[正版新书]通用学术英语综合教程:思辨与国际学术交流 熊红萍、潘兴惠、郭赛君 清华大学出版社 大学英语;学术交流
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书名: | 通用学术英语综合教程:思辨与国际学术交流 |
出版社: | 清华大学出版社 |
出版日期 | 2023 |
ISBN号: | 9787302640769 |
《通用学术英语综合教程:思辨与国际学术交流》分为三部分:思辨和学术思维、批判性阅读和学术写作、国际学术会议。第一部分 聚焦于培养学生的高层次思维能力,介绍思辨技巧、工具和方法,并探讨它们在学术语境中的运用;第二部分介绍学术论文的甄选、阅读、分析、评价和写作方法;第三部分关注国际 学术会议,涵盖会议征稿、发言、海报展示和做笔记等环节。本书采用思辨英语教学理念,以思辨技能的运用和实践为主线,将思维与学术英语有机衔接,培养学生的解读、分析、评 价、推理、解释、论证和表达能力,以期提高其综合学术素养。教材配有立体化教学资源,充分赋能翻转课堂、线上线下混合式教学和自主学习。 《通用学术英语综合教程:思辨与国际学术交流》读者对象为研究生或者英语基础较好的本科生。 |
熊红萍,武汉大学外语学院副教授,博士,波士顿大学访问学者。主要研究方向为英美文学与文化,英语教育。主编教材2部,参编教材6部。作为核心成员参加国家社科基金项目1项,国家级精品课程项目2项,校级项目2项,主持校级教学改革和科研项目4项。在《外国文学研究》、《中国比较文学》、《解放军外国语学院学报》等学术期刊发表文章10余篇。从事大学英语本科和研究生教学多年,讲授《大学英语》、《硕士英语》、《学术英语》、《欧美文艺思潮》等课程。曾获武汉大学研究生学术创新奖一等奖,湖北省外国文学学会第八届科研成果奖论文类一等奖,武汉大学外语学院大英部青年教师讲课比赛一等奖,武汉大学本科教学质量优秀奖等奖项。 |
基于武汉大学硕士英语改革课程设计,以学生需求和兴趣为导向,以培养学生学术思维和学术能力、提升其国际学术传播力为目标,具有高阶性、挑战性、实用性、创新性。 |
Contents PART 1 Critical Thinking CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Critical Thinking…………………………2 1 Definition……………2 2 Intellectual standards……………5 2.1 Clarity…………………………………………………………………6 2.2 Accuracy………8 2.3 Relevance ……………………………………………………………11 2.4 Depth……12 2.5 Breadth ……………………13 2.6 Fairness………………14 3 Elements of thought ………………………16 3.1 Purpose, goal, or objective…………………………17 3.2 Questions……19 3.3 Information……………19 3.4 Inferences ……………20 3.5 Assumptions …………21 3.6 Points of view……………………23 3.7 Concepts and theories………………………………………………24 3.8 Implications and consequences …………25 CHAPTER 2 Basics of Arguments…………………………………………28 1 Definition of arguments……………………………28 2 Structure of arguments ………………32 2.1 Identifying premises and the conclusion………………………………33 2.2 Identifying hidden premises………34 2.3 Puting arguments in standard form……………………………………37 2.4 Analyzing complex arguments………………………………………39 3 From evidence to caim…………42 3.1 Defining evidence……………………………………………………42 3.2 Evaluating evidence ……………………44 3.3 Linking evidence to claim…47 3.4 Qualifying the claim…50 4 Counterarguments and rebuttals………52 4.1 Why include counterarguments?……………………………………52 4.2 How to address counterarguments?…………………53 CHAPTER 3 Written Arguments………………………………………59 1 Focusing the topic…………………60 2 Formulating the thesis………64 3 Planning the argument…………………………………………………69 3.1 Aligning the structure with the argument type…………………………69 3.2 Finding the right order for major points………………………………74 4 Developing body paragraphs……………………77 5 Introducing and concluding the argument…………………………………81 5.1 Introduction……………81 5.2 Conclusion………………………………………………………84 6 Creating logical flow………………………………86 6.1 Using transitional words or phrases………………………………88 6.2 Using pointing words ……………89 6.3 Repeating…………………90 CHAPTER 4 Deductive and Inductive Arguments ……………………94 1 Deductive reasoning………………………94 1.1 Defining and evaluating deductive arguments …………………………94 1.2 Common forms of deductive arguments……………………………96 2 Inductive reasoning…………99 2.1 Defining and evaluating inductive arguments…………………………100 2.2 Common types of inductive arguments……………………………101 3 Key distinctions between deductive and inductive arguments ……………105 4 Fallacious arguments…108 4.1 Appeal to emotion…………………………………………………109 4.2 Bandwagon………110 4.3 Circular reasoning………………………………………………110 4.4 False analogy……………111 4.5 Hasty generalization………………………………………………112 