[正版]The Secret Garden桥梁漫画:秘密花园 英文原版 进口图书 儿童绘本 漫画故事图画书 图画小说图
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The Secret Garden
英文原版 进口图书
儿童绘本 故事图画书
作者:Mariah Marsden (Adapted By), Hanna Luechtefeld (Illustrator)
ISBN: 9781524858155
ISBN-10: 1524858153
格式: 平装本
语言: 英语
页数: 192
出版日期: 2021 年 7 月 22 日
尺寸(厘米): 15.24 x 22.86 x 1.27
绿色生长的秘密和强大的魔法在 Misselthwaite Manor 等待着您,现在在这部根据 Frances Hodgson Burnett 钟爱的故事改编的引人入胜的图画小说中重新构想。由广受好评的绿山墙的安妮:图画小说的作者玛丽亚·马斯登 (Mariah Marsden ) 带来了这一系列重述儿童经典的第二部分。
十岁的玛丽·伦诺克斯 (Mary Lennox) 皱着眉头,肩膀上有一块碎片,来到了约克郡荒原上一处僻静的庄园。首先是玛莎·索尔比 (Martha Sowerby):在沉闷的庄园里显得格格不入的过于开朗的女仆,却总是问些烦人的问题。然后是难以捉摸的克雷文叔叔,玛丽仅存的家人——她不被允许见他们。还有似乎困扰着这个破旧地方的谜团:关于一个有着悲惨过去的失落花园,以及夜间在荒野中回荡的午夜哀号。
作为插画家 Hanna Luechtefeld 异想天开的风格的图画小说,《秘密花园》赋予了新的生命,它比以往任何时候都更加迷人和相关。
Green-growing secrets and powerful magic await you at Misselthwaite Manor, now reimagined in this bewitching graphic novel adaptation of Frances Hodgson Burnett’s beloved tale. From Mariah Marsden, author of the critically acclaimed Anne of Green Gables: A Graphic Novel, comes the second instalment in this series of retold children's classics.
Ten-year-old Mary Lennox arrives at a secluded estate on the Yorkshire moors with a scowl and a chip on hers shoulder. First, there’s Martha Sowerby: the too-cheery maid with bothersome questions who seems out of place in the dreary manor. Then there’s the elusive Uncle Craven, Mary’s only remaining family – whom she’s not permitted to see. And finally, there are the mysteries that seem to haunt the run-down place: rumours of a lost garden with a tragic past, and a midnight wail that echoes across the moors at night.
As Mary begins to explore this new world alongside her ragtag companions – a cocky robin redbreast, a sour-faced gardener, and a boy who can talk to animals – she learns that even the loneliest of hearts can grow roots in rocky soil.
Given new life as a graphic novel in illustrator Hanna Luechtefeld's whimsical style, The Secret Garden is more enchanting and relevant than ever before.
玛丽亚·马斯登 (Mariah Marsden) 从小在密苏里州奥扎克 (Missouri Ozarks) 的古老山丘中寻找精灵长大。她曾是儿童图书管理员,也是《绿山墙的安妮:图画小说》的合著者,她在密苏里大学堪萨斯城分校获得了创意写作与媒体艺术硕士学位,现在是俄亥俄州立大学英语专业的博士生。她写了少女时代的梦想和困难、她所在地区的民间传说以及农村生活的复杂性。她仍在寻找仙女。
Mariah Marsden grew up hunting for faeries amidst the old hills of the Missouri Ozarks. A former children's librarian and co-author of Anne of Green Gables: A Graphic Novel, she earned her MFA in Creative Writing & Media Arts from the University of Missouri-Kansas City and is now a PhD candidate in English at The Ohio State University. She writes about the dreams and difficulties of girlhood, the folklore of her region, and the complexities of rural life. She's still on the lookout for faeries.
汉娜·卢希特菲尔德 (Hanna Luechtefeld) 在新罕布什尔州度过了他们童年的早期时光,后来在密苏里州度过了童年时光,所有的童年都是在树林里度过的。充满户外探险的漫长下午给了他们创造力的天赋和对讲故事的热爱。他们于 2019 年毕业于中央密苏里大学,获得平面设计和插图学位,并对杂志和 DIY 漫画充满热情。如今,汉娜住在堪萨斯城,他们在那里帮助经营当地的艺术画廊和音乐场所。不准备参加杂志节时,您可以在户外找到它们:骑山地自行车、滑旱冰或徒步旅行。有一天,他们希望在后院拥有一个属于自己的“秘密花园”。
Hanna Luechtefeld spent the early part of their childhood in New Hampshire, the later part in Missouri, and all of it in the woods. Long afternoons filled with outdoor adventure gave them a flair for the creative and a love of storytelling. They graduated from the University of Central Missouri in 2019 with degrees in graphic design and illustration and a passion for zines and DIY comics. Today, Hanna lives in Kansas City, where they help run a local art gallery and music venue. When not preparing for a zine fest, you can find them outside: mountain biking, roller blading, or hiking. Someday, they hope to have a backyard "secret garden" of their own.