of Schemas 286

    7.8 Extended E-R Features 287

    7.8.1 Specialization 287

    7.8.2 Generalization 289

    7.8.3 Attribute Inheritance 290

    7.8.4 Constraints on Specializations 291

    7.8.5 Aggregation 292

    7.8.6 Reduction to Relation Schemas 293

    7.9 Entity-Relationship Design Issues 295

    7.9.1 Common Mistakes in E-R Diagrams 296

    7.9.2 Use of Entity Sets versus Attributes 297

    7.9.3 Use of Entity Sets versus Relationship Sets 298

    7.9.4 Binary versus n-ary Relationship Sets 299

    7.10 Alternative Notations for Modeling Data 301

    7.10.1 Alternative E-R Notations 301

    7.10.2 The Unified Modeling Language UML 304

    7.11 Other Aspects of Database Design 307

    7.11.1 Functional Requirements 307

    7.11.2 Data Flow, Workflow 307

    7.11.3 Schema Evolution 308

    7.12 Summary 308

    Review Terms 310

    Practice Exercises 310

    Exercises 313

    Tools 316

    Further Reading 316

    Bibliography 317

    Chapter 8 Relational Database Design 319

    8.1 Features of Good Relational Designs 319

    8.1.1 Decomposition 321

    8.1.2 Lossless Decomposition 323

    8.1.3 Normalization Theory 324

    8.2 Decomposition Using Functional Dependencies 324

    8.2.1 Notational Conventions 325

    8.2.2 Keys and Functional Dependencies 325

    8.2.3 Lossless Decomposition and Functional Dependencies 328

    8.3 Normal Forms 329

    8.3.1 Boyce-Codd Normal Form 329

    8.3.2 Third Normal Form 333

    8.3.3 Comparison of BCNF and 3NF 334

    8.3.4 Higher Normal Forms 335

    8.4 Functional-Dependency Theory 336

    8.4.1 Closure of a Set of Functional Dependencies 336

    8.4.2 Closure of Attribute Sets 338

    8.4.3 Canonical Cover 340

    8.4.4 Dependency Preservation 344

    8.5 Algorithms for Decomposition Using Functional Dependencies 346

    8.5.1 BCNF Decomposition 346

    8.5.2 3NF Decomposition 349

    8.5.3 Correctness of the 3NF Algorithm 350

    8.6 Decomposition Using Multivalued Dependencies 352

    8.6.1 Multivalued Dependencies 353

    8.6.2 Fourth Normal Form 355

    8.6.3 4NF Decomposition 356

    8.7 More Normal Forms 357

    8.8 Atomic Domains and First Normal Form 358

    8.9 Database-Design Process 359

    8.9.1 E-R Model and Normalization 360

    8.9.2 Naming of Attributes and Relationships 361

    8.9.3 Denormalization for Performance 362

    8.9.4 Other Design Issues 362

    8.10 Modeling Temporal Data 363

    8.11 Summary 367

    Review Terms 368

    Practice Exercises 369

    Exercises 373

    Further Reading 376

    Bibliography 377

    Chapter 9 Application Development 379

    9.1 Application Programs and User Interfaces 379

    9.2 Web Fundamentals 381

    9.2.1 Uniform Resource Locators 381

    9.2.2 HyperText Markup Language 382

    9.2.3 Web Servers and Sessions 384

    9.3 Servlets 387

    9.3.1 A Servlet Example 387

    9.3.2 Servlet Sessions 389

    9.3.3 Servlet Life Cycle 391

    9.3.4 Application Servers 392

    9.4 Alternative Server-Side Frameworks 392

    9.4.1 Server-Side Scripting 392

    9.4.2 Web Application Frameworks 394

    9.4.3 The Django Framework 395

    9.5 Client-Side Code and Web Services 397

    9.5.1 JavaScript 397

    9.5.2 Web Services 402

    9.5.3 Disconnected Operation 403

    9.5.4 Mobile Application Platforms 404

    9.6 Application Architectures 405

    9.6.1 The Business-Logic Layer 407

    9.6.2 The Data-Access Layer and Object-Relational Mapping 407

    9.7 Application Performance 410

    9.7.1 Reducing Overhead by Caching 411

    9.7.2 Parallel Processing 413

    9.8 Application Security 413

    9.8.1 SQL Injection 414

    9.8.2 Cross-Site Scripting and Request Forgery 415

    9.8.3 Password Leakage 416

    9.8.4 Application-Level Authentication 417

    9.8.5 Application-Level Authorization 419

    9.8.6 Audit Trails 421

    9.8.7 Privacy 422

    9.9 Encryption and Its Applications 423

    9.9.1 Encryption Techniques 423

    9.9.2 Encryption Support in Databases 425

    9.9.3 Encryption and Authentication 426

    9.10 Summary 429

    Review Terms 430

    Practice Exercises 431

    Exercises 432

    Project Suggestions 434

    Tools 438

    Further Reading 438

    Bibliography 439


    Chapter 10 Storage Management 443

    10.1 Overview of Physical Storage Media443

    10.2 Storage Interfaces446

    10.3 Magnetic Disks447

    10.3.1 Physical Characteristics of Disks 447

    10.3.2 Performance Measures of Disks 449

    10.4 Flash Memory 451

    10.5 File Organization 454

    10.5.1 Fixed-Length Records 454

    10.5.2 Variable-Length Records 457

    10.5.3 Storing Large Objects 459

    10.6 Organization of Records in Files 460

    10.6.1 Heap File Organization 461

    10.6.2 Sequential File Organization 463

    10.6.3 Multitable Clustering File Organization 465

