[正版] 商务英语写作 全国高职高专专业英语规划教材 李细平 清华大学出版社
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书名: | 商务英语写作(全国高职高专专业英语规划教材) |
图书定价: | ¥ 39 元 |
图书作者: | 李细平 (作者) |
出版社: | 清华大学出版社 |
出版日期: | 2012 |
ISBN号: | 9787302279471 |
开本: | 16 |
装帧: | 平装 |
页数: | 340页 |
版次: | 第1版 |
《全国高职高专专业英语规划教材:商务英语写作》共分为18章。第1~2章主要介绍了商务英语文书写作应遵循的原则和常用写作技巧,力求使读者认识商务英语文书的整体特色;第3~18章立足于提高读者商务文书的表达能力,较详尽地介绍了常用商务文书类型、格式、写作技巧及其习惯表达。基本囊括现代涉外公司(企业)最常用的商务文书的格式、方法和参考范例,如行政文书、事务文书、经贸文书等,并涉及通知、启事、海报、便条、票据、备忘录、会议议程、会议记录、产品介绍、证明、证书、贺卡、名片、请帖、招标书、投标书、合同、商务报告、商务建议书、致辞和商务书信格式等内容。 |
Chapter 1General Principles of Business Writing/1 Courtesy/1 Conciseness/2 Clarity/2 Completeness/3 Correctness/3 Concreteness/4 Consideration/4 Exercises/5 Chapter 2Skills of Business English Writing/7 Selecting words/7 Developing effective sentences/11 Effective paragraph development/14 Other skills/15 Exercises/18 Chapter 3Notice/21 【Sample Analysis】/21 【Knowledge Induction】/22 I. The use and feature of a notice/22 II. The types of notices/22 III. The format of a notice/23 IV. The format of ?notice/23 V. The format of ?notices/25 【Skill Training Task】/29 Chapter 4Poster/31 【Sample Analysis】/31 【Knowledge Induction】/33 I. The use and feature of a poster/33 II. The format of ?a poster/33 【Skill Training Task】/41 Chapter 5Notes and Bills/43 【Sample Analysis】/43 【Knowledge Induction】/44 I. Notes/44 II. Bills/47 【Skill Training Task】/50 Chapter 6Memorandum/51 【Sample Analysis】/51 【Knowledge Induction】/53 I. The use and feature of memos/53 II. The format of memos/53 【Skill Training Task】/60 Chapter 7Agenda/63 【Sample】/63 【Knowledge Induction】/64 I. The use of agenda/64 II. The format of agenda/64 【Skill Training Task】/74 Chapter 8The Minutes of a Meeting/77 【Sample】/77 【Knowledge Induction】/82 I. The use and requirements of minutes of a meeting/82 II. The format of minutes of a meeting/83 【Examples of Different Types of the Minutes of the Meeting】/84 【Skill Training Task】/91 Chapter 9Product’s Instruction/95 【Sample Analysis】/95 【Knowledge Induction】/98 I. The use and feature of a product’s instruction/98 II. The content of an instruction/99 【Skill Training Task】/103 Chapter 10Certificate/105 【Sample Analysis】/105 【Knowledge Induction】/106 I. The basic knowledge of certificate/106 II. The format of certificate/106 【Skill Training Task】/114 Chapter 11Cards/117 【Sample Analysis】/117 【Knowledge Induction】/118 I. The format and sample of invitation cards/118 II. The format and sample of congratulation/greeting cards/120 III. The format and sample of business cards/121 【Skill Training Task】/125 Chapter 12Invitation for Bids and Pre-qualification/127 【Sample Analysis】/127 【Knowledge Induction】/130 I. The use of invitation for bids and pre-qualification/130 II. The format of invitation for bids and pre-qualification/130 【Skill Training Task】/142 Chapter 13Bidding Forms/145 【Sample Analysis】/145 【Knowledge Induction】/147 I. The use of a bid/147 II. The content of the form of bid/147 III. The Format of Form of Bid/148 【Skill Training Task】/157 Chapter 14Contract/159 【Sample Analysis】/159 【Knowledge Induction】/162 I. The use of contracts/162 II. The format of contracts/163 III. Types of contracts/164 【Skill Training Task】/172 Chapter 15Business Reports/175 【Sample Analysis】/175 【Knowledge Induction】/176 I. The use and category of a business report/176 II. The format of different business reports/177 【Skill Training Task】/187 Chapter 16Business Proposals/191 【Sample Analysis】/191 【Knowledge Induction】/193 I. The use and category of a business proposals/193 II. The format of different business proposals/193 【Skill Training Task】/206 Chapter 17Speech/209 【Sample Analysis】/209 【Knowledge Induction】/211 I. The use and feature of speech/211 II. The format of speech/211 Examples of Different Types of speech/212 【Skill Training Task】/220 Chapter 18The Layout of a Business Letter/223 【Sample Analysis】/223 【Knowledge Induction】/225 I. The structure of a business letter/225 II. The Format of a Business Letter/231 III. Envelop Addressing/235 【Skill Training Task】/238 Appendix INames of Common Companies、Enterprises and Stores/241 Appendix IINames of common positions and titles/247 Appendix III2011年《财富》世界500强排行榜/255 Appendix IV常见英文标点符号用法指南/277 Appendix VReference for tasks/285 Appendix VI商务英语常用缩略语表/305 参考书目/338 参考网站/340 |
《全国高职高专专业英语规划教材:商务英语写作》旨在培养读者进行国际商务信息处理和综合分析能力;提高读者的书面表达能力;培养读者的当代商务理念及商务写作技能;提供较全面标准的商务写作范例;为不同写作水平的商务人士提供商务写作参考。 《全国高职高专专业英语规划教材:商务英语写作》内容丰富、涵盖面广,基本囊括现代涉外公司(企业)最常用的商务文书的格式、方法和参考范例,如:行政文书、事务文书、经贸文书等,涉及通知、启事、会议议程、会议记录、备忘录、海报、报告、便条、票据、贺卡、名片、请帖、证明、证书、商务建议书、招标、投标书、合同、产品介绍、致辞、商务书信格式和商务英语写作基础知识等内容,因此《全国高职高专专业英语规划教材:商务英语写作》是岗位应用的范例,日常商务写作的工具书。 |
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