- 商品参数
- 作者:
- 出版社:图书其它
- 出版时间:2006
- 页数:以实物为准
- ISBN:9780182395914
- 版权提供:图书其它
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书名:Empire of the Sun 太阳帝国
作者:J.G. Ballard詹姆斯·格雷厄姆·巴拉德
商品尺寸:13 x 2.1 x 19.7 cm
页数:352 (以实物为准)
Empire of the Sun《太阳帝国》是英国作家詹姆斯·格雷厄姆·巴拉德的自传体小说,曾入围英国布克奖评选,获得卫报小说奖和詹姆斯·泰特·布莱克纪念奖。1987年,著名导演史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格以此书为蓝本翻拍成电影。
2. 名列20世纪100部优秀的小说前20名,被誉为英国描写战争很好的小说;
3. 英文原版,内容无删减,纸质护眼。
The classic, heartrending story of a British boy’s four year ordeal in a Japanese prison camp during the Second World War. Newly reissued with an introduction by John Lanchester.
Based on J. G. Ballard’s own childhood, this is the extraordinary account of a boy’s life in Japanese-occupied wartime Shanghai—a mesmerising, hypnotically compelling novel of war, of starvation and survival, of internment camps and death marches. It blends searing honesty with an almost hallucinatory vision of a world thrown utterly out of joint.
Rooted as it is in the author’s own disturbing experience of war in our time, it is one of a handful of novels by which the twentieth century will be not only remembered but judged.
This edition is part of a new commemorative series of Ballard’s works, featuring introductions from a number of his admirers (including Zadie Smith, Rivka Galchen, Hari Kunzru and Martin Amis) and brand-new cover designs from the artist Stanley Donwood.
“An extraordinary achievement.” — Angela Carter
“A remarkable journey into the mind of a growing boy… horror and humanity are blended into a unique and unforgettable fiction.” —Sunday Times
“Remarkable… form, content and style fuse with complete success… one of the great war novels of the 20th century.” — William Boyd
“Gripping and remarkable… I have never read a novel which gave me a stronger sense of the blind helplessness of war… unforgettable.” —Observer
“A brilliant fusion of history, autobiography and imaginative speculation. An incredible literary achievement and almost intolerably moving.” — Anthony Burgess
In this highly autobiographical novel, the protagonist, a boy named Jim, is interred in a Japanese prisoner-of-war camp in China during World War II—separated from his parents, and forced to struggle for survival in an alien world. The story culminates in the dropping of the atomic bomb on Nagasaki
巴拉德五十年代参与科学杂志编辑,开始发表短篇小说。一九六二年,他首部重要的长篇小说《淹没的世界》(The Drowned World)出版。他获得好评的代表作,包括《暴行展示》(The Atrocity Exhibition)、《撞车》(Crash)和《太阳帝国》(Empire of the Sun)等。自传体小说《太阳帝国》曾入围英国布克奖评选,获得卫报小说奖和詹姆斯·泰特·布莱克纪念奖,由著名导演斯蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格于一九八七年搬上银幕;《撞车》由加拿大导演大卫·克罗伯格拍成电影,赢得一九九六年戛纳国际电影节特别大奖。
J. G. Ballard was born in 1930 in Shanghai. After internment in a civilian prison camp, his family returned to England in 1946. His 1984 bestsellerEmpire of the Sun won the Guardian Fiction Prize and the James Tait Black Memorial Prize. His controversial novelCrash was made into a film by David Cronenberg. His autobiographyMiracles of Life was published in 2008, and a collection of interviews with the author,Extreme Metaphors, was published in 2012. J. G. Ballard passed away in 2009.
The Eve of Pearl Harbor
Wars came early to Shanghai, overtaking each other like the tides that raced up the Yangtze and returned to this gaudy city all the coffins cast adrift from the funeral piers of the Chinese Bund. Jim had begun to dream of wars. At night the same silent films seemed to flicker against the wall of his bedroom in Amherst Avenue, and transformed his sleeping mind into a deserted newsreel
theater. During the winter of 1941 everyone in Shanghai was showing war films. Fragments of his dreams followed Jim around the city; in the foyers of the department stores and hotels the images of Dunkirk and Tobruk, Barbarossa and the Rape of Nanking sprang loose from his crowded head. To Jim's dismay, even the Dean of Shanghai Cathedral had equipped himself with an antique projector. After morning service on Sunday, December 7, the eve of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the choirboys were stopped before they could leave for home and were marched down to the crypt. Still wearing their cassocks, they sat in a row of deck chairs requisitioned from the Shanghai Yacht Club and watched a year-old March of Time.
Thinking of his unsettled dreams, and puzzled by their missing sound track, Jim tugged at his ruffed collar. The organ voluntary drummed like a headache through the cement roof, and the screen trembled with the familiar images of tank battles and aerial dogfights.
Jim was eager to prepare for the fancy-dress Christmas party being held that afternoon by Dr Lockwood, the vice-chairman of the British Residents’ Association. There would be the river through the Japanese lines to Hungjao, and then Chinese conjurors, fireworks and yet more newsreels, but Jim had his own reasons for wanting to go to Dr Lockwood’s party.![]()