4.6 Red herring……………………112 4.7 False cause………………………………………………………113 CHAPTER 5 Logical Reasoning in Scientific Research………………116 1 Deduction and induction in research………………………116 1.1 Deductive research approach………………………………116 1.2 Inductive research approach………………………………………118 1.3 Hypothetico-deductive approach…………………………………121 2 Inference to the best explanation…………………………………………122 3 Research methods: qualitative and quantitative…………………………127 3.1 Qualitative research……………128 3.2 Quantitative research……………130 3.3 Mixed methods…………………………………………………135 PART 2 Critical Reading and Academic Writing CHAPTER 6 Overview……………………………………………………140 1 Critical reading and academic writing……………………………………140 2 Stages of writing a research paper………………………………………142 CHAPTER 7 Research Papers…………………………………………146 1 Title ……147 1.1 Features of the title……147 1.2 Forms of the title………………………………………………………149 2 Abstract………………150 2.1 Types of abstracts………………………150 2.2 Components of the Abstract……152 2.3 Writing style of the Abstract…………………………………………153 2.4 High-frequency words and phrases………………………………154 3 Introduction…………………………………155 3.1 Components of the Introduction……………………………………155 3.2 General-specific structure…………………………………………160 4 Literature Review………………163 4.1 How to review literature?…………………………………………163 4.2 How to organize the Literature Review?……………………………167 4.3 Theoretical framework……168 5 Methods……………………………………171 5.1 Components of the Methods………171 5.2 How to organize the Methods?……………175 5.3 How to justify the methods?……………176 6 Results ……178 6.1 Components of the Results……………179 6.2 How to organize the Results?………………………………………181 6.3 How to present the data in the Results? ……………………………182 7 Discussion…………183 7.1 Components of the Discussion……………………………………184 7.2 How to present the limitations of the study?…………………………189 8 Conclusions………………………191 9 Acknowledgments……………………………………………………193 10 References………194 11 Appendix ……………194 CHAPTER 8 Finding, Evaluating, and Recording Sources…………197 1 Finding sources…………………198 1.1 Types of sources ……………………198 1.2 How to find sources?………………200 2 Evaluating sources……………………………………………………205 2.1 Evaluating the source itself ………………………205 2.2 Evaluating the content of the source………………………………209 3 Annotated bibliography ……………………………211 3.1 Types of annotations………………………………………………211 3.2 Writing styles of annotated bibliography ……………………………215 CHAPTER 9 Reading a Paper Critically ………………………………216 1 Reading a research paper efficiently………………………………217 1.1 Analyzing the title and interrogating the abstract……………………217 1.2 Reading for general understanding…………………………………219 1.3 Focusing on a particular section for particular information…………221 2 Reading a research paper critically……………………………………223 2.1 Reading critically for in-depth understanding……………………224 2.2 Reading critically for appraisal ……………………………………226 2.3 Writing critical appraisal ……………237 3 Taking quality notes…………………………………………………241 3.1 Methods of note-taking…………………………………………242 3.2 Ways to manage notes……………………………………………244 CHAPTER 10 Using Sources and Avoiding Plagiarism………………248 1 Using sources effectively and appropriately……………………………248 1.1 What is source use? …………………248 1.2 Citations,reference list, and style …………………………………250 1.3 Source use steps………………252 1.4 How to use sources effectively and appropriately?