Introduction vi Chapter 1: The Vowel Sounds Production of Vowels The Main Vowel Soundsof American English /i/ as in meet /i/meet // as in sit //sit /e/ as in take /e/take // as in get //get /?/ as in fat /?/fat // as in father //father // as in fun //fun //as in saw //saw /o/ as in boat /o/boat // as in good //good /u/ as in too /u/too /r/ as in bird /r/bird /a/ as in time /a/time /a/ as in house /a/house // as in boy //boy Chapter 2: Vowels in Detail Review of // and /i/ Sounds///i/ Review of // and /?/ Sounds///?/ Review of //, //, //, and /o/ Sounds ///////o/ The Problematic o o Three Different Waysto Pronounce the Letter o o Review of /?/ versus // /?/// The American // Sound // Review of //, /?/, //, //, //, and /o/ ///?////////o/ The Problematic // Sound // Review of // and /u/ Sounds///u/ /u/ versus /ju/ /u//ju/ Review of the /r/ Sound /r/ Vowels Followed by the/r/ Sound /r/ Chapter 3: Consonants Forming AmericanConsonants Voiceless and VoicedConsonants Vowel Length andVoiced and Voiceless Consonants Stops and Continuants Chapter 4: Problematic Consonants The Various t Sounds of American English t The “Fast d” Sound d The /tr/ Sound: tr /tr/tr The /dr/ Sound: dr /dr/dr The /d/ Sound: du and d y /d/dud y The /t/ Sound: tu and t y /t/tut y Words Ending in -ed -ed The th Sound th The American /r/ /r/ The American /l/ /l/ Understanding /l/versus /r/ /l//r/