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Foreword Ⅰ
前言二 Foreword Ⅱ
凡例 Guide to the Use of the Dictionary
基础理论 Fundamental Theories
精气学说 Theory of Essential i
阴阳学说 Yin-Yang Theory
五行学说 Theory of the Five Elements/Phases
天人相应 Correspondence between Nature and Human
脏腑 Zang-Fu Organs
官窍和形体 Sense Organs and Other Body Structures
气、血、、津 i, Blood, Essence, and Body Fluids
病因 Cause of Disease
病机 Mechanism of Disease
诊断学 Diagnostics
诊法 Diagnostic Methods
辨 Synoe Differentiation(Pattern Identification)
八纲辨 Eight-principle Synoe Differentiation(Eight-principle Pattern Identification)
六经辨 Six-meridian/channel Synoe Differentiation(Six-meridian/channel Pattern Identification)
卫气营血辨 Defense-qi-nutrient-blood Synoe Differentiation(Defense-qi-nutrient-blood Pattern Identification)
三焦辨 Triple-energizer Synoe Differentiation(Triple-energizer Pattern Identification)
气血辨 i-blood Synoe Differentiation(i-blood Pattern Identification)
津液辨 Body Fluid Synoe Differentiation(Body Fluid Patern Identification)
病因辨 Disease-cause Synoe Differentiation(Disease-cause Pattern Identification)
脏腑辨 Visceral Synoe Differentiation(Visceral Pattern Identification)
经络辨 Meridian/Channel Synoe Differentiation(Meridian/Channel Pattern Identification)
治疗学 Therapeutics
治则 Therapeutic Principles
治法 Therapeutic Methods
学 Chinese Pharmaceutics
的炮制、能和剂型 Processing, Properties and Dosage Forms of Chinese Medicinals/Drugs
的分类 Classification of Chinese Medicinals/Drugs
常用的 Commonly Used Chinese Medicinals/Drugs
解表药 Exterior-releasing Medicinals/Drugs
止咳化痰平喘药 Antitussives, Expectorants and Antiasthmatics
清热药 Heat-clearing Medicinals/Drugs
祛风湿药 Wind-dampness-dispelling Medicinals/Drugs(Antirheumatics)
温里药 Interior-warming Medicinals/Drugs
芳香化湿药 Fragrant Dampness-resolving Medicinals/Drugs
利尿逐水药 Diuretics and Hydragogues
理气药 i-regulating Medicinals/Drugs
理血药 Blood-regulating Medicinals/Drugs
芳香开窍药 Aromatic Stimulants
安神药 Tranquilizers
平肝熄风药 Liver-pacifying and Wind-extinguishing Medicinals/Drugs
补养药 Tonics
固涩药 Astringents and Hemostatics
消导药 Digestives and Evacuants
泻下药 Purgatives
驱虫药 Anthelmintics
外用药 Medicinals/Drugs for External Use
方剂 Formulas
成药 Patent Medicines/Drugs
针灸学 Acupuncture and Moxibustion
经络 Meridians/Channels and Colaterals
俞穴 Acupoints
针法 Acupuncture
灸法及由针刺演变之疗法 Moxibustion and Other Techniques Derive fo Acupuncture
疗法与保健 Other Therapies and Health Preservation
推拿按摩 Tuina and Massage
气功 igong
保健 Health Preservation
临床各科 Clinical Medicine
温病 Warm Diseases
内科 Internal Medicine
妇产科 Gynecology and Obstetrics
儿科 Pediatrics
外科 External Medicine
眼科 Ophthalmology
耳鼻喉科 Otorhinolaryngology
口齿科 Stomatology and Dentistry
骨伤科 Traumato-orthopedics
医学史 Medical History
名医 Distinguished Physicians
名著 Leading Chinese Medical Works
附录 Appendix
中医名词术语中常用字的字义、英译及例 Commonly Used Chinese Characters in TCM Terminologies:Their Meanings English Translations and Examples
索引 Indices
中文笔画索引 Chinese Character Stroke Index
中文拼音索引 Chinese Character Phonetic Index
引文索引 Index of Citations
英文索引 Index of Terms in English
后记 Afterword
谢竹藩教授一直致力于中医靠前学术交流和靠前推广,用英文编著出版了众多中医专著,包括《中医内科学》(Traditional Chinese Internal Medicine)、《实用中医学》(Practical Traditional Chinese Medicine)等,其中多部专著还被译为德文、葡萄牙文和意大利文等文字,对中医文化的靠前推广产生了重要影响。