约尔格·库比尔作序:一个合作项目 Aot roject Preface by J6rg Kuhbier 海上作业安装5兆瓦风机机组 Hi aove the sea Installation of an M5000 牢固的三脚式桩基 Strong tripod 访谈:费利克斯·第比尔斯(阿海珐Multibrid) Interview with F61ix Debierre(REA Multibrid) 从梦想到现实 From vision to reality 访谈:克努特·雷费尔特博士(德国海上风能会) Interview with Dr.Knud Rehfeldt(German Offshore Wind Energy Foundation) 能源公司进军海上 Power companies enter the offshore business 向深海的危险致敬 Rescig the dangers of the high seas 研究和测量技术 Research and metrology 岸上工作为海洋工程技术服务 Work on land for technology at sea 海上风能为沿海地区创造新的就业机会 Offshore wind energy creating new jobs in coastal regions 海上能源需要千里迢迢从海洋输送至大陆 0fhhore power on a long haul from sea to mainland 穿过浅滩和岛屿的电缆 A cable through mudflats and an island 在秋季风暴期间迎来激动人心的收尾工作完成5兆瓦风机机组的安装 Exciting finish between autumn storms Installation of an 5M 风机塔架——轻质坚固Jacket—light yet strong 访谈:马蒂亚斯·舒伯特(瑞能系统公司) Interview with Matthias Schube~(REpower Systems AG) 未来已经来临 The future has already begun 附录Appendix 地理位置示意图Cartographic overview 大事记Chronology 术语Glossary 图片来源Photo Credits 编后记Postscript