[醉染正版]金银岛 英文原版小说 Treasure Island 英文版海盗小说 儿童经典文学名著 英语课外阅读 暑假书
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书名:Treasure Island 金银岛
作者:Robert Louis Stevenson
出版社名称:Alma Classics
商品尺寸:12.7 x 2.3 x 20.1 cm
Treasure Island《金银岛》是19世纪英国作家罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森的成名作,被称为“有史以来非常好看的海盗小说”。自问世以来,已被译成多种文字广为流传,也曾多次被改编成电影、电视,影响十分深远,可以这么说:如果说中国的孩子是看着《西游记》长大的,那么美国的孩子就是看着《金银岛》长大的!本书适合英语程度中级以上的外国文学爱好者、英语学习者阅读。
1. Treasure Island《金银岛》是关于海盗与藏宝的传奇冒险故事,情节惊险曲折、变化离奇,非常具有吸引力;
2. 人物形象鲜明生动并注重细节描写,使读者有更深的代入感;
3. 本书为Alma Classics推出的英文原版,后附作者(The Writer)、书籍(The Book)、书中角色(The Character)等的介绍,还有一篇选择题测试(Test Yourself),可检验读者对全书内容是否真正理解。
One of the best-loved adventure stories ever written, Treasure Island's timeless tale of pirates, lost treasure maps, mutiny and derring-do has appealed to generations of readers ever since Robert Louis Stevenson penned it in 1881 with the claim: If this don’t fetch the kids, why, they have gone rotten since my day.
But more than just a children’s classic, the novel is considered to be one of the greatest feats of storytelling in the English language, with characters such as the unforgettable Long John Silver becoming part of the cultural consciousness. Treasure Island is a coming-of-age story that will captivate both adults and children for as long as stories are told.
"This novel sets the bar for everything a child could want from a pirate story." --Shiny New Books
Treasure Island《金银岛》讲述的是十八世纪中期英国少年吉姆从垂危水手彭斯手中得到传说中的藏宝图,在当地乡绅支援下组织探险队前往金银岛的故事。海盗头子约翰应征船上厨师,一群手下也上船充当水手。到达金银岛时,吉姆遇到在荒岛上放荒三年的水手戈恩,而约翰则发动叛变占据帆船,之后吉姆一行人与戈恩合作对付海盗,平息了叛变并成功取得宝藏的故事。
Throughout his life,Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894) was plagued by ill health, which interrupted his formal education at Edinburgh University. Pursuing the life of a bohemian during his twenties and thirties, he traveled around Europe and formed the basis of his first two books, An Inland Journey (1878) and Travels with a Donkey (1879). Stevenson gained his first popular success withTreasure Island (1883). The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, which sold forty thousand copies in six months, andKidnapped appeared in 1886, followed by The Black Arrow (1888) and The Master of Ballantrae (1889). In 1888, he set out with his family for the South Seas, traveling to the leper colony at Molokai, and finally settling in Samoa, where he died.
He was growing more and more excited, and this alarmed me for my father, who was very low that day and needed quiet; besides, I was reassured by the doctor’s words, now quoted to me, and rather offended by the offer of a bribe.
“I want none of your money,” said I, “but what you owe my father. I’ll get you one glass, and no more.”
When I brought it to him, he seized it greedily and drank it out.
“Aye, aye,” said he, “that’s some better, sure enough. And now, matey, did that doctor say how long I was to lie here in this old berth?”
“A week at least,” said I.
“Thunder!” he cried. “A week! I can’t do that; they’d have the black spot on me by then. The lubbers is going about to get the wind of me this blessed moment; lubbers as couldn’t keep what they got, and want to nail what is another’s. Is that seamanly behaviour, now, I want to know? But I’m a saving soul. I never wasted good money of mine, nor lost it neither; and I’ll trick ’em again. I’m not afraid on ’em. I’ll shake out another reef, matey, and daddle ’em again.”