本书依据原著《Chemistry:Principles and Reactions》进行删减编排后,总体情况与我国医学类院校的化学教材贴近,利于被选择使用。本教材分为15章,从内容选取范围、难易度把控、体系框架编排等方面,循序渐进、由浅入深,前后内容关联适当。除了原版教材丰富的图、表、延伸阅读等内容外,教材每章后的Chemistry Beyond the classroom、Key Concepts、Key equation、Key Terms、Summary Problem等板块,言简意赅、条理清晰明确。
1 Atoms 1
1-1 Atoms and the Atomic Theory 1
1-2 Components of the Atom 2
The Human Side: John Dalton 3
1-3 Quantitative Properties of the Atom 5
1-4 Introduction to the Periodic Table 11
Beyond The Classroom: Mastering the Peri’god’ic Table 14
Summary Problems 16
Questions and Problems 16
2 Electronic Structure and the Periodic Table 19
2-1 Light, Photon Energies, and Atomic Spectra 20
2-2 The Hydrogen Atom 25
2-3 Quantum Numbers 28
2-4 Atomic Orbitals; Shapes and Sizes 32
2-5 Electron Configurations in Atoms 33
The Human Side: Glenn Theodore Seaborg 37
2-6 Orbital Diagrams of Atoms 38
2-7 Electron Arrangements in Monatomic Ions 40
2-8 Periodic Trends in the Properties of Atoms 43
Beyond The Classroom: Why Do Lobsters Turn Red When Cooked 47
Summary Problems 49
Questions and Problems 49