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Chapter 1 Cutting Tool
1.1 Definitions in metal cutting
1.l.1 Cutting and feeding motion
1.1.2 Cutting motion
1.1.3 Feeding motion
1.1.4 c ngagement of the cutting edge
1.2 Brief introduction to the Cutting Tool
1.2.1 Distinguishing the surfaces of a cutting tool
1.2.2 The reference system to mark the tool angles
1.. Marked angles of the cutting tool
1.2.4 The working angles of cutting tools
1.2.5 Working angles considering the feed motion
1.2.6 Working angles considering the tool setup
1.2.7 Parameters of the cutting layer and cutting mode
1.3 Cutting tool material
1.3.1 Technological aspects of the materials for cutting tools
1.4 Developing trends
Chapter 2 Metal Cutting Theory
2.1 Plastic deformation in metal cutting
2.I.1 Basic deformation in the metal cutting process
2.1.2 Model of chip formation
2.2 Rules in cutting force, heat and temperature
2.2.1 Forces on the cutting tool according to Ernst-Merchant model
2.2.2 Inclined cutting
2.. Measurement of cutting force and establishment of experimental formulas
2.2.4 Thermal aspects of the cutting process
. Rules in tool wear
..1 Cutting tool wear phenomena and their cause
..2 Wear criteria for determining the duration
.. The Taylors law
..4 The extended Taylors law
..5 The tools law (Kronenberg)
2.4 Utilization of cutting theory
2.4.1 The Machinability of workpieee material /4
2.4.2 Principles for selecting cutting regimes
2.4.3 Principles for selecting tool angles
2.5 High speed cutting
2.5.1 Historical remarks
2.6 Developing trends
Chapter 3 Process Planning
3.1 Some terminologies in process planning
3.1.1 Process of product
3.1.2 Part process
3.2 Production type and its impact on process planning
3.2.1 Production expectation
3.2.2 Production type
3.. The impact of production type on process planning
3.2.4 Machinability analysis
3.3 The location of the workpiece
3.3.1 The movement of an object in space
3.3.2 6-point location principle
3.3.3 Decide the degree of freedom of workpiece
3.3.4 Several situations of location
3.4 Select the positioning reference
3.4.1 Categorize the positioning reference
3.4.2 Select the locating surface
3.5 Different methods of workpiece location
3.5.1 Manual location
3.5.2 Marking out
3.5.3 Positioning with fixture
3.6 Design process routine
3.6.1 The format of process sheet
3.6.2 The function of process routine
3.6.3 Procedures of process planning
3.6.4 Key issues in process planning
3.6.5 Plan the metal removal
3.7 Dimensional chains
3.7.1 The concept of a dimensional chain
3.7.2 Classification of dimensional chains
3.7.3 The basic formula to analyze the dimensional chain
3.7.4 The application of dimensional chain in process design
3.8 Standard machining time and economic analysis
3.8.1 Standard machining time
3.8.2 Economic analysis of the process
3.9 Developing trend of process planning: computer aided process plan
Chapter 4 Machine Tool
4.1 Location of rotational parts
4.2 Turning machine
4.3 Drilling machine
4.4 Boring machine
4.5 Milling machine
4.6 Grinding machine
4.7 Non-rotational machine
4.7.1 Shaper machine
4.7.2 Gear cutting
4.8 Developing trend
4.8.1 NC Control Concept
4.8. Dprinting
Chapter 5 The Design of Jigs and Fixtures for Typical Machine Tools
5.1 An overview of jigs and fixtures
5.2 Design the Iocators
5.2.1 Typical locators
5.2.2 Location error
5.3 Design the clamping force
5.3.1 Guidelines to design the clamping force
5.3.2 The magnitude of clamping force
5.3.3 Design the clamping device
5.4 Design jigs or fixtures for rotational surfaces
5.4.1 The main positioning principle of rotational surface
5.4.2 Fixture and attachment on lathe
5.4.3 Drilling jigs
5.4.4 Boring jigs
5.5 Fixtures in grinding machine
5.6 Design jigs and fixtures for non-rotational surfaces
5.6.1 Location methods for non-rotational workpiece
5.6.2 Milling fixture
5.6.3 Grinding fixture for non-rotational parts
5.7 Jig and fixture development
5.8 Process design for some typical parts
5.8.1 Process analysis of shafts ( shafts as a case stuely)
5.8.2 Machining process of box-type parts
Chapter 6 Machining Accuracy
6, 1 Basic concept of machining accuracy
6.1.1 Machining accuracy and machining error
6.1.2 Methods of studying machining accuracy
6.2 Factors affetig achining accuracy
6.2.1 Original errors of machining principle
6.2.2 Original errors of machine tool
6.. The error caused b te eformation of machining system
6.2.4 Thermal deformation
6.2.5 Deformation caused by residual stress
6.3 Statistical analysis of machining errors
6.3.1 Classification of machining errors
6.3.2 Statistical process control
6.3.3 Point control charts
6.4 Methods to improve the machining accuracy
6.,4.1 Directly reduce the error
6.4.2 Error compensation
6.4.3 Error grouping
6.4.4 Error transfer method
6.4.5 "Machining on spot
6.4.6 Error average
6.4.7 Error compensation
6.5 The developing trend of machining accuracy
Chapter 7 lities of Machined Surface
7.1 Machined surface quality
7.1.1 Definition of machined surface quality
7.1.2 Influence of surface qualities on the performances of machinery components
7.2 Roughness of machined surface
7.2.1 Roughness of machined surface
7.2.2 Surface roughness in grinding
7.3 Physical and mechanical properties of machined surface layer
7.3.1 Work-hardening of machined surface layer
7.3.2 Phase variation of machined surface layer
7.3.3 Residual stress in machined surface layer
7.4 Technical approach for controlling machined surface quality
7.4.1 Technical approach for reducing residual stress, preventing grinding burn
and grinding cracks
7.4.2 Adoptin ol-press strengthening techniques
7.4.3 Adopting precision machining and finishing oraios
7.5 Vibration and chatter in machining oraios
7.5.1 Conceptions and types of vibration
7.5.2 Forced vibration in machining
7.5.3 Self-excited vibration in machining
7.5.4 Guidelines for restraining the technical system vibration
7.6 The developing trend of surface qualities