…………………255 1.5 When to references?………………………………………………258 2 Avoiding plagiarism …………………………………………………259 2.1 What is plagiarism?……………………………………259 2.2 How to avoid plagiarism?…………262 CHAPTER 11 Incorporating Sources…………………………………265 1 How to incorporate sources?……………………………………………265 1.1 The toolbox……………………………………………………265 1.2 Guidelines for incorporating sources properly…………………266 1.3 Some language features…………………………………………267 1.4 The anatomy of a source use example…………………268 2 Quoting properly…………………………………………………………270 2.1 When to use direct quotations? ……………271 2.2 Limits on direct quotations……………………272 2.3 Principles for quoting……………………………………………272 3 Paraphrasing properly…………………………………………………273 3.1 Features of proper paraphrase ………………………………………273 3.2 Text transformation in paraphrasing………………………………274 3.3 Appropriate use of source text………………………………………279 4 Summarizing properly …………282 4.1 How to summarize properly?………………………………………283 4.2 How to write a summary that suits your need?……………………284 5 Synthesizing properly…………………285 5.1 What is synthesizing?…………285 5.2 How to synthesize properly?……………………………………286 PART 3 Academic Conferences CHAPTER 12 Calls for Papers…………………………………………292 1 Academic conferences and calls for papers………………………………292 2 Information contained in a CFP…294 3 Tips on finding CFPs……………………296 4 Avoiding predatory conferences…………298 4.1 What are predatory conferences?………………………………………298 4.2 How to avoid predatory conferences?………………………………299 5 Responding to a CFP………………301 5.1 Differences between conference abstract and conference proposal……301 5.2 Differences between article abstract and conference abstract proposal….302 5.3 Writing a conference abstract/proposal……………………………303 CHAPTER 13 Oral Presentation of an Academic Paper ……………307 1 Planning oral presentations……………………………………………308 1.1 Preliminary preparation………………309 1.2 Content preparaticn……………………………………………310 1.3 Structure of oral presentations…………………………………311 1.4 Language used in oral presentations …………………………………319 2 Making slides …………321 2.1 Speaking instead of showing slides…………………………………321 2.2 Striving for simplicity ……………………………………………322 2.3 Structuring the slides………………………………………………322 2.4 Maintaining consistency…………………………………………324 2.5 Using appropriate non-textual formats……………………………324 2.6 Selecting appropriate fonts…………………………………………325 2.7 Using color judiciously …………325 3 Delivering presentations………………325 3.1 Anxiety management ……………………………………………326 3.2 Vocal delivery……………………………………………………327 3.3 Visual delivery…………………329 CHAPTER 14 Poster Presentation of an Academic Paper …………335 1 Academic posters……………………………………………335 2 Differences between oral and poster presentations………………………336 3 Significance of poster presentations……………………………………337 4 Basic steps of poster presentations………………338 4.1 Selecting content ………………………………………………338 4.2 Designing the poster……………………………………………345 4.3 Presenting effectively……………………………………………352 CHAPTER 15 Taking Notes at Conferences …………………………357 1 Why take notes at conferences? ……………357 2 What makes good notes?…………358 3 Common note-taking methods ……………359 3.1 The outlining method ……………………………………360 3.2 The mind-mapping method………………………………………361 3.3 The Cornell method………………………………………………362 3.4 The charting method……………………………………………364 4 Which note-taking method is the best? ……………………………365 |