正版 血之罪(西班牙文版) 何家弘 五洲传播出版社 9787508527475
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China's contemporary literature (Spanish) has achieved great success. Since the 80s of the 20th century, many talented writers have been offering their excellent works. The best example is Mo Yan, winner of the Nobel Prize of Literature in 2012. In the collection “Jewels of China Contemporary Literature”, we have selected a number of works of Chinese prestigious writers to present to the Hispanic readers. Through these books, you can know the different styles and trends in China's contemporary literature, witness the historical and social changes that this country is living and enter into the spiritual world of Chinese people. With this collection, we offer 400 million Spanish-speaking readers the best literature of modern China and share the joy of reading with them.
《血之罪》是一本研究犯罪心理的书籍。主要内容:物欲横流,方显爱情之纯洁;邪恶当道,才现善良之美丽。情爱高雅,促人攀上道德之峰巅;性爱低俗,诱人堕入罪恶之深渊。人们应该抛开深奥的哲理以及喋喋不休的争论。人们应该直接进入对罪犯人体和心理方面的研究,并将这种研究成果与正常人和精神病人的情况进行比较。这是一部很有价值的心理学参考书。Ten years earlier, in 1984, on a state farm in the brutally icy, rural northeast of China, local beauty Li Hongmei was raped and murdered. There were two suspects and whilst one disappeared, the other confessed making it a seemingly open and shut case. But now it looks like the wrong man may have been sent down for the crime. His newly-rich brother is prepared to pay whatever it takes to clear his name and he thinks Hong Jun is the right man for the job.In a quest for justice, Hong Jun returns to the sins of the past and delves deep into the sleazy underbelly of China's corrupt legal system. When he stumbles upon what appears to be official complicity in a cover-up he must challenge those who hold the rule of law secondary to personal ambition and the whims of local officials to solve a case shrouded in both mystery and treachery and one that ambiguously alludes to the ancient legends of the Heilongjiang Mountains where the murder took place.
China’s contemporary literature (Spanish) has achieved great success. Since the 80s of the 20th century, many talented writers have been offering their excellent works. The best example is Mo Yan, winner of the Nobel Prize of Literature in 2012. In the collection “Jewels of China Contemporary Literature”, we have selected a number of works of Chinese prestigious writers to present to the Hispanic readers. Through these books, you can know the different styles and trends in China’s contemporary literature, witness the historical and social changes that this country is living and enter into the spiritual world of Chinese people. With this collection, we offer 400 million Spanish-speaking readers the best literature of modern China and share the joy of reading with them.