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  • 全新正版中简史(英文版)9787511739780中央编译出版社
    • 作者: 《中国共产党简史》编写组著 | 《中国共产党简史》编写组编 | 《中国共产党简史》编写组译 | 《中国共产党简史》编写组绘
    • 出版社: 中央编译出版社
    • 出版时间:2020-06-01
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    • 作者: 《中国共产党简史》编写组著| 《中国共产党简史》编写组编| 《中国共产党简史》编写组译| 《中国共产党简史》编写组绘
    • 出版社:中央编译出版社
    • 出版时间:2020-06-01
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 开本:16
    • ISBN:9787511739780
    • 版权提供:中央编译出版社
    • 作者:《中简史》编写组
    • 著:《中简史》编写组
    • 装帧:平装
    • 印次:1
    • 定价:160.00
    • ISBN:9787511739780
    • 出版社:中央编译出版社
    • 开本:16
    • 印刷时间:暂无
    • 语种:暂无
    • 出版时间:2020-06-01
    • 页数:null
    • 外部编号:11153114
    • 版次:1
    • 成品尺寸:暂无


    Chapter I The Founding of the Communist Party of China and

    Its Involvement in the Great Revolution .............................................. 1

    1. Various Forces Explore Ways to Rejuvenate China in

    Modern Times ..................................................................................... 1

    2. The May 4th Movement and the Spread of Marxism

    in China ................................................................................................ 5

    3. The Founding of the CPC and the Creation of the Platform

    of Democrati Rvotion ................................................................ 13

    4. The Rise of the First KMT-CPC Cooraio and the Climax

    of the Great Revolution ....................................................................

    5. The Northern Exdiio and the Worker and Peasant

    Movements ........................................................................................ 30

    6. The End of KMT-CPC Cooraio and the Failure of

    the Great Revolution ........................................................................ 35

    Chapter II The Agrarian Revolution .......................................................... 44

    1. Combating the Reactionary Rule of the KMT with

    Armed Struggle ................................................................................. 44

    2. Mao Zedong and a New Path for the Chinese Revolution ............. 50

    3. The Re Ays Victory against KMT Encirclement and

    Suppression Campaigns and the Establishment of Rural

    Revolutionary Bases ......................................................................... 57

    4. The September 18th Incident and the Central Re Ay

    Starting the Long March .................................................................. 66

    5. The Zunyi Meeting and the Triumph of the Red

    Armys Long March .......................................................................... 75

    6. Fighting for a Chinese United Front against

    Japanese Aggression ......................................................................... 87

    Chapter III The Mainstay of the Chinese Peoples Resistance

    against Japanese Aggression ................................................................. 94

    1. The Formulation of the Partys Line of Resisting Japan on

    All Fronts and Strategy of Protracted War .................................... 94

    2. Carrying out Guerrilla Warfare behind Enemy Lines and

    Maintaining the CPCs Independence and Initiative

    in the United Front ......................................................................... 101

    3. Upholding the Principles of Resistance, Unity,

    and Progress .................................................................................... 108

    4. Consolidating Resistance Base Areas and Carrying Forward

    the Democratic Resistance Movement ......................................... 118

    5. Strengthening Party Building, Advancing the Adaption

    of Marxism to the Chinese Context, and Launching a

    Rectification Movement ................................................................. 127

    6. The Seventh National Congress of the CPC, the Establishment

    of Mao Zedong Thought as the Guiding Ideology of

    the Party, and Final Victory in the War of Resistance against

    Japanese Aggression ....................................................................... 134

    Chapter IV The Struggle for Nationwide Victory in

    the New-Democrati Rvotion ........................................................ 144

    1. Peace Negotiations in Chongqing and the Struggle

    for Peace and Democracy .............................................................. 144

    2. Victory against the KMTs Offensive and the Formation of

    a Second Front ................................................................................. 151

    3. The Peoples Liberation Army Shifts to the Strategic Offensive..... 156

    4. Formulating and Implementing the Program for Nationwide

    Victory and Consolidating and Expanding the Peoples

    Democratic United Front ............................................................... 161

    5. The Decisive Battles and the Downfall of the Reactionary

    KMT Regime .................................................................................... 168

    6. The Second Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee

    of the CPC and Preparation for the Establishment

    of the New China ............................................................................ 178

    Chapter V The Founding of the Peoples Republic of China

    and the Establishment of the Socialist System ................................ 188

    1. The Founding of the Peoples Republic of China and the

    Consolidation of the Nascent Reign of the People ..................... 188

    2. The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, Land

    System Reform, and Other Democratic Reforms ....................... 199

    3. Restoration of the National Economy and the Expansion of

    Pursuits in Development ............................................................... 210

    4. The Partys General Line for the Transitional Period and the

    Beginning of Large-Scale Planned Economic Development ...... 222

    5. The Comlio of Socialist Transformation and

    the Establishment of the Socialist System ................................... 228

    Chapter VI Explorations and Setbacks in Socialist Development .....

    1. The Eighth National Congress of the CPC and a Strong

    Start to Chinese Socialist Development .......................................

    2. Arduous Explorations on the Socialist Road .................................. 246

    3. Socialist Development amid Twists and Turns .............................. 264

    Chapter VII A Turning Point in History and the Beginning of

    Socialism with Chinese Characteristics ............................................ 280

    1. The Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee:

    A Turning Point in History ........................................................... 281

    2. Comlig the Task of Setting Things Right................................. 291

    3. Rural Reform, the Creation of Special Economic Zones,

    and the Beginning of Reform and Opening Up ......................... 297

    4. The 12th National Party Congress and Full-Scale Socialist

    Modernization ................................................................................. 310

    5. The 13th National Party Congress and the Establishment of

    the Partys Basic Line in the Primary Stage of Socialism ........... 328

    6. Adjustments to the National Defense Strategy .............................. 335

    7. Conception of One Country, Two Systems ..................................... 337

    8. Adjustments to Foreign Policy ......................................................... 341

    9. Weathering Political Disturbances and Comlig Economic

    Rectification ..................................................................................... 344

    10. Deng Xiaopings Southern Talks .................................................... 357

    Chapter VIII The Launch of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics

    into the 21st Century ............................................................................. 363

    1. The 14th National Congress of the CPC and the Establishment

    of the Socialist Market Economy .................................................. 364

    2. Stronger Macro Regulation and a Soft Landing for Economic

    Growth.............................................................................................. 370

    3. The 15th National Congress of the CPC, Confirmation of

    Deng Xiaoping Theory as the Partys Guiding Ideology, and

    Deeper Progress in Reform and Opening Up ............................. 373

    4. The Formulation and Implementation of Cross-Century

    Development Strategies ................................................................. 386







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