    10.6.4 Partitioning 467

    10.7 Data-Dictionary Storage 467

    10.8 Database Buffer 470

    10.8.1 Buffer Manager 470

    10.8.2 Buffer-Replacement Strategies 473

    10.8.3 Reordering of Writes and Recovery 475

    10.9 Summary 476

    Review Terms 477

    Practice Exercises 479

    Exercises 480

    Further Reading 481

    Bibliography 482

    Chapter 11 Indexing 483

    11.1 Basic Concepts483

    11.2 Ordered Indices485

    11.2.1 Dense and Sparse Indices486

    11.2.2 Multilevel Indices488

    11.2.3 Index Update490

    11.2.4 Secondary Indices492

    11.2.5 Indices on Multiple Keys493

    11.3 B+-Tree Index Files 494

    11.3.1 Structure of a B+-Tree 494

    11.3.2 Queries on B+-Trees 497

    11.3.3 Updates on B+-Trees 501

    11.3.4 Complexity of B+-Tree Updates 507

    11.3.5 Nonunique Search Keys 509

    11.4 Hash Indices 510

    11.5 Multiple-Key Access 513

    11.5.1 Using Multiple Single-Key Indices 513

    11.5.2 Indices on Multiple Keys 514

    11.5.3 Covering Indices 515

    11.6 Creation of Indices 516

    11.7 Bitmap Indices 517

    11.8 Summary 519

    Review Terms 520

    Practice Exercises 521

    Exercises 523

    Further Reading 524

    Bibliography 524

    Chapter 12 Query Processing and Optimization 525

    12.1 Overview525

    12.2 Measures of Query Cost528

    12.3 Execution of Relational Algebra Operations531

    12.3.1 Selection Operation531

    12.3.2 Sorting537

    12.3.3 Join Operation540

    12.3.4 Other Operations555

    12.4 Evaluation of Expressions560

    12.4.1 Materialization560

    12.4.2 Pipelining 561

    12.4.3 Pipelines for Continuous-Stream Data 564

    12.5 Query Optimization 564

    12.5.1 Overview 565

    12.5.2 Transformation of Relational Expressions 567

    12.5.3 Estimating Statistics of Expression Results 578

    12.5.4 Choice of Evaluation Plans 587

    12.6 Summary 599

    Review Terms 602

    Practice Exercises 603

    Exercises 609

    Further Reading 611

    Bibliography 611

    Chapter 13 Transaction Management 613

    13.1 Transaction Concept 613

    13.2 A Simple Transaction Model 615

    13.3 Storage Structure 618

    13.4 Transaction Atomicity and Durability 619

    13.5 Transaction Isolation 621

    13.6 Serializability 626

    13.7 Transaction Isolation and Atomicity 633

    13.7.1 Recoverable Schedules 633

    13.7.2 Cascadeless Schedules 634

    13.8 Transaction Isolation Levels 635

    13.9 Implementation of Isolation Levels 637

    13.9.1 Locking 637

    13.9.2 Timestamps 639

    13.9.3 Multiple Versions and Snapshot Isolation 639

    13.10 Transactions as SQL Statements 640

    13.11 Summary 642

    Review Terms 644

    Practice Exercises 645

    Exercises 646

    Further Reading 648

    Bibliography 648

    Chapter 14 Concurrency Control and Recovery 649

    14.1 Lock-Based Protocols649

    14.1.1 Locks649

    14.1.2 Granting of Locks654

    14.1.3 The Two-Phase Locking Protocol 655

    14.1.4 Implementation of Locking 658

    14.1.5 Graph-Based Protocols 660

    14.2 Deadlock Handling 663

    14.2.1 Deadlock Prevention 663

    14.2.2 Deadlock Detection and Recovery 665

    14.3 Multiple Granularity 667

    14.4 Insert Operations, Delete Operations, and Predicate Reads 671

    14.4.1 Deletion 671

    14.4.2 Insertion 672

    14.4.3 Predicate Reads and The Phantom Phenomenon 672

    14.5 Timestamp-Based Protocols 675

    14.5.1 Timestamps 675

    14.5.2 The Timestamp-Ordering Protocol 676

    14.5.3 Thomas?Write Rule 678

    14.6 Validation-Based Protocols 680

    14.7 Multiversion Schemes 683

    14.7.1 Multiversion Timestamp Ordering 684

    14.7.2 Multiversion Two-Phase Locking 685

    14.8 Failure Classification 686

    14.9 Storage 688

    14.9.1 Stable-Storage Implementation 688

    14.9.2 Data Access 690

    14.10 Recovery and Atomicity 692

    14.10.1 Log Records 692

    14.10.2 Database Modification 694

    14.10.3 Concurrency Control and Recovery 695

    14.10.4 Transaction Commit 696

    14.10.5 Using the Log to Redo and Undo Transactions 696

    14.10.6 Checkpoints 700

    14.11 Recovery Algorithm 702

    14.11.1 Transaction Rollback 702

    14.11.2 Recovery After a System Crash 702

    14.11.3 Optimizing Commit Processing 704

    14.12 Buffer Management 705

    14.12.1 Log-Record Buffering 706

    14.12.2 Database Buffering 707

    14.12.3 Operating System Role in Buffer Management 709

    14.12.4 Fuzzy Checkpointing 710

    14.13 Summary 710

    Review Terms 714

    Practice Exercises 716

    Exercises 719

    Further Reading 721

    Bibliography 721


    Chapter 15 Big Data Analytics

    Chapter 16 Blockchain Databases

    Chapter 17 Advanced Application Development

    Appendix A Detailed University Schema




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