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  • 全新正版Engineering mechanics9787030737625科学出版社
    • 作者: Yi Ping,Liu Jun,Jiang Feng[著]著 | Yi Ping,Liu Jun,Jiang Feng[著]编 | Yi Ping,Liu Jun,Jiang Feng[著]译 | Yi Ping,Liu Jun,Jiang Feng[著]绘
    • 出版社: 科学出版社
    • 出版时间:2023-01
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    • 作者: Yi Ping,Liu Jun,Jiang Feng[著]著| Yi Ping,Liu Jun,Jiang Feng[著]编| Yi Ping,Liu Jun,Jiang Feng[著]译| Yi Ping,Liu Jun,Jiang Feng[著]绘
    • 出版社:科学出版社
    • 出版时间:2023-01
    • 版次:1
    • 字数:699000
    • 页数:336
    • 开本:其他
    • ISBN:9787030737625
    • 版权提供:科学出版社
    • 作者:Yi Ping,Liu Jun,Jiang Feng[著]
    • 著:Yi Ping,Liu Jun,Jiang Feng[著]
    • 装帧:简装
    • 印次:暂无
    • 定价:89.00
    • ISBN:9787030737625
    • 出版社:科学出版社
    • 开本:其他
    • 印刷时间:暂无
    • 语种:暂无
    • 出版时间:2023-01
    • 页数:336
    • 外部编号:14247048
    • 版次:1
    • 成品尺寸:暂无



    Chapter 1 Introduction 1

    1.1 Mechanics 1

    1.2 Fundamental Concepts and Principles 2

    1.2.1 Fundamental Concepts 2

    1.2.2 Newton’s Laws of Motion 2

    1.. Newton’s Law of Gravitational Attraction 3

    1.3 Units of Measurement 4

    1.4 Procedure of Problem Solving 5

    Problems 7

    Chapter 2 Vectors and Vector Oraios 9

    2.1 Vectors and the Parallelogram Law 9

    2.2 Cartesian Vectors 11

    2.2.1 Cartesian Vector Representation 12

    2.2.2 Addition and Subtraction of Cartesian Vectors 15

    . Vector Directed Along a Line 16

    2.4 Dot ProducndCrss Product 19

    2.4.1 Cartesian Vector Formulation of the Dot Product 19

    2.4.2 Applications of the Dot Product 20

    2.4.3 Cartesian Vector Formulation of the Cross Product 22


    Chapter 3 Simpiction of Force Systems 27

    3.1 Moment of a Force AbouPint 27

    3.1.1 Vector Formulation 28

    3.1.2 Principle of Moments 31

    3.1.3 Scalar Formulation 32

    3.2 Moment of a Force About a Specified Axis 35

    3.3 Moment of a Couple 39

    3.3.1 Vector Formulation 39

    3.3.2 Scalar Formulation 41

    3.4 Simpiction of a System of Forces and Couples 43

    3.4.1 Equivalent System 43

    3.4.2 Reduction to One Force and One Couple 45

    3.4.3 Further Simpiction 48

    3.5 Application of Simpiction of Parallel Forces 53

    3.5.1 Center of Gravity, Center of Mass, and Centroid of a Body 53

    3.5.2 Center of Gravity, Center of Mass, and Centroid of Coite Bodies 60

    3.5.3 Reduction of Distributed Loading 62

    Problems 67

    Chapter 4 Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies 74

    4.1 Conditions for Rigid-Body Equilibrium 74

    4.2 Free-Body Diagrams 76

    4.2.1 Support Reactions 77

    4.2.2 Procedure of Drawing a Free-Body Diagram 79

    4.3 Equilibrium Problems of a Rigid Body 84

    4.4 Two-and Three-Force Members 90

    4.5 Constrains and Statical Determinacy 91

    4.6 Equilibrium Problems of Structures 94

    4.7 Simple Trusses 101

    4.7.1 The Method of Joints 103

    4.7.2 Zero-Force Members 106

    4.7.3 The Method of Sections 107

    Problems 110

    Chapter 5 Friction 120

    5.1 Characteristics of Friction 120

    5.1.1 Laws of Sliding Friction 121

    5.1.2 Angles of Friction and Self-Locking 1

    5.2 Problems Involving Sliding Friction 124

    5.3 Rolling Resistance 129

    Problems 132

    Chapter 6 Kinematics of Particles 138

    6.1 General Curvilinear Motion 139

    6.2 Curvilinear Motion: Rectangular Components 140

    6.3 Curvilinear Motion: Tangential and Normal Components 146

    6.3.1 The t-n-b Coordinate System 146

    6.3.2 Velocity 147

    6.3.3 Acceleration 148

    6.4 Absolute Dependent Motion Analysis of Particles 154

    6.5 Relative-Motion Analysis Using Translating Axes 158

    Problems 162

    Chapter 7 Planar Kinematics of Rigid Bodies 168

    7.1 Translation 169

    7.2 Rotation about a Fixed Axis 170

    7.2.1 Angular Motion 171

    7.2.2 Motion of a Particle on a Rotating Body 172

    7.3 Absolute Dependent Motion Analysis of Bodies 179

    7.4 General Plane Motion 181

    7.4.1 Relative-Motion Analysis: Velocity and Acceleration 182

    7.4.2 Instantaneous Center of Rotation 191

    Problems 198

    Chapter 8 Kinetics: Equations of Motion 205

    8.1 Newton’s Second Law of Motion 205

    8.2 Equation of Motion for a Particle 206

    8.3 Equation of Motion for a System of Particles 216

    8.4 Mass Moment of Inertia 217

    8.4.1 Parallel-Axis Theorem and Radius of Gyration 220

    8.4.2 Mass Moment of Inertia of Coite Bodies 221

    8.5 Planar Kinetic Equations of Motion 224

    8.5.1 Equations of Motion for Translation 227

    8.5.2 Equations of Motion for Rotation about a Fixed Axis 1

    8.5.3 Equations of Motion for General Plane Motion 5


    Chapter 9 Kinetics: Work and Energy 247

    9.1 Work and Power 247

    9.1.1 Work 247

    9.1.2 Power 254

    9.2 Kinetic Energy 256

    9.2.1 Kinetic Energy of a Particle 256

    9.2.2 Kinetic Energy of a System of Particles 256

    9.. Kinetic Energy of a Rigid Body in Planar Motion 257

    9.3 Principle of Work and Energy 260

    9.3.1 Principle of Work and Energy for a Particle 260

    9.3.2 Principle of Work and Energy for a System of Particles 264

    9.4 Conservative Forces and Conservation of Energy 272

    9.4.1 Conservative Forces 272

    9.4.2 Potential Energy 273

    9.4.3 Principle of Conservation of Energy 274

    Problems 278

    Chapter 10 Kinetics: Impulse and Momentum 285

    10.1 Principle of Linear Impulse and Momentum for a Particle 285

    10.1.1 Linear Momentum and Linear Impulse 285

    10.1.2 Principle of Linear Impulse and Momentum 286

    10.2 Principle of Angular Impulse and Momentum for a Particle 290

    10.2.1 Angular Momentum 290

    10.2.2 Principle of Angular Impulse and Momentum 292

    10.3 Principle of Impulse and Momentum for a System of Particles 294

    10.3.1 Linear Momentum of a System of Particles 295

    10.3.2 Angular Momentum of a System of Particles 296

    10.3.3 Angular Momentum of Rigid Bodies in Planar Motion 297

    10.3.4 Principle of Impulse and Momentum for Rigid Bodies in Planar Motion 300

    10.4 Principle of Conservation of Momentum 308

    Problems 313

    Answers 318

    References 328





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